OF: Assumption Order of Worship
  • cdruiz
    Posts: 26
    Thanks to Aristotle for the inspiration to create an order of worship.
    We managed to weasel our way into chanting the Mass on Aug. 15.

    Prudence dictated a number of things, including avoiding a "sea of notes" in the order of worship. The idea is to try to minimize the blowback as much as possible.

    The Introit, Alleluia, and Communion propers will be from the plainchant gradual (those Gregorian melodies set to English work rather well!)
    The Offertory is from SEP. The Communion proper's psalm verses will be from SEP and used as needed. They blend incredibly well, as expected.

    The Responsorial Psalm will be Jeff Ostrowski's.

    The Ordinary will include Kyrie VIII in Greek, Glory to God (Heritage Mass - Alstott), Sanctus XVIII in Latin, Mortem Tuam (Latin), Our Father (Snow...prudence), Agnus Dei XVIII in Latin.
  • cdruiz
    Posts: 26
    Here is the second attempt at attaching the order of worship.
  • Lovely order of worship. And you are singing some very lovely motets as well as the chanting! Praying that it all goes splendidly.