Blessings on The Transfiguration of the Lord and New priests in our diocese
  • miacoyne
    Posts: 1,805
    This morning our schola sang for the Mass on the Transfiguration of the Lord. Propers from SEP (for the first time in this parish !) and Latin Ordinaries (setting VIII). This is a parish where contemporary music is dominant and don't hear Latin chant on Sundays.

    A new young priest celebrated today's Mass, and during the homily he talked about how we pray at the Mass, and about chanting and the schola. "Like those apostles who were up on the mountain, we are elevated through chant and Latin, something separated from normal and casual for Holy Mass," he said. ( He was also very happy to see SEP when I showed to him.)

    It was a beautiful Mass, and many people came to us to express their appreciation. We did very simple chants, and our chanting may not have been the best one yet, (could use a better phrasing and stress the right syllables) but the congregation showed deep gratitude. We are still facing uphills, but we keep going, and God's grace is pouring out on us. I'm very thankful especially to those priests who help the congregation to experience the Holy Mass in a deeper level.

    In another parish we also have a new priest, who recently joined from Anglican church. He chanted his prayers so beautifully and supported the schola's chanting.
    And there's another priest I know who recently learned to celebrate EF Mass and starting it in September. (although it's an hour away from here, this is a very good news and not an usual one in our diocese)

    I wanted to share good news with people here especially those who might be facing difficulties. The Church's 'reform of the reform' is spreading, and I trust God will do great things through a small number of faithful servants.

    I also want to thank you CMAA for all the support you provide through Colloquium, Chant books, Forum...
  • rollingrj
    Posts: 350
    Mia, thank you for this update.

    Knowing another brick has been placed is heartwarming.

    Progress is the best encouragement.
  • Thank you for the encouragement, Mia!
  • I wish I could say the same for my little corner of South Texas. The Diocese chose to tack on its anniversary celebration (a month and three days late) to the Feast of the Transfiguration (which the bishop briefly mentioned in his homily). The music was horrible. It was all OCP and the parts of the Mass were ilicit. The music did not even reflect the fact that this was the Feast of the Transfiguration.

    I was too upset to go and wound up listening to it while I was getting my hair dyed. If you want to listen to what was used, go to: and click on the link regarding the Mass.

    I am happy that the OP had a wonderful experience.