Feast of the Precious Blood
  • henrik.hank
    Posts: 103
    Pax et bonum!
    What is the Gregorian chant for the feast of the Precious Blood?
  • marajoymarajoy
    Posts: 783
    Could you be more specific? The Gregorian chant for which part exactly of the Mass?
  • Chris AllenChris Allen
    Posts: 150
    Introit: Redemisti nos
    Gradual: Hic est qui venit
    Alleluia: Si testamentum
    Offertory: Calix benedictionis
    Communion: Christus semel oblatus est

    You'll find them starting on p. 536 of the '61 Graduale Romanum.
  • henrik.hank
    Posts: 103
    where can a find a recording of these chants?
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,229
    Here's one source: a CD produced at St. John Cantius parish in Chicago.