Easter: what did you hear / play / conduct ?
  • He is Risen!
  • He is risen indeed! Alleluya!

    At Walsingham was heard
    Processional - 'Easter Hymn'
    Introit & other propers - AU Gradual (with plainchant sequence done in the right place)
    Psalm - in directum to Anglican chant
    Vidi aqaum after renewal of vows - Anglican chant
    Offertory anthem - Surgens Jesus - Peter Philips
    Communion anthem - Haec dies - William Byrd
    Communion hymn - Thou art the way, to thee alone - 'St. James'
    Hymn at the Dismissal - The day of resurrection - 'Ellacombe' (not my favourite! 'St Albinus' IS!)
    Organ voluntary - Bach Prelude and Fugue in G-Major

    (Also - we inaugurated a beautiful new solemn set of white vestments)

    Addendum - for any interested parties in the Houston area -
    I will be playing an Eastertide organ recital at Walsingham on the 15th at 4.00
    The program is Buxtehude's f#-minor praeludium, a Byrd Fantasia (A Voluntarie), Titelouze 'ad coenam' with chant, Walther concerto in b-minor
    Frescobaldi Toccata Quinta (Secondo LIbro), Dandrieu variations on O filii et filiae, Boyce voluntary in D, Bach Pre and Fug in b-minor
  • dad29
    Posts: 2,229
    At the EF Mass in Madison, WI: Chant Ordinary, the complete Easter Propers, with the Chant Regina Coeli as an Offertory voluntary. Organ variations on Easter Chant themes. Recessional was "Jesus Christ Is Ris'n Today".
  • dvalerio
    Posts: 341
    Jerónimos, Lisbon, Portugal


    V./ Lumen Christi R./ Deo gratias + Exsultet in Portuguese
    Six psalms in Portuguese + Sicut cervus (Graduale Romanum)
    Gloria: VIII de Angelis
    Alleluia: Confitemini (Graduale Romanum)
    Litaniae Sanctorum (Graduale Romanum)
    Aspersion: Vós que fostes batizados, F. dos Santos (= Omnes qui in Christo, in Portuguese, for 4 voices; I hope next year we will be able to sing Vidi acquam!)
    Sanctus + Agnus: VIII de Angelis
    Communion: triple Alleluia + psalm 33
    Post-communion: Regina Caeli, Karl Kempter


    Ordinary: Mass VIII de Angelis + Credo III (I hope next year we will be able to sing Lux et Origo!)
    Introit: O Senhor ressuscitou verdadeiramente, Cartageno (= Surrexit Dominus vere, in Portuguese, for 4 voices)
    Aspersion: Vós que fostes batizados, F. dos Santos (= Omnes qui in Christo, in Portuguese, for 4 voices; I hope next year we will be able to sing Vidi acquam!)
    Psalm: Este é o dia, F. dos Santos (= Haec dies, in Portuguese; I hope next year we can sing some polyphonic version thereof!)
    Alleluia: Pascha nostrum, Graduale Romanum
    Sequence: Victimae Paschali laudes, Graduale Romanum
    Communion: triple Alleluia from Easter Vigil's communion + psalm 33 (no time to rehearse another communion; I hope next year we can sing Pascha nostrum!)
    Post-communion: Regina Caeli, Karl Kempter

    Offertory + Recessional in both Masses: some beautiful Bach pieces for organ (I don't remember which ones, sorry)
  • Jeffrey Quick
    Posts: 2,086
    Immaculate Conception, Cleveland OH, noon EF:
    Prelude: Salve festa dies (chant)
    Proper: chant (Gradual and Alleluia verse psalm-toned)
    Ordinary: Stefano Bernardo, Missa Bianco e dolce cigno; Credo 1
    Motets: Byrd, Angelus Domini descendit; Haec dies (not sure whose; there's a local tradition of not including composers on the copies, to prevent prejudging)
    5 singers
  • Introit: Kelly
    Ordinary Lux et Origo. Meinrad
    Psalm : Rice
    Alleluia with Jefff Ostrowski's Mora Lapis
    Sequence : English
    Singers Sing
    Post; Regina Coeli Lotti
  • Easter Sunday Morning

    Jesus Christ Is Risen Today - arr. David Willcocks
    Kyrie - Mass for St Theresa (Healey Willan)
    Gloria - Andrews
    Psalm 118 - setting by Theodore Marier with harmonized chant verses
    Sequence - setting found in the good old Hymnal 1940
    Alleluia - Monk/Palestrina with Marier descants
    Vidi Aquam - chant
    This is the Feast of Victory - Hillert
    Holy - New Plainchant Mass by David Hurd
    Mystery of Faith - When we eat this bread... New Roman Missal text to chant
    Amen - New Plainchant Mass
    Agnus Dei - Missa I
    Pacha Nostra - setting by Healey Willan
    This Joyful Easter Day - setting by Alice Parker
    Mary, Queen of Heaven - chant
    The Day of Resurrection (ELLACOMBE) descants by Willcocks
  • St Luke's Lutheran Church, New York City

    Concerto for Organ in G Minor, Op. 4, No. 1 - George Frideric Handel
    Toccata "Athalanta" for Brass and Organ - Aurelio Bonelli
    Cantata "Christ lag in Todesbanden" (BWV 4) - Johann Sebastian Bach
    Rigaudon from "Idomenée" - André Campra

    Mass setting:
    Festival Setting of Holy Communion: Setting One
    by Robert Buckley Farlee, Mark Mummert, and Thomas Pavlechko

    Hymns (from Evangelical Lutheran Worship):
    Jesus Christ Is Risen Today (Easter Hymn)
    Christ Jesus Lay in Death's Strong Bands (Christ lag in Todesbanden)
    Christ Is Arisen (Christ ist erstanden)
    Christ the Lord Is Risen Today (Llanfair)
    At the Lamb's High Feast We Sing (Sonne der Gerechtigkeit)
    Surrexit Christus (Taizé)
    Christ the Lord Is Risen Again (Orientis partibus)
  • Sacred Heart in West Warwick, RI got this from me, my brass trio (trumpet, flugelhorn, and French horn), and small choir (SAT, plus yours truly singing bass from the console). They performed the Vigil, plus the 9:00 and 11:15 on Sunday. I played and sang the 7:30 AM by myself.

    the usual Lumen Christi and Exsultet
    Psalms corresponding to Readings 1, 2, and 3 from Respond and Acclaim
    Gloria from Mass of the Shepherds by Pietro Yon
    Alleluia from Respond and Acclaim
    Vidi Aquam / Mode VIII
    The day of Resurrection / "Ellacombe"
    Sanctus and Agnus from Messa Christo Riscusiti by Luigi Picchi (pronounced PEE-kee)
    Adoro Te, O Panis Caelice / melody from Louvain
    O Sacrum Convivium / Remondi
    Regina Caeli / Mode VI
    Jesus Christ Is ris'n today / "Easter Hymn"

    The day of Resurrection / "Ellacombe"
    Gloria from Mass in Honor of Pope Paul VI by Edward Connor (7:30 0nly)
    Gloria from Mass of the Shepherds by Pietro Yon (9:00 and 11:15)
    This is the day (Psalm 118) from Respond and Acclaim
    Christians, to the Paschal Victim (sequence in English) / chant from Roman Missal
    Vidi Aquam / Mode VIII
    That Easter Day with joy was bright / "Puer Nobis"
    Remainder same as Vigil (well, I did the "Adoro Te O Panis Caelice" at 7:30, didn't have time for the "O Sacrum Convivium")

    Brass trio prelude at 9 and 11:15: Thine Be the Glory (melody from Handel's "Judas Maccabeus").
    Funny note is that before the 9:00 Mass, immediately after the brass' rendition of "Thine Be the Glory", the carillon chimed in with the same tune IN THE SAME KEY! Seven of us in the loft and NONE of us could keep a straight face. That was just too funny!

    Hope your Easter went over well!
  • Vigil (with soloists and string orchestra from Eastman School of Music):

    Vigil psalms - Sayles/Gertkin, adapt. Living Liturgy Missalet, Liturgical Press
    Gloria - Missa Brevis in G, KV 49, W.A. Mozart (he was 12 when he wrote it!)
    3-fold Gregorian Alleluia - with verse from Gregorian Missal
    Litany - in Latin from Gregorian Missal
    Sprinkling - Vidi aquam (Gregorian)
    Offertory - Offertory Chant (Simple English Propers)
    Laudate Dominum - W.A. Mozart (performed as solo w/o choir)
    Sanctus - Missa Brevis in G, KV 49, Mozart
    Benedictus - Missa Brevis in G, KV 49, Mozart
    Mem. Accl/Amen - Danish Amen
    Agnus Dei - Missa Brevis in G, KV 49, Mozart
    Communion - Panis Angelicus (solo tenor + plus echo by second solo tenor)
    Ave verum corpus - W. A. Mozart
    Communion chant - 2nd option (Alleluias) from Gregorian Missal, alternated with Latin psalm verses
    Recessional - Jesus Christ is Risen Today (with trumpet)
    Postludes - Telemann trumpet pieces

    Easter Morning:

    Prelude - Telemann trumpet stuff
    Processional - W 442 “Jesus Christ Is Risen Today”
    Introit (Simple English Propers)
    Kyrie - Missa VIII
    Gloria - Missa VIII
    Alleluia - Gregorian (from Gregorian Missal)
    Sequence - Victimae paschali laudes
    Sprinkling rite - Vidi aquam (Gregorian)
    Offertory - Offertory Chant (Simple English Propers)
    W 463 Christ the Lord is Risen Today
    Sanctus - Missa VIII
    Agnus Dei - Missa VIII
    Communion - “I know that My Redeemer liveth” - Handel (soprano solo)
    Communion Chant (Simple English Propers)
    Hymn - “Regina caeli, jubila” - 4 part a capella
    Recessional - W 459 “At the Lamb’s High Feast We Sing”
    Postlude - Telemann trumpet stuff

    Latin Mass Community (in afternoon):
    Pre-mass hymn - The Strife is O'er
    full Gregorian propers from Liber Usualis
    Ordinary - Missa I
    Credo IV
    Recessional - Jesus Christ is Risen Today
  • WJA
    Posts: 237
    Church of the Assumption, Nashville, Tennessee

    Lumen Christi (Latin, per Missal)
    Exsultet (English, per Missal; in the dark, with nothing but candlelight!)
    Responsorial Psalms for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, and 7th readings from Celebrating the Eucharist (Liturgical Press)
    Gloria VIII (no organ until this point, and then with bells pealing!)
    Alleluia (per Graduale Romanum, but with English verses)
    Litany of the Saints (English, per Missal)
    Acclamation at Blessing of Waters (English, per Missal)
    Acclamation at Baptism (R. Rice)
    Proper Offertory - Dextera Domini (Graduale Romanum)
    Additional Offertory - At the Lamb's High Feast
    Sanctus VIII
    Agnus VIII
    Proper Communion - Pascha Nostrum (Graduale Romanum)
    Additional Communion - Ave Verum Corpus (chant version)
    Recessional - The Strife Is O'er
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,792
    St David of Wales, Richmond, California April 24 2011

    Easter Sunday 8:30 AM

    Prelude: Gewünschtes Fest (concluding aria of Telemann's solo cantata)
    Introit & Gloria Patri to tone vii
    Schubert Deutsche Messe
    Grad. Ps (Guil)
    Victimae (intoned by org. playing Hans Buchner's 15c verse)
    Vidi aquam (English from Palmer's Sarum Introits- Paul Ford, will this be in the final Am. Grad?)
    off: Weg mit Sodoms gift'gen Früchten -Telemann (Cantata for Easter Day (Harm. GoDi I) for solo [medium] voice. At that hour I was able to comfortably sing it lowered by a third with obligato on voice flute, a treble recorder in D)
    Comm: Pascha nostrum (American Gradual)
    comm. hymns: That Easter Day PUER NOBIS & Regina coeli
    Closing: J.C. is Ris'n LYRA DAVIDICA
    postlude: Th. Dubois

    at 11:00:

    Procc: At the Lamb's high feast SALZBURG
    Deutsche Messe (Schubert/Proulx; cant see how middle verse can be adapted to new texts!)
    Ps., seq. as above, Gospel Verse chanted to tone i faburden attr. Lassus
    Vidi aquam (as above, Cardoso a 4 seems just beyond grasp this year)
    Off: Christ rising again/ Christ is risen a 6 W. Byrd (with mixed consort of 3 gambas & 2 vlni)
    Comm: Pascha nostr. (American Gradual)
    comm. hymns: That Easter Day PUER NOBIS & Regina coeli
    Closing: J.C. is Ris'n LYRA DAVIDICA
    postlude: Th. Dubois
  • incantuincantu
    Posts: 989
    Entrance - Alleluia! This is the day (Introit from BFW)
    Psalm - Kelly (GIA, ed.)
    Alleluia - O filii et filiae (ed. Proulx)
    Sprinkling - I saw water flowing (ICEL)
    Offertory - Dextera Domini (Martini)
    Communion - Pascha nostrum (from Graduale Novum)
  • JDE
    Posts: 588
    8:30 a.m. Mass in Camden, SC

    Entrance Hymn: Jesus Christ is Risen Today (with words restored to original)
    Kyrie: Mass I
    Gloria: John Lee (from the old Worship III)
    Responsorial Psalm: Ostrowski in honor of Mother Cabrini
    Sequence: Solo cantor (Latin)
    Alleluia: Arr. of O Filii for refrain; verse mode III sung by men.
    During preparation of the Gifts: Choral motet, "Christ is Risen, Christ is Living" (Austin C. Lovelace); adult choir
    Sanctus, Mysterium Fidei (B): My own unison setting
    Amen: Recto tono
    Agnus Dei: Mass I (our first year with this - frankly it's a lot easier than the Kyrie)
    Communion: Pascha Nostrum sung first in Latin, then in English from Palmer-Burgess Gradual; Solo cantor
    Choral motet, "Early Easter Morning" (2-part) from G.I.A.; adult choir
    Dismissal: Ite missa est from Mass I; pastor accidentally wound up in D major both Saturday and Sunday
    Recessional: At the Lamb's High Feast We Sing (in D, as it happens)
  • Sorry I'm late ... been living out of a suitcase the past week.

    My college parish had Easter weekend off, so I had no Mass there. Instead, I went back to my home parish to attend Easter Mass.

    cantor: fabulous young operatic baritone
    organ: Yamaha Electone HX-1
    style: new age and broadway fusion with lots of improvising and traveling music

    Mass Setting: Mass of Creation (Haugen)

    "Gathering": Jesus Christ Is Risen Today (Lyra Davidica)
    Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 118 (Haugen)
    "Preparation of the Gifts": Jesus Is Risen! (Lasst Uns Erfreuen)
    Communion: Song of Redemption (MacAller, McGrath)
    "Sending Forth": Alleluia! Alleluia! Let the Holy Anthem Rise (Caswall)
  • Easter Day
    Procession and Solemn High Mass
    Mount Calvary Church
    Baltimore, Maryland

    Organ: Tocatta in F (JS Bach)
    Vidi aquam
    Propers: Gregorian (Palmer/Burgess) except:
    Gradual: Haec dies (Viadana)
    Sequence: Dic nobis Maria (Lopez Capillas)
    Ordinary: Mass for Four Voices (Tallis)
    Kyrie Deus Creator Omnium (Sarum troped chant)
    Motet: Rise up, my love (Willan)
    Carol: This joyful Eastertide (arr. Wood)
    Organ: Christ est erstanden (Bach)

    Hymns: "Hail thee, festival day" (RVW: Salve festa dies) "Light's glittering morn" (Vigiles et sancti) "Jesus Christ is risen today" (Easter Hymn)

  • Most Holy Redeemer, San Francisco
    Gathering - Jesus Christ Is Ris'n Today/Easter Hymn
    Ordinary - Janco "Mass of Angels and Saints"
    psalm 118-Haugen
    Sequence -Victimae paschali laudes
    Gospel Acclamation "Alleluia! Christ Is the King"/Michael Vulpius
    Preparation of the Gifts/Handel "Thanks Be to Thee"
    Hymn/This Joyful Eastertide/Vreuchten
    Communion Anthem - Mendelssohn, "He Watching over Israel" from Elijah
    Communion Procession - Hurd, "Your Light Will Come, Jerusalem"
    Meditation - Adams, "The Holy City" (blast from the past)
    Closing - Three Days/Thaxted
    Postlude -Mozart, "Alleluja" from Exsultate Jubilate
    brass, timp, strings, soli and chorus
  • Vigil:

    Resp. 1: You are my inheritance (Ostrowski), w/ organum by schola
    Resp. 2: Let Us Sing to the Lord (Ostrowski), w/ organum
    Resp. 3: Like a Deer (Ostrowski), sin organum.
    Gloria: Mass of Paul VI
    Alleluia: The Strife is O'er (I had prepared the choir to sing the mode VIII one from the graduale, but it was suggested that I do something the congregation knows better).
    Litany: Chanted
    Baptisms: Come unto him and receive his light (Proulx?)
    Sprinkling Rite: Vidi Aquam sung by schola
    Offertory Motet: O Sacrum Convivium (Remondi) (I know, more Eucharistic, but I mismanaged some time. Hey, it's Novus Ordo, anything goes!)
    Offertory Hymn: Alleluia, the strife is O'er!
    Sanctus: People's Mass
    Memorial Acclamation: Danish "Dying You Destroyed"
    Amen: chanted
    Pater Noster: Recited
    Agnus Dei: Missa Jubilate Deo
    Communion Organ: improv based on pascha nostrum
    Communion Motet: Ave Verum Corpus, Edward Elgar
    Communion Organ: Alexandre Guilmant, Priere
    Recessional Hymn: Jesus Christ is Risen Today (Easter Hymn)

    I'm slowly introducing Gregorian chant. I am learning patience. My goal is that we'll sing at least one proper of the Mass every Sunday by advent.
  • Blaise
    Posts: 439
    The Lord is risen indeed, alleluia!

    Vigil of the Resurrection

    Ordinary: Darke Communion Service in F
    Hymns: "At the Lamb's High Feast", something to the tune of Royal something, "Jesus Christ is Risen Today" (Easter Hymn)
    Communion: Latin chanted propers, "Cicut Cervus" (Palestrina), "Alleluia" (Randall)
    Postlude: Hallelujah Chorus

    Solemnity of the Resurrection

    Ordinary: Darke in F
    Hymns: "Jesus Christ is Risen Today" (Easter Hymn), "The Day of Resurrection", "God our Father, Lord of Glory" (lyrics by Fr. Phillips, tune to something), "Thine Be the Glory"
    Sequence: chanted
    Minor propers
    Offertory: Minor propers, "This is the Day" (choral), "The Day of Resurrection"
    Communion: Minor propers, "Ye Choirs of New Jerusalem"
    Regina Caeli: Tune: Easter Hymn
    Postlude: Hallelujah Chorus
  • Dale Fleck
    Posts: 49
    Cathedral of St. Helena, (MT)
    Organ Preldue: Choral in A Minor - Cesar Franck
    Introit - gregorian
    Processional - Jesus Christ Is Risen Today
    Psalm - Dale Fleck
    Sequence - victiame Paschali - gregorian
    Vidi Aquam - gregorian
    Offertory - Dixit dominus - w. A. Mozart
    Communio - gregorian
    during communion - laudate Dominum - W .A. Mozart
    Prelude In G Major - J.s. Bach
    Organ postlude - improvisation - Victiame Paschali
  • Michael O'Connor
    Posts: 1,637
    EF Mass at the Cathedral in Springfield, MO. Women's chant group singing the ordinary and psalm-tone Propers. Very welcome if somewhat low-key for Easter.