Mystic Modern: the music of Charles Tournemire
Graduals for intermediate level chanters
  • gregpgregp
    Posts: 632
    Our schola sings for the EF every week, and while we are not at the point where we can sing the Gradual every week, we do have several people who, with a couple of weeks of preparation, could easily sing them.

    Being basically lazy, I was wondering if those of you who are familiar with the Graduals in the EF could point out your favorites from the Masses After Pentecost, i.e., from Trinity Sunday until the start of Advent.

    I should mention that I am doing this for two reasons: to expose the schola and the congregation to the musical settings of the Graduals in the Graduale Romanum, and to allow my better singers to strech their voices and tackle more challenging material. We currently sing the Introit and Communion from the GR, and use Rossini, the Chants Abreges, or, on special occasions, RIchard Rice's Simplified 1962 Graduale.