Office of Matins for Holy Week (outside the Triduum) and Easter Octave
  • aldrich
    Posts: 230
    Hello, everyone!

    Does anyone have a copy of the Nocturnale Romanum? I've been searching in vain for the chant settings of the invitatory of Holy Week and the responsories of Holy Week and Easter Octave. I have re-typeset the 1923 Officium Majoris Hebdomadae et Octavae Paschae and included all Canonical Hours in chant, where it applies. However, I cannot find sources for the chant of Matins, and I have researched that the Nocturnale may contain those which I have been looking for.

    Here are the chants I am lacking:

    Palm Sunday
    1. Utinam hodie vocem Domini audiatis (Invitatory)
    2. Beatus vir (Antiphon I)
    3. Servite Domino in timore (Antiphon II)
    4. Exsurge, Domine, salvum me fac, Deus meus (Antiphon III)
    5. Quam admirabile est nomen tuum (Antiphon IV)
    6. Sedisti super thronum (Antiphon V)
    7. Exsurge, Domine, non praevaleat homo (Antiphon VI)
    8. Ut quid, Domine, recessisti longe (Antiphon VII)
    9. Exsurge, Domine, Deus, exaltetur manus tua (Antiphon VIII)
    10. Justus Dominus et justitiam dilexit (Antiphon IX)
    11. In die qua invocavi te, Domine, dixisti (Responsory I)
    12. Fratres mei elongaverunt se a me (Responsory II)
    13. Attende, Domine, ad me, et audi voces (Responsory III)

    Monday in Holy Week
    1. Dominus de caelo (Antiphon I)
    2. Qui operatur justitiam (Antiphon II)
    3. Inclina, Domine, aurem tuam mihi (Antiphon III)
    4. Diligam te, Domine, virtus mea (Antiphon IV)
    5. Retribuet mihi Dominus (Antiphon V)
    6. Vivit Dominus (Antiphon VI)
    7. Exaudiat te Dominus (Antiphon VII)
    8. Domine, in virtute tua (Antiphon VIII)
    9. Exaltabo te, Domine (Antiphon IX)
    10. Viri impii dixerunt (Responsory I)
    11. Opprobrium factus sum (Responsory II)
    12. Insurrexerunt in me viri iniwui (Responsory III)

    Tuesday in Holy Week
    1. Expugna, Domine, impugnantes me (Antiphon I)
    2. Restitue animam meam (Antiphon II)
    3. Exsurge, Domine, et intendo judicio meo (Antiphon III)
    4. Noli aemulari in eo (Antiphon IV)
    5. Brachia peccatorum (Antiphon V)
    6. Custodi innocentiam (Antiphon VI)
    7. Ne in ira tua corripias me, Domine (Antiphon VII)
    8. Intende in adjutorium meum (Antiphon VIII)
    9. Amove, Domine, a me plagas tuas (Antiphon IX)
    10. Contumelias et terrores passus sum ab eis (Responsory I)
    11. Deus Israe, propter te sustinui improperium (Responsoy II)
    12. Synagoga populorum me (Responsory III)

    Wednesday in Holy Week
    1. Pretiosus forma (Antiphon I)
    2. Confitebuntur tibi (Antiphon II)
    3. Adjutor in tribulationibus (Antiphon III)
    4. Magnus Dominus et laudabilis (Antiphon IV)
    5. Os meum loquetur (Antiphon V)
    6. Ne tinueris cum divite (Antiphon VI)
    7. Deus deorum, Dominus locutus est (Antiphon VII)
    8. Immola Deo sacrificium laudis (Antiphon VIII)
    9. Intelligite qui obliviscimini Deum (Antiphon IX)
    10. Locuti sunt adversum me lingua dolosa (Responsory I)
    11. Dixerunt impii apud se, non recte cogitantes (Responsory II)
    12. Circumdederunt me viri mendaces (Responsory III)

    Easter Monday
    1. Maria Magdalene et altera Maria (Responsory I)
    2. Surrexit pastor bonus (Responsory II)

    Easter Tuesday
    1. Virtute magna reddebant Apostoli (Responsory I)
    2. De ore prudentis procedit mel (Responsory II)

    Easter Wednesday
    1. Ecce vicit leo de tribu Juda (Responsory I)
    2. Ego sum vitis vera, et vos palmites (Responsory II)

    Easter Thursday
    1. Tulerunt Dominum meum, et nescio ubi posuerunt eum (Responsory I)
    2. Congratulamini mihi omnes qui diligitis Dominum (Responsory II)

    Easter Friday
    1. Surgens Jesus Dominus noster (Responsory I)
    2. Expurgate vetus fermentum (Responsory II)

    Low Saturday
    1. Christus resurgens ex mortuis (Responsory I)
    2. Isti sunt agni novelli (Responsory II)

    Low Sunday
    1. Angelus Domini descendit de caelo (Responsory I)
    2. Angelus Domini locutus est mulieribus (Responsory II)
    3. Cum transisset sabbatum (Responsory III)
    4. Maria Magdalena, et altera Maria ibant diluculo ad monumentum (Responsory IV)
    5. Surrexit pastor bonus (Responsory V)
    6. Virtute magna reddebant Apostoli (Responsory VI)
    7. De ore prudentis procedit mel (Responsory VII)
    8. Surgens Jesus Dominus noster (Responsory IX)

    I would really appreciate if someone could share soft copies of these chants. They'd really help achieving the final shape of the book.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,229
    If you're wondering about whether to order the Nocturnale, I'd say go ahead, as it does have these chants, except that it specifies a different invitatory for Passiontide, including Palm Sunday, Hodie, si vocem Domini audieritis.
  • aldrich
    Posts: 230
    I've considered doing that. However, since it's a bit pricey, I need to save money for it. In the meantime, I'm looking for someone who currently possesses a copy and, well, ask that person if it is possible he can scan these specific chants and share with me. I understand this is an intrusion to hospitality, but I really need help. Besides, I don't need the entire book--no, not now, not yet--I just need the chants above.
  • dvalerio
    Posts: 341
    You can find nearly all the responsories you need here:

    Warning: the site's in French. You'll have to look around a bit, since it's organised according to the monastic rite, which means that many responsories are assigned to different days. E.g. most of what you need for the first days in Holy Week is crammed together in Palm Sunday.

    Don't know about the rest...
  • aldrich
    Posts: 230
    Thank you, dvalerio! Now, I just need to find the Antiphons.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,229
    I'm not sure if anybody has time to copy the 45 antiphons -- they're generally on separate pages! But I can offer a practical suggestion to get your hands on the Nocturnale (albeit slowly).

    A search of the "WorldCat" inter-library catalog ( shows that there are about 20 copies at university libraries in the US, so you may be able to borrow the book by inter-library loan.

    In the meantime, save a buck a day towards the price (99 EUR = $143). :-)
  • aldrich
    Posts: 230
    I tried your suggestion, chonak, and it was wonderful--and woeful. You see, I live in the Philippines and the system detected that the nearest library with the Nocturnale is in Germany. Thank you, by the way.