The Most Solemn Tone for the Prefaces
  • In which book to I find the most solemn form for singing the preface? I just paged through the books I have here at home and could not find the tone in the new Roman Missal or in the Liber Usualis (except for the preface dialogue). The new Roman Missal DOES say, "Specimina toni sollemnioris in variis formulariis Missalis extant" (on page 1232); but can someone tell me WHICH missals? At the seminary I have the Solesmes book of prefaces—is it in there? I remember the tone from my youth but have not laid eyes on it for a number of years now.

    One of our about-to-be-ordained priests, a Nigerian, has asked me to teach him how to sing this for his Mass of Thanksgiving. And our Congolese seminarians are expected to know how to sing Mass in Latin. Others want to learn. I have everything I need for teaching them except this most solemn preface tone.

  • Jeffrey TuckerJeffrey Tucker
    Posts: 3,624
    If someone knows, it would be good to post it. Here, in any case, is a handy excerpt from the Liber on the tones.
  • Palestrina
    Posts: 396
    I think the easiest place to find the most solemn tone is in the back of the American 1964 (or thereabouts) Missale Romanum.
  • Paul,

    The tones you seek are here:


    PDF page 1044
  • Jeffrey TuckerJeffrey Tucker
    Posts: 3,624
    oh there it is! thank you Fr. Skeris. My only contributions were the typos in the navigation menu.