Is the "Gloria" sung on First Fridays during Lent (TLM)?
  • Hello, gents. I have just a quick question to posit.

    According to the rubrics of the TLM, is the Gloria sung on Masses for First Fridays during Lent?

    Whether the answer is "yes" or "no", could you please provide an authoritative citation to substantiate the answer, if possible? Reason being is that there are a few folks in my parish and choir who have been complacently operating on some rather counter-rubrical practices for years, until myself and few others started tactfully intervening.

    Thanks for the help!

    God bless,
  • Chrism
    Posts: 875
    Under the 1961 General Rubrics of the Roman Missal, ss 431-432, it is of course sung, as you must already know, Lent or not, at all Sung First Friday Votive Masses of the Sacred Heart, because they are 3rd Class Votive Masses with white vestments (s. 385(b)).

    I assume these creatures you are forced to suffer had the audacity to omit the Gloria, which would appear to be a Novus Ordo practice that has crept in.

    However, before imposing the most severe penalties rightly due to such an offense, it would be helpful to know what the practice was under the rubrical codes pre-1961, because these are mostly tolerable where they continue (and resistance to changing them may be fierce). If, for example, the Gloria had been omitted under the 1910 Rubrics (which I don't know very well), then your attempted introduction of a Bugnini-era modernism may well lead you to face the business end of someone else's smite.
  • I don't understand why the Gloria is ever sung on a Friday or for a Votive Mass of any kind. Someone fill me in.
  • dad29
    Posts: 2,233
    Chrism introduces a variation--a Votive Mass.

    The norm--a Lenten Friday Mass--does not include a Gloria. This year there was another varia: the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception (3/25) which DID have a Gloria.

    On the topic: "Ceremonies of the Modern Roman Rite" by Mgr. P. Elliott, Ignatius Press 1995

    #254 "With hands joined, the celebrant intones or says the first words of the Gloria, when its use is directed, that is: on all Sundays, except Advent and Lent, ...."

    Of course, the Gloria, if not said on a Sunday (and allowing for the exceptions) should ALSO not be said on weekdays.
  • JahazaJahaza
    Posts: 470
    dad29, 3/25 was the Annunciation, not Immaculate Conception.

    The question isn't about Lenten Weekdays, per se, but about First Fridays.

    There are (at least) two options for Mass today in the EF, the Mass of the Lenten Weekday (which does not have a Gloria) and the Mass of the Votive of the Sacred Heart, which is allowed since today is a third class feria and in churches in which devotions to the Sacred Heart are heald, the Votive of the Sacred Heart is allowed as a third class votive on First Fridays.

    The FSSP ordo recommends celebrating the Lenten Weekday, not the Votive of the Sacred Heart, but here in NYC, we're doing Sacred Heart, and I bet lots of other folks are too.

    Chrism's answer (yes to the gloria) is right if Torquemada's Church is doing the Votive of the Sacred Heart, because of the class of the votive.

    To Michael O'Connor, the Gloria is never sung on Fridays because they're Fridays. It's sung at votives of the third class and higher, because they are considered festive Masses of their respective class (the festal tones are used, Gloria is sung, etc.). Fourth class votives, by contrast use the ferial tone and do not include the Gloria.)
  • Thank you all for your comments.

    Thank you, Chrism, for the citation of Pope John XXIII's revised rubrics.

    In regard to the use of pre-1962 rubrics in my parish, I can only say: "I wish!". The lack-luster adherence to rubrical perfection is one of simply neglect.