How old is "Domine, ne longe facias"
  • Aga
    Posts: 38
    I am interested in the Introit "Domine, ne longe facias" from Palm Sunday (in the Traditional Roman Rite i.e. EF).
    But neither "Liber Usualis" nor "Graduale Triplex" gives the century from which this antiphon originate.
    Does anyone know something about the estimated date of composition of this Introit?
    Where can I find any information about this topic?

    Any comment will be appreciated.
  • Laszlo Dobszay has recorded this on Hungaroton
    Gregorian Chants in a Village Church
    Advent Mass "Rorate" - Palm Sunday Procession
    HCD 12742
    Unfortunately, neither Naxos Music Library or the Hungaroton website has published the CD's booklet online
  • The GRADUALE TRIPLEX does give us some clues to the antiquity of this introit- the manuscripts in which this antiphon is found are indicated to the left of the piece by the initials R B C K S. R= Gradual of Rheinau (second third of the IXth cent), B= Gradual of Mont Blandin (VIII-IXth cent), C= Gradual of Compiegne (second half of IXth cent.), K= Gradual of Corbie (after 853), S= Gradual of Senlis (between 877 and 882). The manuscripts with musical notation used in the Triplex are LAON, Bibliotheque municipale 239 ( Xth century,after 930 a.d.) and EINSEIDELN, Stiftsbibl 121 (beginning of the XIth cent.).

    Of course it is impossible to know the precise year in which this introit was composed, it is certainly early, and most likely belonging to one of the earlier layers of chant.
  • Aga
    Posts: 38
    Thank you for explanations. The information about manuscripts in Graduale Triplex is very helpful.