organ at Gloria on Holy Thursday and Easter Vigil EF
  • Jeanne
    Posts: 5
    Having read the Psallite Sapienter, paragraphs 113 and 137, what exactly should I expect my organist to play in a "solemn, festive manner" before the choir continues the Gloria?
  • mahrt
    Posts: 517
    I play a section of a toccata-like piece by Cabanilles, after which the choir sings a Gloria by Morales. I should think, however, that this would be one of those places where the best organists would improvise upon the tune of the Gloria.
  • I agree with mahrt. I'll be playing an improvisation on the Gregorian Gloria from Mass II.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,971
    The pastor intones,"Gloria in excelsis Deo." I play a trumpet fanfare building to full organ, while every bell in the church is rung. I end in the key of the particular Gloria we will sing.