Looking for "Dum fabricator mundi" and Litany of Tenebrae "Kyrie Qui passurus"
  • ClemensRomanusClemensRomanus
    Posts: 1,023
    Does anyone have the medieval chant "Dum fabricator mundi" or the Tenebrae "Kyrie Qui passurus"? I have this cd with them and I'd really like to use them with my schola.
  • This looks like the beginning of the Antiphon _Dum Fabricator_, for the Friday of Preparation, and you can go from there. It is in a slightly older notation.

  • Josh
    Posts: 103
    Just today I found a readable version of the Good Friday antiphon "Dum Fabricator", for use during the Adoration of the Cross, in the 1543 Missale Aniciensis Ecclesiæ, which is available online at Google Books. I have made a transcription of it as follows - there seem to be many clef changes, including within the word clamabat, which seems odd, but I have copied them as given:

    name: Dum Fabricator;
    commentary: Missale Aniciensis 1543, Feria sexta in parasceve;
    user-notes: Transcription;
    (f3) Dum(ff) fa(c)bri(f)ca(f)tor(f!ev) mun(f!h!g!h!f)di(g!f) mor(fe)tis(fv) sup(h!g)pli(h!g!h!f)ci(g!e)um(ff!c) (:) pa(c)te(f)re(f!e)tur(h!gv) in(iHG!h!f) cru(e)ce(f) (:) cla(gii)mans(ii!j!f) (:) vo(fe!h/jk/i!jvIH)ce(ik) (:) (c4) ma(h!i!jvIH)gna(h) tra(g!f!g)di(g!hiHG)dit(gvFE) spi(d!f!gvFED!ed)ri(c)tum(d) (:) (f3) et(e) ec(e)ce(fg) ve(e)lum(gf) tem(g)pli(f) di(ef)vi(f!e!c)sum(fg) est(f) mo(e)nu(f)men(h)ta(hg) a(f)per(f)ta(eh) sunt(h!i!jvIHG) (:) (c4) ter(e)re(g)mo(gh)tus(h) e(h!g!h!ivHG/g!h!g)nim(e/fg/e!d!e) fac(e)tus(g) fu(hvGF)e(fe)rat(gvFEf!d) ma(c)gnus(d) (:) qui(c)a(e!d) mor(e)tem(d) Fi(c)li(de)i(e) (f4) De(h!g!h)i(e!hGF!g!e) cla(de)(c4)ma(e!g!h!g)bat(h!j!kJI!j!hv) (f3) mun(e)dus(f) se(e) sus(e)ti(g)ne(i)re(h!g) non(f!e) pos(gh)se:(f) (:) a(ggi)per(ij)to(i) er(i!j!k!j)go(j!i) mi(j)li(i)tis(h) lan(i)ce(ih)a(h) la(h)te(hg)re(hg) cru(f)ci(g)fi(h)xi(i!j!i) Do(jv)mi(h!g!h!iHG)ni(gv) (:) e(g)xi(i!j!k)vit(jv) san(j!i!j!kJI)guis(j) et(i) a(g!h!i)qua(i!g) in(hg) re(f)demp(g)ti(h)o(ijIH)nem(ivHG!h!f) (:) sa(ef)lu(f!h!i!g!f!hh)tis(ffv) (:) nos(f!g!h!i!j/jj!h!g/ii!f!h!g!e!f/e!h/g!i!j!h/g!h!f/f!e/f!g!h/g)tre.(fv) (:)
    Dum Fabricator.pdf
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • ClemensRomanusClemensRomanus
    Posts: 1,023
    Whoa! Thank you!
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,229
    Very interesting!

    If you'd like to add some custodes inline at the clef changes to facilitate reading, I think the gabc notation is a "+" sign after the note position.
  • Josh
    Posts: 103
    The original source had no indication of mode - any ideas?

    Thanks to the last commenter above - I have checked the gabc notation details and (z0) will produce a custos before a clef change; also, the first note of each of the three words "mundi", "magna" and "spiritum" has on its left not a tail but an ascender, as if each were an upside down virga; as I can't work out how to notate that, I have instead put them in with the tail on the left.

    Here are both the rechecked and reset gabc file and the pdf file:

    name: Dum Fabricator;
    commentary: Missale Aniciensis 1543, Feria sexta in parasceve;
    user-notes: Transcription;
    (f3) Dum(ff) fa(c)bri(f)ca(f)tor(f!ev) mun(fV!h!g!h!f)di(g!f) mor(fe)tis(fv) sup(h!g)pli(h!g!h!f)ci(g!e)um(ff!c) (:) pa(c)te(f)re(f!e)tur(h!gv) in(iHG!h!f) cru(e)ce(f) (:) cla(gii)mans(ii!j!f) (:) vo(fe!h/jk/i!jvIH)ce(ik) (z0:) (c4) ma(hV!i!jvIH)gna(h) tra(g!f!g)di(g!hiHG)dit(gvFE) spi(dV!f!gvFED!ed)ri(c)tum(d) (z0:) (f3) et(e) ec(e)ce(fg) ve(e)lum(gf) tem(g)pli(f) di(ef)vi(f!e!c)sum(fg) est(f) mo(e)nu(f)men(h)ta(hg) a(f)per(f)ta(eh) sunt(h!i!jvIHG) (z0:) (c4) ter(e)re(g)mo(gh)tus(h) e(h!g!h!ivHG/g!h!g)nim(e/fg/e!d!ev) fac(e)tus(g) fu(hvGF)e(fe)rat(gvFEf!d) ma(c)gnus(d) (:) qui(c)a(e!d) mor(e)tem(d) Fi(c)li(de)i(e) (z0) (f4) De(h!g!h)i(e!hGF!g!e) cla(de)(z0)(c4)ma(e!g!h!g)bat(h!j!kJI!j!hv) (z0) (f3) mun(e)dus(f) se(e) sus(e)ti(g)ne(i)re(h!g) non(f!e) pos(gh)se:(f) (:) a(ggi)per(ij)to(i) er(i!j!k!j)go(j!i) mi(j)li(i)tis(h) lan(i)ce(ih)a(h) la(h)te(hg)re(hg) cru(f)ci(g)fi(h)xi(i!j!i) Do(jv)mi(h!g!h!iHG)ni(gv) (:) e(g)xi(i!j!k)vit(jv) san(j!i!j!kJI)guis(j) et(i) a(g!h!i)qua(i!g) in(hg) re(f)demp(g)ti(h)o(ijIH)nem(ivHG!h!f) (:) sa(ef)lu(f!h!i!g!f!hh)tis(ffv) (:) nos(f!g!h!i!j/jj!h!g/ii!f!h!g!e!f/e!h/g!i!j!h/g!h!f/f!e/f!g!h/g)tre.(fv) (:)
    Dum Fabricator.pdf
  • Josh
    Posts: 103
    I have also now transcribed the next antiphon, "O admirabile", as I understand from other sources that these two antiphons were often sung together - some (e.g. Premonstratensian sources) suggested that the antiphon "Dum fabricator" was followed by a verse, "O admirabile", but they seem to be separate antiphons. Again, no mode is indicated, and several clef changes occur.

    name: O admirabile;
    commentary: Missale Aniciensis 1543, Feria sexta in parasceve;
    user-notes: Transcription;
    (c4) O(h) ad(d)mi(h)ra(hg)bi(ji)le(kJI!j!hv) pre(h/g)ci(i!g!hi)um(hv) cu(g)jus(h) (z0) (c3) pon(f!i!h!i/i!e)de(f!gvFE)re(ev) cap(ef)ti(fV!i!j!h/hvGFE)vi(gh)tas(fv) (z0) (c4) re(h)demp(h!ij)ta(gf) est(f) mun(fe)di.(fv) Tar(f)ta(f)re(gf)a(f/f!e!fg) (:) con(d)frac(d!f!e)ta(ef) sunt(g) (:) claus(h)tra(f) (z0) (:) (f3) in(f)fer(f!e/e!fg)ni:(e/e!c) a(e)per(f)ta(e!h) est(hv) no(h/h!i!h)bis(h) (z0) (c4) ja(hg)nu(hGF)a(ed!f!g!h/hg) (:) re(e!d!f/f!d/d!e!f!gh/h/h!f/fe!g!d!f!e!c/dc/f/e!g/h!f/e!f!d/d!c!d/e!f!e)gni.(d) (:)
    O admirabile.pdf
  • Protasius
    Posts: 468
    The "Kyrie Qui passurus" can be found in the Antiphonale Sarum, available at The Sarum Rite. Go to "Office", "Latin Breviary", "B: Temporale" and scroll down to "Triduum" (or just click this link).
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,210
    Josh, you seem to have typed the clef changing custos code wrong, since what you've typed does not produce the custos at the right note height. I think that, instead of "(z0:) (c4)" in the first instance you want to type "(z0:c4)". And, later on, when you type, for instance "(z0) (f4)" for a mid-bar clef change you should type "(z0f4)" ... if I'm not mistaken.
  • Josh
    Posts: 103
    Oh, I apologise - I assumed the code was correct without checking…

    Is this right?

    name: Dum Fabricator;
    commentary: Missale Aniciensis 1543, Feria sexta in parasceve;
    user-notes: Transcription;
    (f3) Dum(ff) fa(c)bri(f)ca(f)tor(f!ev) mun(fV!h!g!h!f)di(g!f) mor(fe)tis(fv) sup(h!g)pli(h!g!h!f)ci(g!e)um(ff!c) (:) pa(c)te(f)re(f!e)tur(h!gv) in(iHG!h!f) cru(e)ce(f) (:) cla(gii)mans(ii!j!f) (:) vo(fe!h/jk/i!jvIH)ce(ik) (z0:c4) ma(hV!i!jvIH)gna(h) tra(g!f!g)di(g!hiHG)dit(gvFE) spi(dV!f!gvFED!ed)ri(c)tum(d) (z0:f3) et(e) ec(e)ce(fg) ve(e)lum(gf) tem(g)pli(f) di(ef)vi(f!e!c)sum(fg) est(f) mo(e)nu(f)men(h)ta(hg) a(f)per(f)ta(eh) sunt(h!i!jvIHG) (z0:c4) ter(e)re(g)mo(gh)tus(h) e(h!g!h!ivHG/g!h!g)nim(e/fg/e!d!ev) fac(e)tus(g) fu(hvGF)e(fe)rat(gvFEf!d) ma(c)gnus(d) (:) qui(c)a(e!d) mor(e)tem(d) Fi(c)li(de)i(e) (z0f4) De(h!g!h)i(e!hGF!g!e) cla(de)(z0c4)ma(e!g!h!g)bat(h!j!kJI!j!hv) (z0f3) mun(e)dus(f) se(e) sus(e)ti(g)ne(i)re(h!g) non(f!e) pos(gh)se:(f) (:) a(ggi)per(ij)to(i) er(i!j!k!j)go(j!i) mi(j)li(i)tis(h) lan(i)ce(ih)a(h) la(h)te(hg)re(hg) cru(f)ci(g)fi(h)xi(i!j!i) Do(jv)mi(h!g!h!iHG)ni(gv) (:) e(g)xi(i!j!k)vit(jv) san(j!i!j!kJI)guis(j) et(i) a(g!h!i)qua(i!g) in(hg) re(f)demp(g)ti(h)o(ijIH)nem(ivHG!h!f) (:) sa(ef)lu(f!h!i!g!f!hh)tis(ffv) (:) nos(f!g!h!i!j/jj!h!g/ii!f!h!g!e!f/e!h/g!i!j!h/g!h!f/f!e/f!g!h/g)tre.(fv) (:)
    Dum fabricator.pdf
  • Josh
    Posts: 103
    I have also corrected the "O admirabile" transcription:

    Fools rush in…

    name: O admirabile;
    commentary: Missale Aniciensis 1543, Feria sexta in parasceve;
    user-notes: Transcription;
    (c4) O(h) ad(d)mi(h)ra(hg)bi(ji)le(kJI!j!hv) pre(h/g)ci(i!g!hi)um(hv) cu(g)jus(h) (z0c3) pon(f!i!h!i/i!e)de(f!gvFE)re(ev) cap(ef)ti(fV!i!j!h/hvGFE)vi(gh)tas(fv) (z0c4) re(h)demp(h!ij)ta(gf) est(f) mun(fe)di.(fv) Tar(f)ta(f)re(gf)a(f/f!e!fg) (:) con(d)frac(d!f!e)ta(ef) sunt(g) (:) claus(h)tra(f) (z0:f3) in(f)fer(f!e/e!fg)ni:(e/e!c) a(e)per(f)ta(e!h) est(hv) no(h/h!i!h)bis(h) (z0c4) ja(hg)nu(hGF)a(ed!f!g!h/hg) (:) re(e!d!f/f!d/d!e!f!gh/h/h!f/fe!g!d!f!e!c/dc/f/e!g/h!f/e!f!d/d!c!d/e!f!e)gni.(d) (:)
    O admirabile.pdf