What did you sing/play/hear on Ash Wednesday?
  • What did you sing/play/hear on Ash Wednesday this year?
  • benedictgal
    Posts: 798
    The Glory of these 40 Days
    Lord, Who Throughout These 40 Days

    What I had suggested was:

    The Glory of These 40 Days
    Where Charity and Love Prevail
    Shepherd of Souls
    Attende Domine
    What Wondrous Love Is This

    I was at least happy to hear The Glory of These 40 Days. The chants from the Papal Mass were beautiful. I just wished that they had chanted the Attende Domine like they had done in years past.
  • russroan
    Posts: 6
    Noon mass, Cathedral Santuario de Guadalupe, Dallas, TX:

    Introit Hymns 14 - Misereris omnium - in English ("O Lord, your mercy does extend to everything ....")
    Psalm 51 - setting by Rice
    Gospel Acclamation - commonly used one
    Distribution of Ashes - Parce Domine, Attende Domine (latin antiphon, english verses for both)
    Preparation Hymn - Lord Who Throughout These Forty Days
    Sanctus - Proulx
    Agnus Dei (latin) - Mass XVIII
    Communion Antiphon - Bentley
    Communion Hymn - Tree of Life
  • Steve CollinsSteve Collins
    Posts: 1,022
    EF Low Mass:
    Imposition of Ashes: "Parce Domine" as Antiphon with the Latin verses from the Liturgy - Accompaniment from NOH, with Anglican single chant by John Blow (see attachment)
    Offertory: "Again We Keep This Solemn Fast", hymntune Spires
    Communion: "Lord Jesus, Think on Me", hymntune Southwell
    Recessional: "Throughout These Forty Days", hymntune St. Flavian
    Parce Domine.pdf
  • 6:30 PM Mass, St. Mary, Pine Bluff, Wisconsin:

    • Entrance:
      • Hymn: “The Glory of These Forty Days” (Old Hundredth)
      • Introit: Miseréris ómnium, Dómine, Wisdom 11: 24–25, 27 (Mode I Gregorian chant; antiphon only)
    • Greeting: chanted English
    • Responsorial Psalm: plainsong, mode I
    • Gospel Acclamation: plainsong, mode II
    • Dialogues before and after the Gospel: chanted English
    • Giving of Ashes: Immutémur hábitu, cf. Joel 2: 13 (Nunes Garcia); Psalm 50(51) (Revised Grail/Mundelein Psalter tone I f, arr. Esguerra)*
    • Offertory: Exaltábo te Dómine, Psalm 29(30): 2, 3 (Mode II Gregorian chant w/one verse from the Offertoriale)
    • Prayer over the Offerings: chanted English
    • Preface Dialogue and Preface: chanted English
    • Sanctus: Mass XVIII
    • Memorial Acclamation C: plainsong
    • Amen: Sacramentary/Missal
    • Lord's Prayer: Sacramentary/Snow, SATB harmonization
    • Agnus Dei: Mass XVIII
    • Communion:
      • Communion: Qui meditábitur in lege Dómini, Psalm 1:2b, 3b (Mode III Gregorian chant); all verses of Psalm 1 (Grail/Mundelein Psalter tone III B)
      • “Psalm 129(130): I Place All My Trust” (Gelineau); all verses of Psalm 129(130) (Grail/Gelineau)
      • Hymn: “Hear Us, Almighty Lord” (Attende Domine) (English verses)
      • Hide Not Thou Thy Face from Us, O Lord (Farrant)
      • Miserére (excerpt), Psalm 50(51): 2, 3 (Lotti)
    • Postcommunion, Greeting, Blessing and Dismissal: chanted English
    • Hymn after the Dismissal: “Lord, Who throughout These Forty Days” (St. Flavian)
    • Choral Postlude/Marian Antiphon: “Ave Regína Cœlórum” (Lotti)

    Hoping this becomes our base template for years to come. I'm extremely thankful for Lent being as late as it is this year.

    * Sung as follows:
    "Immutemur habitu…Deus noster."
    Ps. 50(51):2, 3
    "Quia multum…Deus noster."
    Ps. 50(51):4, 5
    "Immutemur habitu…Deus noster."
    Ps. 50(51):6, 7
    "Quia multum…Deus noster."

    etc. In this manner we were able to chant up to verses 11 and 12 of the psalm to cover the distribution of ashes given by one priest, one lay volunteer.
  • JahazaJahaza
    Posts: 470
    E.F. Missa Cantata:

    Ordinary: Mass XVIII

    Propers: All the music from the Liber Usualis for Ash Wednesday; plus the additional ancient verses at the offertory and the psalm for the Communion antiphon

    Extra music:
    the chant Ave Verum Corpus and part of a responsory to finish out Communion
    the simple Ave Regina Caelorum after the Last Gospel
  • At our parish for the 8:30 and 12:00 noon masses we chanted the Simple English Propers a cappella, simple English chanted antiphons and psalms for the imposition of ashes, along with inter-lectionary chants from Fr. Columba Kelly and Mass XVIII. This actually was a first for my parish, amidst a transition: 1. all chant, 2. all propers, 3. all a cappella. It was so simple, so prayerful, so powerful. And there hasn't been a single complaint. Not bad for a parish that worked exclusively from Gather Comprehensive two short years ago!
  • francis
    Posts: 10,894
    Entrance: Misereris omnium (English from the GM replicating the style of the AUG)**
    Psalm: Antiphon composed in plainchant style with Aristotle Esguerra verses**
    Gosp Acc: Antiphon composed in plainchant style**
    Dist of Ash: Attende Domine* (alternating verses Eng and Lat)
    Lead Me Out of the Darkness* (English plainchant)**
    Parce, Domine*
    Offertory: Exaltabo te (English from the GM replicating the style of the AUG)**
    Sanctus: Mass XVIII
    Agnus: Mass XVIII
    Communion: Qui meditabitur (English from the GM replicating the style of the AUG)**
    Miserere Mei Deus* (premiere [can be found on this forum])**
    Hymn after the Dismissal: Lord, Who throughout These Forty Days* (St. Flavian)

    *with organ
    **original compositions
  • francis
    Posts: 10,894
    wow Adam... that is great!
  • JDE
    Posts: 588
    Entrance: The Glory of these Forty Days (Tune: ERHALT' UNS, HERR)
    Greeting and all other presider dialogues spoken.
    Kyrie: Mass XVI (we're learning XVIII for next Sunday)
    Responsorial Psalm: Alas, Respond and Acclaim
    Gospel Acclamation: Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ (tune: Mary had a little lamb, from Respond and Acclaim)
    Imposition of Ashes: Chanted (solos), "Let us change our raiment" and "Let us throughly (sic) amend the things" from the Palmer-Burgess Gradual (thanks, CMAA!)
    Offertory: Sung offertory (solo), I will exalt Thee (Palmer-Burgess Gradual)
    Hymn: O Breathe on Me, O Breath of God (tune: ST. COLUMBA)
    Sanctus and Mysterium Fidei: My own miserable setting (unison)
    Amen: Recto tono
    Agnus: Mass XVII, adapted to English
    Communion Motet: "Like as a Father pitieth his Children," David Davis (fl. ca. 1890-1910); tenor solo with piano
    No hymn at Communion. Father thanked me later - said he was starving)
    Recessional Hymn: "We Will Rise Again," from JourneySongs (alas, but it's a compromise I make gladly to have the chant).
    Like as a Father - Davis.pdf
  • PaixGioiaAmorPaixGioiaAmor
    Posts: 1,473
    I did Ash Wednesday really simply; no choir/schola, cantor and organ only.

    Processional Hymn: Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days

    Psalm: Be merciful, O Lord, Richard Rice

    Gospel Acc.: Simple chant, adapted by Fr. Sam Weber

    Imposition of Ashes: Parce Domine, with Gelineau verses of Psalm 51 in between repetitions of the chant

    Preparation of the gifts: silence

    Sanctus: People's Mass

    Memorial Acc.: Danish Mass

    Amen: Danish Mass

    Agnus Dei: chanted in latin acappella, (Mass XVII?) (whichever the most popular one, foundin all the hymnals is)

    Communion: Attende Domine, in English

    No Recessional music; silence.
  • BenB
    Posts: 36
    6:30pm EF Missa Cantata (all music acapella)
    Imposition of ashes: antiphons/responsories from Liber Usualis
    Mass XVIII
    Propers from Liber Usualis, with added verses for Offertory and Communion
    Mass followed by EF sung Compline
  • 6:30 Solemn High Mass [proto-Anglican Use, 'Extraordinary Form']

    Ordinary: Missa Parvula (Peter Maxwell Davies)
    Proper: Gregorian, in English (Palmer/Burgess)
    Entrance: Give ear, O Lord (English of Exaudi nos; Palmer/Burgess)
    Respond: Emendemus in melius (Byrd)

    at Offertory: Lord, for thy tender mercies sake (Farrant)
    at Communion: Parce Domine (Latin, congregation on refrain)

    "The fast, as taught by holy lore" (English of Ex more docti mystico; Old Hundredth)
    "Lord Jesus, think on me" (Southwell)
    "Forty days and forty nights" (Heinlein)
  • @Steve Collins:

    Just so you know, there's an error in that Parce Domine you posted. The antiphon should say "Parce populo tuo" (spare your people), not "Parce populo suo" (spare his people).
  • Jeffrey Quick
    Posts: 2,113
    Running around getting 2 cars repaired, so I ended up going to St. Lucy in Middlefield OH, because I was there and it was late. I'd forgotten how bad the music was there. 4 hymns, including "On Eagles' Wings", with piano and guitar. For the Imposition, they did this ostinato number, something about "sign of water, sign of ashes". It was supposed to have varying descants over it, and one or two were attempted,.
  • Steve CollinsSteve Collins
    Posts: 1,022
    My "Parce Domine" had a mistake in it. I've revised and replaced it in the comment above.
  • We sang: Sanctus and Agnus Dei, Mass XVIII (Latin)
    Kyrie (Requiem Mass during the impositionj)
    Attende Domine
    Lift High the Cross (CRUCIFER)
    Mystery of Faith: When we eat this bread... Using the new Missal text. Chant formula based on the Pange Lingua
    Psalm 51 The Palestrina/Marier setting (#400 HPSC)
    Fr Weber's simple Psalm tone setting of "Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.." for the Gospel Acclamation
  • Morning Mass, Parochial School/Parish Mass
    Unaccompanied singing.

    Entrance: LED BY THE SPIRIT (Kingsfold)
    Kyrie: Mass XV M.3
    Responsorial: Ps.51 Alstott
    Acclamation: verse only Alstott
    Offertory: OUT INTO THE WILDERNESS (B.Hurd)
    Sanctus: XVIII
    Accl. MoC chanted free rhythm
    Agnus: English to XVIII (ala ICEL MR3)
    Communion: ATTENDE DOMINE Latin/English
    STABAT MATER (by school children)
    Distribution: “Juxta vestibulum,/i>” TAG/B.Ford
  • marajoymarajoy
    Posts: 783
    O Sun of Justice
    ashes: Miserere Mei (Perosi, alternating chant verses--written for SSAA, transposed down for SSA-Men)
    Parce Domine (meant for ashes, but they went quicker than expected, so done for offertory)
    simple latin mass ordinary
    Communion: proper communion chant
    Attende Domine (in English)
    Lord Who Throughout these 40 Days
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,703
    And now from the other side of the Catholic Island...

    Procession: Ashes
    Psalm: Be Merciful, Joncas
    Acclamation: chanted, my own setting
    Distribution of Ashes: Hosea
    Offertory: Give Me Jesus
    Sanctus XVIII
    Acclamation and Amen from Mass of the Angels and Saints
    Agnus Dei XVIII
    Communion: Gift of Finest Wheat
    No recessional
  • David AndrewDavid Andrew
    Posts: 1,206
    I attended a noontime Mass with imposition of Ashes at a well-known downtown Detroit parish church. Given their reputation, I wasn't prepared for what assaulted my ears. The entrance hymn was a re-worked version of "Ashes", Tom Conry's Paean to Pelagianism . . "we rise again from ashes, to make ourselves renewed." The words were re-cast to fit a hymn tune; just which one I can't recall because my ears were ringing too loudly from the heresy. The psalm I believe was by Gelineau, but the acclamation was some jig-tune in 6/8 with a lilting dance-like quality oh so befitting the Lenten season. We got to hear it twice, because they repeated it after the proclamation of the gospel. The Sanctus was that hoary chestnut from the St. Louis Jesuits, albeit played with a re-worked (likely improvised) accompaniment. The crowning of the Mass was the memorial acclamation, "Keep in mind that Jesus Christ" by Deiss. I thought that had died a peaceful death several years ago. I guess I was wrong. There are still parishes using it. The closing hymn was the last 2 verses of the entrance hymn. You have to appreciate the economy of use.
  • PaixGioiaAmorPaixGioiaAmor
    Posts: 1,473
    Eh, a Gelineau psalm ... so ONE, albeit tiny, bright spot.
  • kevinfkevinf
    Posts: 1,204
    All I can say is that the parish where I went was so bad I left after the distribution of ashes. A guitar leading some 700 people to a tune I truly wish to forget. A song for the psalm and a Glory and Praise acclamation for the Gospel. During the homily we were told that it was Lent again and many if not all of us would not keep the Lenten disciplines and there was really no point to it anyway. It was at that point I gave up.

    Sometimes praying by one's self is the best alternative. The parish will remain unnamed so as to protect the guilty.
    Thanked by 1Chant_Supremacist
  • RobertRobert
    Posts: 343

    Introit - Misereris Omnium (Graduale Romanum), antiphon only
    Psalm - Aristotle Esguerra's setting from chabanelpsalms.org
    Gospel Acclamation - Stephen Somerville's setting from Catholic Book of Worship (Canadian hymnal)
    Distribution of ashes - organ instrumental
    during the Offertory - Parce Domine (Parish Book of Chant)
    Sanctus XVIII
    Agmus XVIII
    Communion - Qui Meditabitur (Graduale Romanum), w/ verses from the Richard Rice Communio book
  • francis
    Posts: 10,894

    You need to read the new book that was just published:

    How to attend Mass without Losing Your Faith.

    I think the use of military earplugs (prevents the offensive ingestion of heresey and unholy compositions derived from the harmonic species) should be one of the prescriptive methods. After all, does anyone truly have anything to add to the Holy Sacrifice that deserves hearing?

    BTW... why are you protecting the guilty (liturgical abusers)? Our church seems to be into the justice thingy... It's time we serve some up!

    "Et nolite communicare operibus infructuosis tenebrarum magis autem et redarguite."
    (And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness: but rather reprove them)
    Ephesians 5:11
  • Open: Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days
    Psalm 51: Be Merciful, O Lord - Brian Michael Page
    Gospel Acclamation: Praise to you (from Worship #207?)
    Ashes: Parce Domine
    Offertory: The Glory of These Forty Days
    Sanctus-Amen: Heritage Mass
    Agnus Dei: XVIII
    Communion: Soul of My Savior
    Meditation: Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All
    Close: There's A Wideness in God's' Mercy
  • kevinfkevinf
    Posts: 1,204
    Thanks Francis. Yes, I just got the book (its still in Italian though). Will start reading it next week. My Italian is not so good.

    True: The offending parish was St. John Neumann in Atlanta. Being unemployed right now allows me to visit. That was one visit I regret.
  • fp
    Posts: 63
    Here too we "rised from Aaaaaashes to make ourselves anew" and later we "lived our dream"......can't remember the rest it was too bad!
    Ordinary was not sung "because of Lent"....(we usually have the Mass of creation......so that was actually an improvement!). There is still a lot of work to do!!!!!
    Thanked by 1Chant_Supremacist
  • francis
    Posts: 10,894
    What is all this phoenix crap doing in the Mass?
    Thanked by 1Chant_Supremacist
  • benedictgal
    Posts: 798
    Robert, during Lent there is to be no instrumental music. The organ (or any other instrument, for that matter) should be played only to sustain the music.
  • Kevin, since you're out and about, please come visit St. Michael the Archangel in Woodstock. Our Traditional Choir and Schola sing the 9 A.M. Mass--except for this week (March 13) when we sing at 11 A.M. Fr. Mitch Pacwa (EWTN) will be preaching. I can assure you there will be no guitar and no Glory and Praise tunes to be heard!
  • Jeffrey Quick
    Posts: 2,113
    "Ordinary was not sung "because of Lent"." Oy! Bad enough that we're "half-Massed" though elimination of the Propers, but now they want to get rid of the Ordinary too? Get a storefront and crank up the guitars!
    B-gal...there's a fine musician I know at a cathedral who gives the following argument for organ postludes during Lent: that he can play something somber that will cause people to shut up and listen , or he can play nothing and have them talk on the way out: which is more reverent? He's got a point there, but personally I'm a "do the red" kind of guy, and still think the organ should shut up. Actually, I'd get rid of the "support the singing" loophole; it would change the repertoire immensely.
  • GavinGavin
    Posts: 2,799
    My (Episcopal) church had, if I recall correctly: Prelude/Postlude were Kyries by Boely (I play a lot of French classical during Lent), "The Glory of these Forty Days", an easy anthem from St. James Music Press, during Lent we use Rite I with the ordinary by Willan, and for the imposition I chanted the By Flowing Waters "Take away, O God..."
  • Raphael
    Posts: 11
    Introit: The days have come, the time for repentance - BFW 50
    Psalm: Be merciful to me - BFW 52
    Gospel Acclamation: Mass of Redemption
    Distribution of Ashes: Attende Domine (Latin antiphon with English verses) followed by Take away O God my wickedness - BFW 55
    Offertory: The Lord has come to help me - BFW 57
    Sanctus: Mass XVIII
    Mystery of Faith: Mortem tuam
    Agnus Dei: Mass XVIII
    Communion: O give us, Lord, your help in time of suffering - BFW 59
    Recessional: These Forty Days of Lent (ST. FLAVIAN)
  • kevinfkevinf
    Posts: 1,204
    Hello Bridget, please click on my name and send me your email. I wish to take up your offer.

  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,833
    St. David of Wales Catholic Church, March 9 2011

    Entrance hymn: CCH 229 Hear us, almighty Lord (Attende Domine)
    Kyrie: Orbis factor
    Grad.Ps: Be merciful O Lord (Guimont)
    Gosp. Acc: (after Orbis factor Kyrie)
    Imposition of Ashes: Miserere (Allegri, vv. 1-10)
    Intercessions: from Mass of Angels & Saints (Janco)
    Offertory: Miserere (Allegri, vv. 11-20)
    Sanctus & Agnus: Orbis factor
    Comm. Qui meditabitur followed by Draw near and take (ANIMA CHRISTI)
    departure in silence
  • Pittsburgh Oratory of St. Philip Neri:

    Processional hymn: Lord Jesus, Think on Me
    Kyrie: Mass XVI
    Resp. psalm: by Aristotle Esguerra, from http://noelchabanel.org/psalms/ABC_Ash_Wednesday/
    Gospel Acclamation: by Aristotle Esguerra, from http://www.garnieralleluias.com/
    Chant at the distribution of ashes - Parce Domine from Parish Book of Chant
    Offertory proper - Exaltabo te Domine
    Sanctus: Mass XVIII
    Agnus: Mass XVIII
    Communion proper - Qui meditabitur
    Recessional hymn - Turn Back, O Man

    Father skipped the Kyrie, psalm, Sanctus, and Agnus because he was worried about how long the Mass would take. As if we had anything else more important to do!
  • Kevin, look for an email from me. Blessings,
  • OlbashOlbash
    Posts: 314
    Like Kevin in Atlanta, I am not employed by a Catholic church, and I experienced a liturgy something akin to matthewj's "side of the island." (And I suspect 95% of parishes are all crammed on that side of the island.) My local parish featured "Hosea," "One Bread One Body," and the Mass of Creation. Fortunately, the psalm was recited, the ashes were imposed in silence, and there was no "recessional hymn." This is at an otherwise orthodox parish.

    Francis, please, please let me know if/when that book comes out in English.
  • PaixGioiaAmorPaixGioiaAmor
    Posts: 1,473
    "This is at an otherwise orthodox parish."

    Well that doesn't surprise me at all. Orthodox and bad music can go together a lot of the time from what I've seen. The music ends up being more an issue of bad taste and sensibilities (even though you have church documents pointing to chant, et al, I don't really see the Mass of Creation as being inherantly contrary to the documents, except for the text additions in the Agnus Dei.)
  • dvalerio
    Posts: 341
    Jerónimos Church, Lisbon, Portugal: Ordinary From

    Introit: Misereris omnium (Graduale Romanum)
    Kyrie: none, of course; it is ommitted on this day as per the rubrics
    Gradual: Misereri mei Deus (Graduale Romanum)
    Tract: Domine non secundum (Graduale Romanum)
    Imposition of ashes: Dele Domine iniquitatem meam, with Psalm 50/51 (Graduale Simplex)
    Prayer of the faithful: Te rogamus audi nos (see e.g. Iubilate Deo)
    Offertory: Exaltabo te (Graduale Romanum, verses according to Vorschläge zur Restitution von Melodien des Graduale Romanum, Fischer et al.)
    Sanctus: XVIII (Graduale Romanum)
    Agnus Dei: XVIII (Graduale Romanum)
    Communion: Qui meditabitur (Graduale Romanum, verses according to CMAA's Communio)
    Post-communion: Ave Regina Caelorum (Karl Kempter, for SAB choir)
    Recessional: none, silence kept

    And next year our parish priest wants to have the penitential procession with the Litany of Saints.
  • francis
    Posts: 10,894

    Beautiful example of a Roman Rite liturgical repertoire !
  • AndrewK
    Posts: 41
    St. Elizabeth of Hungary Church, St. Louis, MO: Ordinary Form 8am & 7pm

    Opening: Led by the Spirit
    Kyrie: Mass XVI
    Resp. Psalm: Owen Alstott (yes, even he can write decent psalm settings at times)
    Gospel. Acclm: Orbis Factor (arr. Hurd)
    Imposition of ashes: Fr Weber Setting
    Offertory: Attende Domine
    Mass Ordinary: Mass XVIII
    Communion: Parce Domine
    Closing: The glory of these forty days

    Extraordinary Form: 12 pm
    As you would find it in the liber usualis
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,833
    >dvalerio: Kyrie: none, of course; it is ommitted on this day as per the rubrics

    I've plenty to learn yet, but where did I miss this? LU is silent, GM mentions Gloria only.
  • "Omittitur actus paenitentialis, cuius locum tenet impositio cinerum."

    I assume the actus penitentialis is not just the Confiteor but amounts to the entire penitential rite, including the Kyrie. Right?
  • ClemensRomanusClemensRomanus
    Posts: 1,023
    It's very tricky, but the GIRM seems to separate the Act of Penitence and Kyrie in its paragraphs.



    46. The rites preceding the Liturgy of the Word, namely the Entrance, Greeting, Act of
    Penitence, Kyrie, Gloria, and Collect, have the character of a beginning, introduction, and

    The Act of Penitence

    51. Then the priest invites those present to take part in the Act of Penitence, which, after a
    brief pause for silence, the entire community carries out through a formula of general confession.
    The rite concludes with the priest’s absolution, which, however, lacks the efficacy of the
    Sacrament of Penance.

    On Sundays, especially in the Season of Easter, in place of the customary Act of Penitence, from
    time to time the blessing and sprinkling of water to recall Baptism may take place.56

    The Kyrie Eleison

    52. After the Act of Penitence, the Kyrie is always begun, unless it has already been included
    as part of the Act of Penitence. Since it is a chant by which the faithful acclaim the Lord and
    implore his mercy, it is ordinarily done by all, that is, by the people and with the choir or cantor
    having a part in it.

    As a rule, each acclamation is sung or said twice, though it may be repeated several times, by
    reason of the character of the various languages, as well as of the artistry of the music or of other
    circumstances. When the Kyrie is sung as a part of the Act of Penitence, a trope may precede
    each acclamation."
  • Attende Domine
    Chabanel :with organ
    GOSPEL ACC-Fr. Kelly
    Ashes: Parce Domine :psalm 90 tone iv with Domine Converte as the Antiphon
    Yes I shall Arise: with organ
    Mass XVIII
    Communion Antiphon and verses solemn tone iv
    CommunionJesu Dulcis : Latin and English
    Recessional: Jesusremember Me: with organ
  • mahrt
    Posts: 517
    OF Mass in Latin:
    Proper introit, gradual, tract, offertory, and communion in Latin Gregorian chant.
    Mass XVIII: Kyrie, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei
    At the imposition of ashes: Peñalosa, Inter vestibulum
    After the offertory chant: Rivafrecha, Anima mea liquefacta est
    After the communion chant: LaRue, O salutaris hostia
    After the dismissal: Lassus, Miserere mei
  • Hugh
    Posts: 199
    EF @ St Aloysius, Caulfield - Melbourne, Victoria Australia.

    All as in Liber, plus:

    Offertory: Parce Domine (Obrecht)
    Communion: O Bone Jesu (Crecquillon - formerly attrib. to Compere)

    Recessional: Lord Jesus Think On Me ("Southwell") (I can't resist putting in a tiers de picardy at the end: "And share thy joy at LAST").

    I like that idea, though, from DValerio above, of a silent recession. It would provide a glance from this, the first day of Lent, to the austerity of Holy Week, and to Good Friday in particular. Might try that next year.

    P.S. Palm Sunday, for the long Tract (Qui Habitat) we tried this: 3 male cantors positioned at the extreme ends left and right of the choir loft (at the rear of the Church) and in the middle, and singing through the verses alternately (a,b,c, etc) constructing a "surround sound" effect, adding variety to an already stunning piece of chant. Some very favourable comments from cong. members afterwards.
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,833
    "Omittitur actus paenitentialis, cuius locum tenet impositio cinerum." Mark, which book is this from? I guess I see some logic, but if this really applied to the Kyrie one might expect a note in the choirbooks.
  • That's from the 2002 Missale. I don't have the present translation in front of me, but I assume it expresses this as well; the new translation will say, "The Penitential Act is omitted, and the Distribution of Ashes takes its place." (Impositio = "distribution"??).

    I can see the logic in concluding that the omission means only the Confiteor (the Penitential Act proper) and not the Kyrie also. Maybe I just hear Form 3 of the Penitential Act ("You came to call sinners to repentance, Lord have mercy, &c.") that I'm accustomed to thinking of the two together as one liturgical act. Whatever the answer is, it must be the same as what happens when the Asperges is done, since the Missale states in similar terms that "Die dominica, praesertim tempore paschali, loco consueti actus paenitentialis, quandoque fieri potest benedictio et aspersio aquae in memoriam baptismi" ("From time to time on Sundays, especially in Easter Time, instead of the customary Penitential Act, the blessing and sprinkling of water may take place as a reminder of Baptism"). If I'm not mistaken, the Kyrie is not omitted when the Asperges is performed, in which case I think I stand corrected on the overall issue.