Litanies (Chant Resources)
  • I'm currently trying to learn how to chant (in Latin) the Church's six official litanies for public recitation, and so, ideally, I'd like to have recourse both to audio files of the six litanies and also the sheet music for them.

    So far, however, I've only been able to find the following:

    1. Litany of Loreto
    - recording (
    - notation (Liber Usualis)

    2. Litany of the Saints
    - recording (
    - notation (LU)

    3. Litany of the Sacred Heart:
    - notation (LU)

    4. Litany of St. Joseph:
    - notation (LU)

    Therefore, would anyone else happen to know where I might be able to find further resources online?

    Thank You.
  • Litany of the Holy Name of Jesus - See notation on Institute of Christ the King Sacred Music Resources page.
    Westminster Hymnal
    Cantuale Romano-Seraphicum