Divine Office Propers for St Scholastica?
  • It would be helpful for me if I could be provided with the proper antiphons in Latin for St Scholastica's feast from the "Antiphonale monasticum" or any other Benedictine book that has them. I have them in english and seek to compare them to the original. if anyone would be so kind to provide a image scan of one or two pages I would be most thankful.
  • I can offer you the antiphons at Matins taken from the Liber Responsorialis. Whether or not they're what you're seeking, I hope they're of interest.

    Sanctæ Scholasticæ Virginis, Sororis S.P.N. Benedicti
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,229
    Here are some pages from the 1934 Antiphonale Monasticum.
  • Thanks so much, this is almost all the music that exists for her feast!

    I return the favour back to you, in case you're curious, here's the english versions which are extremely well done by Charles Winfrid Douglas, the hymn was translated by the wantage nuns in the 1940s.

    Monastic Diurnal Noted I - p 293 - Feb 10 - St Scholastica, Virgin (English Antiphons)

    One of the many reasons that the anglican ordinariates ought to adopt this material for their official breviary.

    I'll make a bi-lingual latin/english booklet with both antiphons and languages for vespers to use on Feb 10.
  • Thanks to you, too. Your new hymn typesetting looks very attractive.

    Douglas's MDN is actually my own main source for chanting the Office already. I'm glad to know that others agree on its value. Of the very few things that it lacks are explicit tones for collects, but those can be found elsewhere, I guess.

    Speaking of Anglican adaptations, I read in another thread about your objection to the translation of "Maris" as "Ocean" instead of the preferable, "Sea." I had never thought of this before. My suspicion, which I'm sure has occurred to you, too, is that "Ocean" was used because of its syllabic similarity to "Maris" and therefore simpler to set to existing Gregorian melodies. I hope it wasn't a totally destructive thing for the translators to do; I'm now so used to singing it their way!