Psalm 40 is coming up this weekend, and the usual choice is "Here I am Lord". Does anyone have any suggestions of anything else? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE? English polyphony, chant, English chant, traditional English hymn?
I assume you mean for the responsorial psalm. Have you seen Chabanel Psalms’ offerings for this Sunday? You can also look at Chabanel Psalms’ seasonal psalms. The Gregorian chant, in place of the responsorial psalm, is Misit Dominus, which you can find at Jogues Chant (this might be too much of a shock compared to the usual choice). Though unlikely to arrive on time, for the future you might consider the seasonal settings in Graduale Simplex (Latin) or in its English adaptation, By Flowing Waters.
(P.S. Has someone done a more thorough comparison of these options?) (P.P.S. Also another adaptation of the Graduale Simplex, by the Rev. Fr. Samuel Weber, O.S.B.)
Rereading your post, I am not so sure that you are referring to the responsorial psalm particularly. Except for Chabanel Psalms, the other resources I mentioned provide chant options for the other parts of Mass. Not all of them have settings of the Ordinary, but that does not seem to be your primary concern.
I am sure others having more competence will give a more useful response.
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