Readings in Spanish - Even USCCB cannot overcome copyright.
  • From the USCCB Site:

    2. Where can I find the daily readings in Spanish?

    At present, this site is unable to post the daily readings in Spanish due to copyright considerations.
  • That is kind of a hard one. The Spanish-language Lectionary approved for use in the United States is from Mexico. Perhaps you might want to check the Mexican Episcopal Conference. Here is their website:

    I hope that this hellps.
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,469
    I don't think FNJ was asking where to find it, but rather pointing out that the situation is enough to make one angry (if one got angry about things, which Noel DOES NOT DO).
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,206
    One could observe that the USCCB hasn't taken the trouble to rectify the situation, or hasn't succeeded. One could wonder why.

    That is, if one were inclined to make such an observation.

    Probably some volunteers will have to take on the project and hope nobody sues them.
  • Can't find the readings there either...;<)
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,206
    Yep, even with my formidable Google-fu skills, I haven't found any anywhere yet.
  • Maureen
    Posts: 678
    This Jesuit "Obra Nacional de Buena Prensa" place prints and sells leccionarios and evangeliarios for the bishops' conference in Mexico. So maybe we could ask them what the copyright situation is?
    Obra Nacional de la Buena Prensa

    The detail pages under the leccionarios say that their distributor in the US is Liturgical Press in Collegeville MN.
    Liturgical Press.

    The Collegeville people have a book somewhere online about lectoring, which includes quotes from the Mexican lectionary. The copyright page credits the Conference and the Commission, but they say that all rights and permissions and licenses for the quotes came from Obra Nacional de Buena Prensa. (And they give Buena Prensa's address.)

    But here are Collegeville's copyright people, so you can ask them what the procedure is:

    Apparently the older copyright info for the lectionary was more specific. I found this in an online church bulletin from last Sunday, with the Spanish readings:
    (c) 1976 Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano. Here's their contact page at

    However, the 2009 USCCB stuff about the proposed US Leccionario (psalms from Spain's version, the rest from Mexico's) proposed also that the US copyright should then rest with the USCCB. I don't think the Vatican has officially okayed this yet, but it's probably not far off. So there's that.
    Thanked by 2Philothea eft94530
  • Maureen
    Posts: 678
    This guy has a Spanish lectionary page, but I don't know where he is.

    Fr. Jordi Rivero is down in Florida. He's got the lectionary up on his page also; you have to click on the first reading of the days in the calendar to get to the individual lectionary pages.

    This guy seems to have a lot of the Latin American lectionary. Not useful to USA folks, but useful to know, I guess. ACI Prensa has a calendar with the Latin American readings (I guess).
  • This is very helpful. Thanks, Maureen.
  • Maureen
    Posts: 678
    You're welcome.

    Ha! The archdiocese of Madrid has readings! You have to enter the date specifically, but there's your psalter among the rest!

    My work here is done. :)
    Thanked by 1eft94530
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,206
    Nice work, Maureen!
    Thanked by 1eft94530
  • BruceL
    Posts: 1,072
    Hate to bump this three days later, but just to reiterate: the Mexican lectionary is the one approved here in the US. There are translation differences between it and other Latin American lectionaries, and, if I remember correctly, there may be some different readings, too. I ran into this with a psalm for a Quincenera at my parish: lots and lots of differences between MX and other lectionaries (and they affected the pointing big-time for the psalm tone verses.)
  • But the USCCB does not have permission to post them on their own website. Strange.

    It's frustrating that there no ONE PLACE to go and see all the propers and readings for the NO English Mass....even more so, to try and find the same thing for Spanish Masses.

    Composers can't be challenged to compose texts that are difficult to find. Anyone have a solution?
    Thanked by 1eft94530
  • SkirpRSkirpR
    Posts: 854
    First, let me say I wholeheartedly agree with your point, Noel, but the real problem isn't necessarily the strict adherence to copyright - it's outdated thinking. Before the Internet, if you wanted the propers and readings for a particular Mass in Spanish, you'd have to track down (borrow or purchase) a Spanish Missal and a Spanish Lectionary. That would be allowed through copyright. The real problem is the copyright - which was less inconvenient in a paper-based information world - doesn't make so much sense now - especially for things liturgical -- outdated thinking.
  • BruceL:

    The strange thing about the United States is that while we are to use the Mexican Lectionary for the readings, we are to use the Responsorial Psalms approved for usage in Spain. The reason why the Latin-American lectionary (for lack of a better word), the ones that come in the commonly referred to "orange" and "blue" books is because they are tinged with liberation theology. That was the explanation that Msgr. Moroney gave us seven years ago.

    But, even at that point, composers like Mary Frances Reza tend to take liberties with the official texts, using inclusive language, even for the psalms.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,206
    Thanks. benedictgal, for the breakout of those texts.

    Is there also a rule about which Mass ordinary and proper texts are to be used in the US?
  • benedictgal, are the Paluch and other missalettes printing these?
  • chonak:

    We are to use the text approved for usage in Mexico insofar as the Roman Missal is concerned. The USCCB had been working on a Spanish-language Roman Missal for usage in the United States, but, somehow, that has not really gone anywhere. The subcommittee working on it actually met here in Laredo back in 2004, but, the USCCB has not released an update on how that project is going along.


    WLP actually refers to Respond and Acclaim for their Spanish translations of the psalms.
  • Are the R&A from Spain or do the include the R&A English?
  • R & A is from OCP. The one who does a lot of paraphrasing is Reza.
  • BruceL
    Posts: 1,072

    This is very interesting! IIRC, I had to message a friend in seminary in San Antonio and he simply sent me the text. I didn't know about the Spanish psalms at that time...I think the Spanish psalm was sent to me by a seminarian friend here in St. Louis and I shot it down because it wasn't in the Mexican lectionary. The mind reels!
  • uses the Mexican lectionary. It only has one week's worth at a time online.

    This site has previous years plus through February online, and from all that I can see it is also the Mexican version:

    The formatting is pretty bad though.
  • Earl_GreyEarl_Grey
    Posts: 903
    Any updates on this topic? I am now in charge of a weekly Spanish Mass. A priest gave me a missal, which has the antiphons etc, as well as some hymns and songs to use for the processions, but I still need a lectionary for the psalm and alleluia verse.

    I might have to break down and buy a Spanish missalette with the daily readings (any suggestions?) Still an online resource would be preferable so I could copy and paste into the worship aid.
  • LauraK
    Posts: 1
    I print the daily mass readings on my blog, with permission from the publisher of the New Revised Standard Version of the Catholic Bible. I ran across the same problem. There are no readings for mass in Spanish in the US. However, I installed a widget on my blog that translates the entire website into Spanish (or any other language), including the readings for mass. Also, you can copy and paste anything written in English into Google translate and it will translate it into any language as well. This is my blog if you would like to check out the translate widget halfway down the left side of the front page:
  • ronkrisman
    Posts: 1,393
    The August-September 2013 Newsletter of the USCCB Committee on Divine Worship, a copy of which I received in the mail yesterday, states that the Vatican Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments confirmed the new Leccionario for the dioceses of the United States on June 12, 2013. No word yet on which publisher will publish the Leccionario. It will be in four volumes, arranged in the same way as the USA's English-language Lectionary for Mass.
  • bkenney27bkenney27
    Posts: 444
    I believe has the readings in spanish. That is, if you have a subscription, ha. Haha. HaHAhaha.
  • ronkrisman
    Posts: 1,393
    @LauraK: Are you in Canada? I ask that because the New Revised Standard Version of the Catholic Bible is not, and has never been approved for liturgical use in the United States.
  • ronkrisman
    Posts: 1,393
    The composition of the USA's new Spanish-language Leccionario has been known since the late 1990's, when the then-NCCB approved the recommendation of its liturgy committee to use the readings from the Leccionario of Mexico and the responsorial psalms from the Leccionario of Spain. Unfortunately, no one thought to ask the Mexican episcopal conference about a license to use its copyrighted text in a USA publication! It took a few years to work out that agreement.

    Then, to compound matters further, Spanish missalette publishers in the USA were told in the early 2000's that they could begin publishing the Mexican text of the readings in their missalettes. Understandably, USA parishes purchased the entire three-volume set of the Leccionario from Mexico, only to discover that the psalms in that book did not agree with what was in the missalettes, which correctly continued to use the psalm translation from Spain.

    Thank God that this 15-year "Keystone cops" episode will soon draw to a close.
  • Understandably, USA parishes purchased the entire three-volume set of the Leccionario from Mexico, only to discover that the psalms in that book did not agree with what was in the missalettes, which correctly continued to use the psalm translation from Spain.

    I noticed this not long ago when searching for some Spanish psalm settings; it was maddening. Thank you for explaining why.

    I wonder if the Leccionario will be posted online by the USCCB in the same manner as the English Lectionary.
  • ronkrisman
    Posts: 1,393
    I wonder if the Leccionario will be posted online by the USCCB in the same manner as the English Lectionary.

    There was no mention of this in the BCDW Newsletter. I suppose the terms of the contract which licenses the USCCB's use of the Mexican bishops' text is going to be the determining factor.
    I just briefly searched the CEM (Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano) website. I did not see the daily lectionary reading posted there. Perhaps some Mexican diocese posts them on its own website? I do not know.

    Thanked by 1Andrew Motyka
  • Paula
    Posts: 1
    Here you can find the readings in Spanish up through January 2014. I can't get next month's, but probably it won't be there until next month??? That's what I'm hoping because I bring to Church a word doc I created which has the readings, English and Spanish, next to each other.

    The above translation, by the way, comports with the English/Spanish missal for this season which our church in Clinton, MA, has -- but it does NOT comport with the Spanish translation that, up until a couple weeks ago when translations of the readings totally disappeared, the USCCB had provided: Up until a couple weeks ago, the USCCB site had the daily (and obviously, the Sunday too) readings available in Spanish AND the other 28 or so languages they were translated into, including Zulu.

    Maybe it still has to do with copyright. Here's what I THINK is the latest:
    Misal romano
    Roman Missal
    With the texts of the prayers of the daily Masses and special holy days. Eucharistic petitions. Formularies for the variable parts of the Ordinary. Texts with music. Appendix with the three Eucharistic petitions for children's Masses and two for reconciliation.
    Hardcover, 6 1/4 x 8 3/4, 1,134 pages.

    Customers please note: The Misal Romano is the Spanish edition of The Roman Missal approved by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) for use at Masses in the United States and published by Buena Prensa, a Mexican publishing house. Because the Mexican bishops’ conference has promulgated the third typical edition, to be implemented in Mexico in November 2013, Buena Prensa has stopped printing the previous edition.

    The USCCB plans to introduce its own edition of the Misal Romano (third typical edition) for use in Masses in the United States in late 2014. For this reason the new Mexican edition has not been and will not be approved for use in the United States. Parishes in the U.S. that celebrate Mass in Spanish are asked to purchase a copy of the upcoming USCCB edition of the Misal Romano (third typical edition) when it becomes available in fall 2014.

    Thanked by 1eft94530
  • Aaron
    Posts: 110
    Any updates on the new U.S. missal and lectionary in Spanish?
    Thanked by 1eft94530
  • From a presentation I heard in January by the USCCB worship office, there's a chance the Misal might be out this year. The lectionary is still a work in progress.
  • Skimming through this thread, I thought I might mention that until such time that the US versions are available, any legitimate, approved version may be used. I am looking forward to seeing if that permission will be specifically rescinded upon publication of US editions.
  • Caleferink
    Posts: 432
    The USCCB website does have the daily Mass readings en español now. For example, today's readings (March 9, 2017 - Thursday of the First Week of Lent) are here: If you go onto their website and click a day where readings are available, there's a mini-bar under the main bar, and in red there's a tab labeled "en español" (or, if you're looking at the readings in Spanish, it'll say "In English" in the same spot). The copyright notice at the bottom, translated into English (on my own, not with Google Translate), says:
    The texts of the Sacred Scriptures utilized in this work are taken from Lectionary [volumes] I, II, and III, property of the Episcopal Commission of Pastoral Liturgy of the Mexican Episcopal Conference, copyright (C) 1987, fifth edition of September of 2004. Used with permission. All rights reserved.

    As far as the publication of the actual Misal and/or Leccionario books, I don't know, but if you're looking for an approved Spanish text of the Mass readings, this seems to be the best place to look at least that I'm aware of. Hopefully this is of some help to someone somewhere!
  • BruceL
    Posts: 1,072
    You can also substitute "readings" for "lecturas" and get the English, and vice versa.
  • bhcordovabhcordova
    Posts: 1,161
    It's frustrating that there no ONE PLACE to go and see all the propers and readings for the NO English Mass...

    Have you tried
    Thanked by 1a_f_hawkins
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,206
    There's always hardcopy:
  • rich_enough
    Posts: 1,047
    So is the text of the readings and responsorial psalms in Spanish on the USCCB website the current translation approved for use in the US? If so, why are the texts of the psalms not the same as what is in the missalette used in my parish (OCP's Misal del Día)?

    OCP's website says that their missalette contains "readings for every Sunday and holy day of obligation from the Mexican Lectionary as well as responsorial psalms and Gospel acclamations drawn from the Spanish Lectionary—all approved every year by the USCCB."

    Which is the correct version for these texts? Or are both translations approved?
    Thanked by 1eft94530
  • Marc Cerisier
    Posts: 534
    At the moment, any translation approved for use by the bishops conference of a Spanish speaking country may be used. The Mexican lectionary psalter is a bit... loose with some of the translations, which I believe is the original impetus of using the edition from Spain, but that seems to have caused some discord because there are so many Catholics in the US of Mexican descent for whom the translation from Spain seems foreign. (That is my understanding, at least.) Right now, the project is in limbo while the US Spanish-language missal is in preparation. I'm sure we'll hear more about the lectionary when that is out.
  • ronkrisman
    Posts: 1,393
    At the moment, any translation approved for use by the bishops [sic] conference of a Spanish speaking country may be used.

    This statement would be true for Canada, but not for the United States. When Mass is celebrated in a particular vernacular language which has not been approved as a liturgical language by the episcopal conference of that country, then any translation approved by another episcopal conference may be used. For instance, if Mass were to be celebrated in Portuguese at a U.S. parish, the liturgical books to be used could be either from Brazil or Portugal.

    But Spanish has been approved as a liturgical language in the USA. That means that the USCCB has the responsibility to approve liturgical books in Spanish for use within the territory of the conference, just as it approves liturgical books in English. In 1982 the then-NCCB approved the Leccionario published by the Northeast Catholic Pastoral Center for liturgical use in the USA. That lectionary uses psalms from the episcopal conference of Spain and readings from the Biblia Latinoamerica (a Peruvian translation). In the mid-1990's the members of the NCCB, under pressure from a Chilean cardinal in the Vatican who hated the Peruvian translation, approved a different translation for the readings to be used in a future Leccionario which would replace the one from 1982. That translation was from the episcopal conference of Mexico; the psalms from Spain would continue to be included in that new Leccionario. After 20 years, that book has yet to appear.

    The USCCB Liturgy Secretariat added further confusion to the situation when it told U.S. missalette publishers to begin using the readings from Mexico in their Spanish-language missalettes even though there was yet no USA Leccionario that contained those readings from Mexico. Many U.S. parishes purchased the multi-volume sets of the Leccionario from Mexico so that their liturgical readers would be able to read from a book rather than a missalette at Mass - many not knowing that Mexico's Leccionario did not contain the translation of the psalms approved by the USCCB for liturgical use in the USA.

    Policías de la piedra angular (Spanish Keystone Cops)?
    Thanked by 2eft94530 CHGiffen
  • Marc Cerisier
    Posts: 534

    I was quoting the director of the USCCB Divine Worship Office from his presentation to CRCCM in January.

  • eft94530eft94530
    Posts: 1,577
    Biblia Latinoamerica (a Peruvian translation)

    Is it this or something else?
    click splash page
    left margin click La Biblia On Line
    The Biblia Latinoamérica (literally “Latin American Bible”) was begun in 1960 by Rev. Bernard Hurault in Chile and published in 1972. Hurault decided that a Bible that can be understood by ordinary poor people is needed, and that this Bible should include commentaries to help its readers understand it. He began translating from Hebrew and Greek to Spanish, incorporating his own homilies and questions from his own congregation as commentaries. The version received mixed reviews because its notes and introductions support teachings of the Liberation theology.

  • ServiamScores
    Posts: 2,854
    Does anyone have any insights as to whether or not the leccionario will be issued any time soon? I swear I read somewhere recently that we were getting close now, but I can’t find the reference again. We want to order some hardboud bilingual missals for our church, but I won’t place the order if the translation will be changing in a year or so.
  • ronkrisman
    Posts: 1,393
    Nearly eight years ago I wrote (above):
    Thank God that this 15-year "Keystone cops" episode will soon draw to a close.

    How wrong I was. It's now 23 years and counting.

    As to the issue raised by ServiamScores, I have not heard that any publisher in the USA is preparing a bilingual (English and Spanish) edition of the Roman Missal. It could be done: there is an English-language Roman Missal approved for use in the USA, and there is a Spanish-langiuage Misal Romano approved for used in the USA. They could be combined into one volume, if the BCDW were to approve such, but think of the size of such a book!

    As to the translation of either the English or Spanish texts of the Roman Missal/Misal Romano "changing in a year or so," no way. It will be years, perhaps decades, before there is a new translation in either language.

    This entire thread has been about a new Spanish translation of the Leccionario in the USA, not the Misal Romano/Roman Missal.
  • ServiamScores
    Posts: 2,854
    I’m speaking of hand missals or “missalettes” for laymen in the pews, not a proper altar missal. There is one produced by ILP, so this is the right thread.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,206
    Speaking of the Misal Romano, does anyone know of any editions for the US smaller and cheaper than an altar missal? Alas, even the Daughters of St. Paul do not have one: when asked for a Spanish missal for lay use, all they have been able to provide me is a softcover version of the Mexican Misal.
  • doneill
    Posts: 207
    I purchased a reasonably priced study edition of the new Misal Romano from WLP before its merger with GIA; I'm not sure if they still issue it. Incidentally, I've been working on a bilingual pew Missal/devotional book for our parishes, and it's just about ready. Getting permissions has been an ordeal, and I'm afraid I can't share it, because the moment I do, it ceases being a "worship aid" and becomes a "published" book subject to approval from the USCCB, and I'm in violation of copyright.