Music of Francisco Lopez Capillas
  • j13rice
    Posts: 36
    I encountered a recording ( of Capillas polyphonic setting of the "Lumen ad revelationem" antiphon (one of the antiphons sung during the procession for the Presentation of the Lord on Feb 2). Was hoping to employ this setting on or around the feast this year, but have been unable to locate a score, online or otherwise. Anyone know where I could find it? CPDL just has two of his pieces, and nothing of his is on IMSLP. BTW, he was a 17th century Mexican composer. Very beautiful music!
  • This seems to be a tough one - here is the webpage for the conductor of the video:
  • Per Grove, it's in v. 5 of Tesoro de la música polifónica en México (México : CENIDIM,1993). Whereabouts do you live? This isn't held by a huge number of university libraries (about 35 holdings), but fairly widely distributed by state. There is, frustratingly, a Google Books record, but it's only a citation, not the actual item.
  • j13rice
    Posts: 36
    Jeffrey, thanks for this info, I'm in Raleigh, NC.
  • Ooh, nothing too close. Columbus State in GA maybe, or Catholic U of A in DC. And unfortunately, it's the sort of item that doesn't interlibrary loan much. But you can always try.
  • j13rice
    Posts: 36
    Thanks... I'm actually inquiring into purchasing the volume from the publisher, the Centro Nacional de Investigación, Documentación e Información Musical or "CENIDIM". Apparently their publications are affordable (we'll see what the definition of affordable is if/when they respond to my email!).