Finally, after more than a year of typesetting, the free booklets I'm offering for Sunday Lauds and Vespers are completed! Well, nearly so. I'll add a couple of more booklets for some feasts in the course of this year.
The booklets provide all Latin texts and Gregorian chants for the Liturgy of the Hours, following Liturgia Horarum and the Ordo cantus officii. Check them out:
Now, it's off to Lauds and Vespers for weekdays... If you think this project is worth supporting, please consider a donation.
Thank you very much! This i beautiful!
Is there an equivalent with english texts? (I am currently looking for downloadable booklets for Sunday Vespers with music)
I made programs (not booklet size, but that's easily adaptable) which were similar (although not nearly as beautiful) as these, for the Vespers of the O Antiphons (December 17-23). I used the Latin antiphons of the new Antiphonale Monasticum and Antiphonale Romanum and pointed the original Grail psalms that are included in the Liturgy of the Hours. I referenced it in this earlier post.
I don't have the time right now (trying to work on a mostly unrelated doctoral dissertation!), but I would love to undertake this project for all Vespers. I assume it would be easy for Mr. van Roode's to incorporate English psalms in his work - merely replacing the Latin psalms with appropriately pointed English psalms - if he were given the pointed English. The pointing, however, is where opinions differ. One could use Meinrad tones and pointing from the Mundelein Psalter (easy to sing and the work already done for Lauds and Vespers) or one could use the authentic Gregorian psalmtones - in which there are differing opinions on how to point English.
I'd be happy to point the psalms for people employing the general rules I followed in my previous endeavor. The other issue is indeed versification. I sometimes made recourse to the Mundelein Psalter for that, sometimes to the Latin in the Liturgia Horarum, occasionally I made my own choice. But ultimately, I did not consider all modes when making versification decisions - only the mode I was pointing to at the time - which I should like to go back and remedy for its lack of thoroughness.
It would be a fun project (for me anyway) to point all the psalms (Grail and/or Revised Grail) in English to all the Gregorian psalmtones. If this would be helpful to people (???), nerd as I am, I will undertake it for "fun."
Sounds like a wonderful project but in the light of recent articles posted here about copyright for the Psalter...I don't see it happening anytime soon? (I'm sure someone on the forum will very charitably correct me if I'm wrong!)
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