ICEL Chant Organ Accompaniments
  • francis
    Posts: 10,848
    FNJ... It would not be difficult to create a stems version if that is what you think... do you really think this is hard to read?
  • It's not just the stems - it's the mismatch between note values in the melody and the whole notes at the end of measures to the organist who is desperately trying to accompany - she or he, this is not a gender-specific problem, has been trained that notes are to fill measures and these fall short. This may be a picky little thing, but I see the original one you did being much clear for the organist who knows little or nothing about chant.

    The next version is definitely closer to chant....but to someone new, not clear at all. The training level of Catholic organists is woefully low, especially since they are expected to play accompaniments for modern popular music styles which are not adapted for the organ nor even playable in some cases.

    I can see a definite need for both being available. You do beautiful work.
  • very appreciative for these, frogman
  • From another blog:

    "There seems to be a strong emphasis on plainchant for singing the parts of the Mass, and the translation looks as though it would be difficult to set to metered music. I come from a small parish with not much musical ability, how are we supposed to encourage the congregation to learn and sing plainchant with anything like the enthusiasm with which they participate in more singable music?"

    Chant is being described as requiring musical ability, something that people normally enthusiastic about singing (are we talking about Catholics here?) would not want or be able to sing tied into the "We are a small parish." bag.

    Chant IS metered, it's just subtle and not lock-stepped meter. The thinking is that chant is suited only for the pros - we've got to dispel that notion. Authoritative versions are needed, but we need to build a base of support by making chant as accessible as it is and always has been.

    Let's build the simple base.
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,482
    Where is this blog? I will go comment about the my direct experience with teaching an amateur choir both plainchant and a wide range of contemporary musics (from P&W to folk Catholic). Guess what was EASIEST BY FAR?!?!
  • I really don't want to fan the flames over there, just came across this and thought it was a good picture of what the thinking is among people that helps us set our sights on what we want to accomplish. So much of the music, as you have discovered, is so hard to sing, much less sing well, that what we are behind is easy in comparison.
  • francis
    Posts: 10,848
    OK FNJ... Here is a modern notation variation. Quite dif from the typical NOH... I think this is more intimidating, really. Oh, and ... I have sinned! I gave Anne the links to both the MN and the NOH versions. Let's see if they actually put them up!
  • FNJ,

    Could you send the zip file my way as well?

    Thanks in advance.

  • On its way.
  • francis
    Posts: 10,848
    1st part of the Penitential Act... This one took a good while to get it right.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,986
    I gave copies of the ICEL Ordinary parts to the pastor this morning. He seemed quite pleased to have them. There is hope. :-)
  • While I like chant accompanied and unaccompanied, both when done tastefully, I do not like the celebrant singing with accompaniment.

    However, if it makes the singing possible, then go for it. Francis' work is definitely work downloading and having at hand. Thanks again, Francis for adding more and more to this project.
  • francis
    Posts: 10,848
    hmmm... i guess you could eliminate the celebrants accomp and it would still work just as well. the trick is always keeping on pitch a cappella.
  • Yes, but having it available will give some celebrants who are afraid of singing the nerve to go ahead and do it. Your work will have value in many places. It would be a grave error to omit it!
  • francis
    Posts: 10,848
    actually, i think maybe the option of playing a perfect fifth A-E would work well too.
  • Or drinking one....
  • francis
    Posts: 10,848



    either play or drink a perfect fifth as an alternate accompinament to the chant of the priest.

    the third and final option is otherwise known as the "alius bibendum cantus"
  • Laudate
    Posts: 2
    The Diocese of Leeds in England has posted an organ accompaniment for the Missal Chants:
  • Adam Schwend
    Posts: 203
    These are all very good, Noel....thank you so much.

    Might you have a way in your engraving software that would allow you to remove the stems of the notes? My concern is that, for organists who may not be familiar with unmetrical, modal music, that they may attempt to play it in strict meter....

    Adam S.
  • Interesting point in the midst of a rather stressful day. Will have a look at this!
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,486
    Dear Noel:
    Thank you for these accompaniments. They are beautifully done, and I very well may use them. Thank you for your time and work.
  • Thank you! Kind words are always welcome.
  • PMulholland
    Posts: 120
    Has anyone set the Our Father?
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,220
    I'm collecting a list of links to accompaniments for the CMAA site; would people please post sources for their own (or recommended) compositions?

    So far I've seen the Leeds diocese page:

    and one from WLP

    There are a few posted in the forum, but since the forum's attachment facility is buggy, I'd rather point readers to other websites.
  • AngelaRAngelaR
    Posts: 321
    I am curious if anyone has used Noel's guitar arrangements with any success?
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    In addition to Noel's, folks might consider this complete set as well. Always nice to have options.

    Thanked by 1JonathanLC
  • AngelaRAngelaR
    Posts: 321
    While we're at it, has anyone ever done any of these with handbells underneath at key places?
    Thanked by 1JonathanLC
  • Just found this and wanted to say thanks. I've taken on a new choir and this is perfect for what i need to begin introducing them to better music.
    Thanked by 1JonathanLC