Quick question here (another one of my "liturgy 101" questions): The Feast of the Immaculate Conception is on December 8th, and therefore is invariably during Advent. So, is the Gloria sung at that Mass, or not?
It is a Solemnity, a bit higher than a Feast. To be sure about such things, though, one needs to consult the Ordo for the particular Diocese. There is usually one in every Sacristy, but sometimes not - because the priest thinks he knows it all, or the liturgist controls everything. Infact, the Ordo calls for the Gloria AND the Credo.
The OF also permits the Gloria and Creed on days celebrated with particular solemnity. We always sing a Gloria at a wedding, even tough the book does not call for it.
Yes, that's how it looks in the OCR'd Missale Romanum file (downloaded from the Ste-Cecile schola).
Along with the propers for Masses "In celebratione matrimonii" are rubrics to - omit the penitential rite - include the Gloria - omit the embolism "Libera nos" after the Pater noster, and proceed to the nuptial blessing - omit the prayer "Domine Jesu Christe" and proceed to the "Pax Domini".
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