Mass suggestions
  • My parish has aked me to suggest suitable liturgical music for our patronal feast. We celebrate our feast in August, over a whole week in honour of Saint Helen - Mother of Constantine. Could you send me suggestions regarding suitable liturgical pieces ( Masses, including introit, offertory, communion). The pieces have to be for an orchestra, choir and voices. I'm looking for the names of different masses, hymns and psalms from different composers.

    Thanking you for your help. Promising you my prayers.

    Yours in Christ,
    Sem. Nicholas J. Doublet
    Archdiocese of Malta
  • G
    Posts: 1,401
    One thought is that it might be the one opportunity outside of Passiontide for singing some of the many motets and anthems addressed, more or less to the "Faithful Cross."
    (If that is liturgically absurd, everyone forgive me...)

    Save the Liturgy, Save the World
  • Steve CollinsSteve Collins
    Posts: 1,022
    No, it's not the least bit absurd. As a matter of fact, I have a woodcut graphic from an old Missal for the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross that depicts St. Helen at the Cross having been found.

    Nicholas: emila me if you'd like it in TIF format to include in your worship aids.