Forum Accessibility - Translate
  • Aristotle - not the original genius - but our present genius, has added a link in the left to translate web pages into many languages.

    Thank you!
  • GavinGavin
    Posts: 2,799
    I don't see tlhIngan Hol on that list.
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,466
    You've never experienced Gregorian chant until you've heard it in the original tlhIngan!
  • eft94530eft94530
    Posts: 1,577
    For translation to be most beneficial to non-English-speaking and non-USA visitors ...

    please avoid abbreviations in all future posts!
  • Do you really expect us to type out "Extraordinary Form" each and every time?
  • eft94530eft94530
    Posts: 1,577
    Maybe we need an anchored [Sticky] Discussion with a list of abbreviations?

    In some posts I think I have used a convention like Extraordinary Form (EF)
    or Responsorial Psalm (RP) for the benefit of visitors, and then used the abbreviation.
    If it has already been provided in an earlier post in the particular Discussion, then I continue the convention.
    Sometimes I have gone back and edited my posts to be more explicit.

    The troubles become more clear to me, when, at certain times, I am using the Forum Search
    to rediscover long ago posted items. Examples might be "res ps" or "resp" with or without periods.
    If the full word is used at least once in a Forum Discussion, many of the other possibilities
    might be decipherable, but they might depend on the degree of familiarity with the language.

    As I am a language-challenged American, when I attempt to skim various foreign language forum webpages,
    I sometimes wish that some consistency existed. I do search for words and phrases and abbreviations
    within the website (using google "site:" operator), hoping that I can discover their Rosetta Stone material,
    but sometimes I cannot decipher abbreviations, due to too little context, and probably miss what I seek.

    There is so much good info in the Forum that we should want to be clear
    for others to enjoy and benefit from the clarity.