Advisable to sing chant without neums?
  • We're friend's Jeffrey–-don't worry! I think that we should spare the readers of the forum the expense of having to follow us through that conversation again ;) I say this in good fun, friend. We have some disagreements and that's fine. It happens.

    I appreciate the insight shared by Dr. Mahrt above, however much it may conflict with Fr. Kelly's. There's always something to learn in everything, I think. There's much to be learned in the insights of Mocquereau as there are in Cardine. I hope that the readers here will set aside any historic prejudices and draw insight from whatever they can.
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    Thanks, Adam.

    Remind me to send you a T-Shirt with an off-accent ictus on it for Christmas . . .


  • Haha, sounds good! And I'll send you one with a St. Gall salicus demonstrating graphic separation in the midst of an ascent ;)
  • miacoyne
    Posts: 1,805
    Wooo, I'd love to have a shirt with ictus on the front and St.Gall on the back. (could someone design this?)

    Those two, classic Solesmes and Semiology, both truly helped me with singing chants, and I greatly appreciate musicians from both schools who work very hard to help others to learn chants. (Adam and Jeff O, you guys have accomplished so much already, and you are both still so young. I'm looking forward to see how much you will do for the Church in the future. God Bless !!)
  • francis
    Posts: 10,909
    My shirt design goes like this

    >•<<br />
    Taking orders on my website
  • Sorry, but the >•< and the variance for more formal occasions ≥•≤ are my own....wait for it....INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY!
  • francis
    Posts: 10,909
    Wait FNJ... I copyrighted and patented that neume a couple years ago. My lawyer will be contacting you!
  • We need to get a court order to restraining JT from wearing a >•< until this gets sorted out, could be years.

    But think of it as for the greater good. The necktie business will enjoy the sudden influx of orders from Alabama.

    Of course, the >•< industry will hate us but intellectual property is intellectual property.

    We will be generous and give Mia the Korean Rights. (hi, Mia!)
  • miacoyne
    Posts: 1,805
    Somehow I couldn't sleep. I see someone was calling me. I don't think Koreans demand rights as much. (this is more Western or American thing. Although I'm getting used to it now.)

    Francis, I was thinking more like chant shirt with neums of off accent ictus and St. Gall Salicus and maybe with Jeff O and Adam's picture with them. Don't your teens wear those shirts with music and guitar heroes? ( I guess you haven't seen the chant shirt at the Colloquium. You missed a lot. I hope you can make it to Colloquium this time.)
  • francis
    Posts: 10,909
    o pray, pray, pray. God has me sequestered in the mountains, far away from most of the hectic city life that i once knew... a simple life of prayer and music, family life... composing and performing... beautiful summers and more beautiful winters... and VERY quiet here. no sirens, no planes, no crime... just peaceful life. i would love to join you all in the seven days of heaven. i still think back to 2005 when Fr. Skeris invited me to come. i took the train every day from West Baltimore where I lived at the time. I think there were about 50 attendees. i would truly like to see everyone. Godspeed to you all.

    I like your idea for the design, mia...

    I would like to have more time to work on the chant project with Adam and others... and the propers... I just read the entire Fall journal and it is very consoling to see that the proponents of sacred music are binding themselves to such a good task... you all at least have my prayers at this time, as i hope i have yours.
  • miacoyne
    Posts: 1,805
    Thank you for the pictures Francis. You live in a truly beautiful place with the beautiful family.!!
    I don't think traffic is getting better in Baltimore area, but I think our spirituality is improving. There are many young priests here who started to notice the importance of sacred music in our liturgy. Our homeschool coop had the first Mass, and the priest I never met before mentioned about the importance of preserving Latin and chant, and he was very thankful for the quote of the Church's document. It's so wonderful to meet a humble priest and celebrate Mass. I was just so moved by him and couldn't finish singing Salve Regina. But the children knew it very well and so did the families. So we were able to sing like Catholics! After the Mass, we felt so proud to be Catholic !

    (I was just kidding about the shirt. It's just fun to think about it. Chatn heroes! My teens think it''s funny that I also go to 'chant cafe.' (?!) I'm glad you will be spending more time for the chant project. It was very nice to meet Noel, the real person, at the Colloquium as well as others from here. HI, Noel!)