Does anyone have a setting (even better, through-composed) of the various prayers of the Rosary?
I'd be especially interested in an "Ave Maria" (Latin or English) which might lend itself to singing as a canon, such that it would represent a single decade (e.g. 1+(3x3)) -- I think I could easily enough find a "Pater Noster", "Gloria Patri", or "Salve Regina", etc., to fit the bill.
At Notre Dame High School in Chattanooga we recorded CD and included the Rosary and sang the Hail Mary (in English) to Tonus Peregrinus. We used tones from a couple of chant rosary pages on the net, including Aristotle's excellent one.
But they were all in English. This is an interesting project, especially the idea of a canon!
Sung it took 41 minutes, but with a canon it cou ld be shorter.
A couple thoughts, Colin Mawby set the Glorious Mysteries. Lovely, very singable and nice for the choir. Also, Craig Kingsbury arranged a beautiful setting using traditional chant modes with Bob Hurd (take a look, it is lovely.) W used to do it at the cathedral here in Portland. Both are published by OCP.
Instead of a Sung Rosary per se, I've been in the scenario where we sang various hymns between the decades and had a sung litany to Mary. In many places where people have limited musical ability, this allowed a good participation from both those who were and who were not musically gifted.
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