Translating Latin into Latin in the new Missal?
  • incantuincantu
    Posts: 989
    I'm not sure if this topic has come up already, but I've noticed that the new Sacramentary chants include Latin incipits for the Gloria (actually, several, and only one in English), a Latin Sanctus, and the Pater Noster, as well as on option for singing the Kyrie in Greek. The English Sacramentary contains a translation of the Latin texts of the Mass for liturgies celebrated in the vernacular. The Latin chants are to be found in the Kyriale or the Graduale. Why, then, are there Latin chants in an English language ritual book? And why these in particular? Let me be clear that I'm not asking why one would use Latin chant in an otherwise English liturgy. I'm asking why these specific items are included, and what can we infer from that?
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,485
    Seems like a gentle reminder and encouragement to me.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,248
    I'd be pleased if the English translation were published with the Latin on facing pages.