When sheep attack realized
  • Amazing:

    dispute among members of the parish council over Mass times
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,503
    Also amazing: the 25-seat chapel for the TLM.
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,469
    Perhaps they should change the name to Six Wounds.

    I have no particular affinity for the EF Mass, although I completely understand why others do. But even if you're a confirmed Folkie modernist how could you.... do that to people?
  • Liam
    Posts: 5,069
    I suspect that the parishioners who want the Portuguese Mass in that time slot were trying to swap the positions of the Portuguese Mass (currently 11) with that of the EF Mass (currently 9:15), but obviously the celebrant couldn't do the alternative timeframe. The mid-morning slot is typically the "family" Mass in many parishes - I have no idea which group (the Lusophone or Latin group, that is) has more children, but I suspect that Sunday catechesis for children timetables might be linked somehow to this. This is just speculation, FWIW.
  • Especially strange since a Parish Council has no power to DO anything. They can submit opinions. But not make any decisions.

    Since the priest would be unable to say the Mass if the time were changed, I doubt that this had anything to do with swapping the positions of the Mass rather, it is the efforts of a few to control things in the parish and to rid themselves of the pesky TLM priest or TLM congregation.

    Or both.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,206
    In some parishes, there are people who don't think of their church as a place for worship, evangelization, and spiritual development. They think of it in secular terms, as a place for their neighborhood community or their ethnic community. The parish's social opportunities -- parties, bingo nights -- become the most important part of parish life for them. Sometimes even the parish "insiders" have that mindset.

    But if a dynamic, energetic TLM congregation is added to the parish, its members will volunteer to be on the parish council and on the parish finance committee, and they will bring a set of independent eyes and independent minds to examine how things have been run.

    That can be perceived as a threat to a small clique of people who have been used to running things their way.
  • As the Catholics in Ohio say, Bingo!