Vespers booklet for Dedication of St Michael, Archangel + Holy Cross
  • Merry Michaelmas!

    Here are two booklets I made for Vespers for the Dedication of St Michael, Archangel and Exaltation of the Holy life-giving Cross, two of the more important feasts of September.

    They are as always, primarily in English with Hymns in both Latin and English.
    Based upon Charles Winfrid Douglas monastic diurnal books.

    I'll try to put up the one I made for assumption tomorrow. I never had time to post it here on the actual feast.
    My next booklet will be for the All Saints ..and than Friday and Saturday ferial vespers.

    Vespers for the Dedication of St Michael, Archangel

    Vespers for the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

    Blessed art thou O Lord in the firmament of heaven: and praised, and glorified, and extolled forever!

    Benedictus es Domine in firmamemto caeli: et laudabilis, et gloriosus, et superexaltatus in saecula!
  • Chris, when I try to access the Vespers booklet for the Dedication of St. Michael the Archangel, it says that there is an error, and that the file is not found. Do you still have a copy of these booklets on file?
  • Aaron
    Posts: 110
    We are celebrating an ecumenical vespers of St. Michael on Friday (yes, I know its not the real day), I am looking for accompanied settings in English of the antiphons and responsory. Any suggestions?