It looks great. I note you guys are running the site with a wordpress installation. Is the design theme custom? If not, can you say which theme you're using?
It's a theme called Solitude, but we've hacked it up to the point that it is not really recognizable.
I do take seriously the idea that this header is too "Churchy," if by that the post means too much emphasis on doctrine and not enough on music, which, after all, is the focus of the organization. There is a point to that.
My two cents' worth . . . We sing because of Christ, the church, the doctrine. We love the music because we first loved Christ and his church. Without Christ, the foundation, the music is nothing.
I enjoy the religious art you choose for the musicasacra header--and like the fact that the image changes now and then.
P.S. Thanks for the info on the wordpress theme. I'm hooked on wordpress and always curious.
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