“O vos omnes” in modern liturgy?
  • Hi everyone,

    Does “O vos omnes” appear in the modern (i.e. NO) liturgy anywhere?
  • Chris
    Posts: 80
    That's a great question. I tried looking for it this past week in the Triplex and the modern Antiphonale Monasticum and couldn't find it. My choir rendered Hanson's SSATB a capella setting of it yesterday, preceded by the chant. It was very nice. If you can find where it's located, I'd be interested in knowing, too.
  • francis
    Posts: 10,879
    If not, I think Jeffrey offered (on one of these posts somewhere) that we can include it under the fourth provision of the alius cantus aptus.
  • Jevoro
    Posts: 108
    Even in the AO (EF), O vos omnes was a repons not in Antiphonale monasticum neither Graduale. It is a matutine-piece, and i think not that it has been removed from in OF (NO). See ad Vigilias/matutines on holy saturday...
  • It does appear to be gone from the OF liturgy.

    In the EF it was used on Holy Saturday as both a responsory and a psalm antiphon.

    I’m just surprised it’s not somewhere.