antiphons for the Mass to Pray for Vocations to Holy Orders
  • May I have the help of my colleagues to locate authentic chants for the following?

    Pro vocationibus ad sacros ordines

    Ant. ad introitum Mt 9, 38

    Rogate Dominum messis,
    ut mittat operarios in messem suam,
    dicit Iesus discipulos suos.

    Ant. ad communionem 1 Io 3, 16
    In hoc cognovimus caritatem Dei:
    quoniam ille animam suam pro nobis posuit,
    et nos debemus pro fratribus animas ponere.
  • I found the Introit! It is the antiphon for the Magnificat for first vespers of Sunday XI in Ordinary Time (Antiphonale Romanum II, p, 298).

    I still need help locating the Communion.
  • smvanroodesmvanroode
    Posts: 1,011
    The only (office) antiphons taken from 1 John are:
    Laetentur et exsultent (2, 1)
    Diligamus nos invicem (4, 7)
    Deus caritas est (4, 16)

    The text (or parts) of 1 Jn 3, 16 are not in the CAO.

    Why not use the chants indicated in the Graduale Romanum?
    IN Dominus secus mare
    CO Amen dico vobis quod vos
    — Dicit Andreas Simoni
    — Venite post me, faciam vos