Pulling apart a Graduale PDF
  • Is there a way for someone to pull just a few pages out of a PDF file? I need to save just a couple pages of one of the Graduales and email them as a separate PDF. Do I need Adobe Acrobat for that? I thought of just making a screen shot and saving that but its a whole lot messier. Thanks for any help/hints.
  • francis
    Posts: 10,882
    Yes. You need the full version of Acrobat. I have all the Graduales. Just let me know which one and which pages and I will send you the file.
  • There is a free program called PrimoPDF. http://download.cnet.com/PrimoPDF/3000-18497_4-10264577.html

    This sets up PrimoPDF as a printer device. Open the pdf file, and print the pages you need using PrimoPDF. This will prompt you to create a new pdf with the printed pages.
  • Francis, thanks for the offer - but Mark's suggested program worked great for me!
  • Glad it worked. I get so much from these forums. I'm delighted I could give something back.
  • francis
    Posts: 10,882
    Kool... one less thing for me to do, but glad to help.
  • good grief. I had no idea such a free program exists! that's great.
  • Mark M.Mark M.
    Posts: 632
    Any comparable free program for the Mac platform?
  • smvanroodesmvanroode
    Posts: 1,007
    @Mark: Preview should be able to do this.
  • Carl DCarl D
    Posts: 992
    By the way, once you realize that you can print to a PDF driver, you realize that there's all kinds of other tricks you can do too - like putting multiple pages on a page and such.

    Everybody should have one of those free PDF printer drivers on their machine, it's extraordinarily handy. And keeps you from having to worry if the recipient of a file has a program to read some weird format you're trying to send them and will see something intelligible.

    Very handy.
  • CutePDF is also good
  • On the Mac, Preview does wonders, including changing PDF to JPG and resizing, which I am doing almost daily. And another included free-with-the-mac program along with Preview, GRAB does just that, right off the screen, creating images that can be used.
  • francis
    Posts: 10,882
    macs are great
  • Mark M.Mark M.
    Posts: 632
    @smvanroode -- ah, yes! Thanks for reminding me.
  • Am I missing something?
    I have been placing portions of the Gradual, or creating chants with a neume fonts in a "Word" document or and "Open Office" Document then "saving as" a pdf.

    How about a techno breakout session for fonts, pdfs, and the web.