Cleveland Area?
  • Tactus
    Posts: 17
    Am considering a move and wondered if anyone knows of any openings in the area. I have already checked the diocese and NPM, both of which had a few listed (most of which had a frightening number of trendy buzz words in their ads) and figured I'd ask here too. Ideally, a 'reform of the reform' parish (or clergy) would be great but I would be happy with a middle of the road parish.
    Any leads would be great.
  • Trendy, frightening, and feminist too. -home of "Future Church." sorry:
    There is opportunity for growth here. The consistent systematic use of chant has had a wonderful effect on our parish in Cleveland. Other musicians are envious of the progress we have had and the rare license I have now in developing our schola. In the suburbs the best Masses are on weekdays - without music. The city parishes can be wonderful and are restructuring due to 40-50 parish closings.
  • There seems to be a lot of movement in the area as the suburbs grow and the city dwindles down to nothing. I feel that if you keep looking the right job will definitely come up.

    From what I have noticed, the closer to the city of Cleveland you go, the more traditional the masses are. Of course there are a few exceptions but that seems to be the trend.
  • Jeffrey Quick
    Posts: 2,086
    FWIW, I know of several Catholic musicians already in Cleveland who are looking for more RotR-type parishes. It's a pretty crazy market right now, with all the recent parish closings. But there's a lot right happening here as well. See for some detail. I've been a regular guest singer at "the Mac" (Immaculate Conception, E. 43rd and Superior) where they normally have polyphony with chant Propers from the noon EF mass.
  • PaixGioiaAmorPaixGioiaAmor
    Posts: 1,473

    If I may ask, are you interested in singing polyphony and chant propers anywhere else, or are you content at Immaculate Conception?
  • PaixGioiaAmorPaixGioiaAmor
    Posts: 1,473
    Bobby -

    You are quite right about that. My parish is in the city of Cleveland.
  • Paix? where are you in Cleveland?
    I just read a local posting for an area position of a new parish stating that: "those who think French - cuffs and cassocks are cool... NEED NOT APPLY."
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,469
    Maybe they meant putting them together.
  • "I just read a local posting for an area position of a new parish stating that: "those who think French - cuffs and cassocks are cool... NEED NOT APPLY."

    Well, maybe they fear the rumors of Undercover Boss coming to a white cassock.
  • The following is the exact original ad, with no modifications made whatsoever. I feel no need to censor the church or priest's name since he wrote this ad to be publicized and it actually did appear on the website for the diocese of Cleveland for days until some complained to the office of worship about it. The controversial parts were then taken out and the ad remains posted on the website, minus the inflammatory and "cute" parts.

    Blessed Trinity Church in Cleveland, a post Vatican II, Spirit-filled and joyous, hopeful community, is seeking a Minister of Music. Applicants should have a mastery of piano and organ skills, be versed in liturgical guidelines with an emphasis on congregational singing and have choral directing experience. The music minister will coordinate three weekend liturgies, adult choir, hand bell choir, cantors, psalmists and instrumentalist; Wednesday Mass at West Park Catholic Academy; Tuesday Staff meetings and two other weekday liturgies. Benefits and paid vacation time. Salary negotiable based on level of education and experience or making a real good case to the pastor. Applicants who think cassocks, albs with lace or French cuffs are cool need not apply. Preference given to those who can prove they are subscribers to NCR.
    Contact Fr. Doug Koesel in writing, 14040 Puritas Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44135.

    You can almost sense very real fear of the reform of the reform that is sweeping this diocese and the Church at large.
  • kevinfkevinf
    Posts: 1,189
    Gee, is it becoming open warfare now. That ad is very sad.
  • The Internet is circumventing what has stopped the movement before, the control of information by the church.
  • If priests truly believe that the Holy Father is not elected by Cardinals but rather by the Holy Spirit, then what human frailty is causing them to act against his instructions?

    To bow to pressure from people in the pews to only do music that they like seems to be such a weak thing.
  • The openly dissident group FutureChurch is headquartered at this parish.
    Father Koesel should be suspended from pastoral ministry.
  • Daniel,

    Are you sure about that? In the past they were headquartered at Resurrection of the Lord parish in Solon until former bishop Anthony Pilla ordered them to stop using diocesan property to meet. The last I heard they were headquartered out of a storefront in Lakewood, a large suburb right next to Cleveland.

    Have they moved back into a parish, taking up home at this parish?
  • eft94530eft94530
    Posts: 1,577
    Undercover Boss
    Oh, no! Not Undercover Boss!

    open warfare
  • Re Blessed Trinity: they know what they want. It might not be what the Church wants, but it's what the Church accepts. I think that it's far better for them to use such language to weed out any musician who wants to do, you know, MUSIC, than to hire a musician and make his life living hell.
  • Hi Jeff,

    Wow, underway? I have to say I'm quite impressed - and grateful.

    You can e-mail me at OR at

    We call ourself the parish choir; I am going to use the word "schola" to denote the men's chant schola who will sing the Communion proper each Sunday.

    I'm very excited!
