Chant at a secular university: help!
  • AngelaRAngelaR
    Posts: 322
    Apparently my recent concert "Organum et Vox" intrigued Peoria, IL enough that the local private university has asked me to give a two-part workshop on Gregorian chant as a part of their series of classes in continuing education for the elderly.

    So, I'm here once again to imbibe the sweet wisdom of this wonderful forum. I have two afternoon sessions, two hours each. What would you suggest for such an unusual outlet? How religious can it be? What are the elderly especially interested in?

    I already know I want to rely heavily on some modified Ward intonations to build some sight reading skills in a modal way, but beyond that -- ???
  • marajoymarajoy
    Posts: 783
    wow. do you have any idea what the demographic (besides "old people") will this be? (musical skill level, religious background, etc.)
  • AngelaRAngelaR
    Posts: 322
    Mara, I have no other information. :( I did get the word that I can teach anything I want to in the course, though, provided I put "Catholic" in its course description. They are of the mindset that free speech is a good thing.
  • I wouldn't touch sightsinging in the space of time you have. Two hours will fly by.
    And I don't think folks would expect to build music skills or an in depth academic scholarly focus in a course of that length.

    I would include a few recordings, and aim for 2-3 hymns, maybe a Kyrie or Agnus. Have fun with them, sing a little for them, and maybe ask a few of your schola members to come and wow them with a gradual. Crack open texts and sing recto tono at first

    All just ideas. I love working with elderly on chant. Lots of folks will be nostalgic, that's what will attract many, if I had to guess. Have a great time, and so glad your concert went well!!
  • AngelaRAngelaR
    Posts: 322
    Thanks, Mary Ann. I've got a few ideas cooking up now, thanks to you and a few others. I hope the ideas blend into a good medley by the end of this weekend, because the university will be pressing for my course description soon!