CMAA Compositions/Arrangements
  • SAB Ave Maria based on Beethoven's 8th Sonata
  • IanWIanW
    Posts: 769
    Simple 4-part Offertorio, Week 32 OF.
    Offertorio, 32 Ordinary Time, Latin.pdf
  • Tim
    Posts: 6
    A short piece by me for the fourth Advent, the Antiphon II:"The Lord is Arriving" (on the Dominus veniet,occurrite illi, dicentes...) for SATB and organ.

    Tim Risher
  • IanWIanW
    Posts: 769

    I like it. It sounds like an Anglican anthem (and none the worse for that). A good combination of ideas and sense of balance.
  • IanWIanW
    Posts: 769
    Update of my simple, quasi-chanted 4-part Offertorio arrangement for Ordinary Time 32 (Nov. 7th this year). I've added a vernacular verse.
    Offertorio, 32 Ordinary Time, Latin and English.pdf
  • Heath
    Posts: 970
    --Ad Te Levavi, HM (Advent, 3-pt canon, Latin, mixolydian mode (hypo-, to be exact))

    Update: File removed. My collection of Eight Liturgical Rounds can now be purchased through this link:
  • francis
    Posts: 10,909
    Nice Heath! I would like to create a polyphonic setting of this with your permission. Strict modal counterpoint.
  • Francis,

  • francis
    Posts: 10,909
    O Paix... you must be directing a Catholic Church choir... where have all the tenors gone!
  • Yep!
  • It would be an interesting challenge to compose for SAB with an optional T part - that would enhance the other parts, but not be essential.

    A tenor descant?
  • Heath
    Posts: 970
    Francis, "polyphone" away! Can't wait to see it!
  • rob
    Posts: 148
    Thank you! We'll try it during rehearsals this week. If incorporated into the "Sung Rosary" idea discussed earlier, any suggestions on a "Pater Noster", etc., to go with it?
  • rob
    Posts: 148
    Thank you! We'll try it during rehearsals this week. If incorporated into the "Sung Rosary" idea discussed earlier, any suggestions on a "Pater Noster", etc., to go with it?
  • rob
    Posts: 148
    Not necessarily. I just thought of that as a way to shorten the Aves, to make a sung version a plausible subsitute for a recited version (maybe in procession?). I figured I'd use a chanted Pater, Gloria Patri, and Salve Regina, but maybe you have an idea of particular settings which would complement your composition.

    Your effort has even made me think more ambitiously. Maybe a musical "scriptural" rosary, with appropriate selections to announce the various mysteries? I shouldn't have any problem finding an Ecce Virgo, Magnificat, Videte Miraculum, Surge Propera, Responsum Accepit Simeon, etc. And, Francis has a wonderful orchestral setting of the mysteries around which to structure it.

    Too much for now, though. I'll be happy enough to do a "decade" for the Immaculate Conception. Or, at least, to use your Ave as the offertory proper for it and/or the 4th Sunday of Advent.
  • Heath
    Posts: 970
    Away in a Manger, arr. HM (English, TTBB, acappella)

    --Whipped this up for a festival group of men a few years, revised and recorded it last year. Let me know if anything is unclear, score-wise.
  • Heath
    Posts: 970
    Amen Dico Vobis, H. Isaac (acappella, Latin, SATB, Communio for 33 OT, very modal)

    --Obviously not my composition, just a transcription of a transcription (W. Mahrt's, IIRC). Isaac set a ton of these Propers, often based on the chant itself. This one is one of the less difficult ones.

    I have also attached a piano reduction.
    Amen dico vobis.pdf
  • francis
    Posts: 10,909

    do you have a midi file or sound recording we can hear?
  • Heath
    Posts: 970
    Which one, Francis? I should have a sound file in my hands soon of "Away" (hoping to release our CD recording next month!) . . . but nothing for "Amen."
  • francis
    Posts: 10,909
  • THIS is where I intended to post the Pater!
  • Heath
    Posts: 970
    Beati Eritis--Giovanni Croce (acappella, SATB, Latin, portion of the Beatitudes)

    --Should have put this one up a few weeks ago . . . found this setting on CPDL in C , scored for TTBB (original voicing, perhaps?). Bumped it up a minor third (Eb mixolydian) for SATB. Not perfect, as soprano tessitura is lower than desirable, IMO.

    --Reduction added as well . . . not sure why bass text is below piano part, sorry.

    *Note: scriptural attribution fixed and re-posted.
  • At Heath's request, I'm posting a re-engraved version of the Beati eritis that includes an English translation and a cover sheet.

    This version is meant to be printed on 11"x17" tabloid paper.

    Beati eritis - Croce - PDF
  • Psalm 21(22) • My God, My God

    Holy Thursday, Stripping of the Altar

    Music: Tone I f (Weber — The Mundelein Psalter); TTB harmonization by AAE
    Text: English, Revised Grail Psalter
  • IanWIanW
    Posts: 769
    A Kyrie for Priest/Deacon, Cantor and Congregation. Take your pick - Greek or English.
  • Could anyone use

    Vox in Rama audita est (SATB)
    Ne timeas, Maria (SAB)
    Justus ut Palma florebit (SATB)

  • Heath
    Posts: 970
    O Come and Mourn--Faber/T. Marier, arr. HM (SSA(/TTB), English, Palm Sunday/Good Friday)

    --Found Dr. Marier's arrangement of this in an old hymnal called "Cantus Populi", IIRC. Lovely piece, which I tweaked a bit . . . not sure I improved it, though. : ) I have a trio of ladies do it every year for Good Friday during the Veneration of the Cross.

    (Note: I don't think there's any copyright concerns with this, but if someone knows otherwise, please let me know.)
  • Heath
    Posts: 970
    The Wisdom of God--H. Morber (SATB, acappella, Holy Thursday, English, Byzantine text)

    --Stunning text which needed a decent setting . . . hope this one qualifies! I designed it to be quickly learned by a talented ad hoc choir; moderate ranges, mostly stepwise motion, lots of droning for the men! Feel free to use at your discretion.
  • Fresh from my Christus Vincit Music blog, visible at -

    Gospel Acclamation for Lent and Holy Week - music based on "Vexilla Regis". I'll be adding some Psalms shortly.

  • Responsorial Psalms for Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, and Good Friday (also from
    Completely original! These attached Psalms use the NAB translations. I also have RGP translations at the blog.
  • Great idea!

    Here are some more Holy Week responsorial psalms.
    Good Friday of the Lord\'s Passion - Responsorial Psalm.pdf
    Mass of the Lord\'s Supper - Responsorial Psalm.pdf
  • Heath
    Posts: 970
    Ascendit Deus--Carlo Carturan, arr. HM (SAB, Latin, Ascension, acappella)

    --Pick-up choirs here in June, normally with a ton of gals and half as many guys. I took the 3-pt setting from the Ravanello 3-pt book at the CMAA site (linked below), and re-arranged it for SAB. Fudged a few harmonies and voicings, and I counted at least one voice-leading error that I was too lazy to fix, but overall, it's a sturdy setting and pretty easy.

    (Original setting here)
  • Heath
    Posts: 970
    Si Ambulavero--Ascanio Trombetti (late 16th cent.) (SSATB, Latin, Offertory for 25 OT (OF), acappella)

    --I raised it a fourth from the CPDL edition (I'm assuming it was the original key), and messed with a couple vocal lines to make it more amenable to my choir.
  • Heath
    Posts: 970

    Friends, anything to add in the slow summertime?
  • Here are a couple organ pieces: Postlude on Immaculate Mary and Voluntary (trio) on Regina Coeli
    Immaculate Mary.pdf
    Regina Coeli.pdf
  • Heath
    Posts: 970
    Kevin...these are excellent! What else you got?
  • Heath, this is really a choral anthem, and not quite CMAAish, but if a good reading choir needs something specific for gospel of 13th Sunday, Ordinary, there's this.
    Finale 2005 - [Talitha Koum Obligatos.pdf
    Finale 2005 - [Talitha Koum Choir 4pt.pdf
  • Heath
    Posts: 970
    Gloria Patri canon--(Trinity Sunday, round, English, four-voices)

    Update: File removed. My collection of Eight Liturgical Rounds can now be purchased through this link:
  • Heath, I have recently been working on several organ compositions along the lines of the two that I posted earlier, plus a responsorial psalm from the Easter Vigil. These are not yet converted into PDF files, but I will post them as soon as I have done so.
  • Here are some of the pieces that I have been working on. In each piece the response is set within fixed measures while the verses are separated from one other by bar lines but has no measure lines. The rests at the end of each verse simply mean to return to the response with enough pause for the singer to take a breath and should not necessarily be taken literally.
    Like a Deer.pdf
    Easter Vigil Alleluia.pdf
  • msbrown
    Posts: 1
    I am new to your forum. I am a singer ( St. Martin's Chamber Choir, Denver) and a composer. I would like to post a mass with the New English text. It is four-part, unaccompanied. Perhaps I can try the Kyrie first. Greetings to all.
    Lord have mercy gfb.pdf
  • Another organ arrangement of mine meant to be a prayerfully reflective arrangement of the Salve Regina, and first played at Mass this weekend.
    Salve Regina.pdf
    Thanked by 1Heath
  • LDG
    Posts: 5
    Salve Regina, SATB divisi (version 1), (I attached a raw midi version in addition to the pdf, just to give the flavor of the harmonies if you're away from an organ/piano).

    I'd love to hear any feedback! nicholasjordansherwood [at] gmail [dot] com
    Salve Regina (Sherwood).pdf
    Salve Regina.mid
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    Kyrie : Missa Westmonasteriensis

    A little back-ground : I was watching the Brit-com "Yes, Minister", whose theme-song is based on the Westminster Chimes; I thought "I wonder if I could write a mass based on that tune?" This Kyrie (SSATTB) is the first movement, which so far, is all that exists. It was just intended as a little fun, but I think it sounds nice anyway. Feedback welcome. hgaida [at] gmail [dot] com
    Missa Westmonasteriensis.pdf
    Thanked by 1Heath
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,225
    Bumping because of current interest.
    Thanked by 1noel jones, aago
  • mrcoppermrcopper
    Posts: 653
    Christmas anthem SATB and organ
  • mrcoppermrcopper
    Posts: 653
    Also, as requested in beginning of the post, here's a full Stabat Mater for chorus and orchestra .. the file is too big to attach but the orchestral score linked at Hartenshield Music

    And an electronic recording

    And the vocal score attached.

  • Choral Graduale Simplex — 121 SATB a cappella Introits, Offertories, Communions, and other processionals for the liturgical year
  • Heath
    Posts: 970
    Miserere Mei--(Lent, round, four-voices, English)

    Update: File removed. My collection of Eight Liturgical Rounds can now be purchased through this link: