Accompaniment to Father Kelly's English Propers
  • I don't know if this has been brought up before, but I want to propose the making of a source book of organ accompaniments for Fr. Kelly's English chant propers found at I think having accompaniment available for these very beautiful chants would be a bridge-builder for those parishes that have only known harmonized hymns and are not yet ready to make the leap into unaccompanied chant. Just an idea, maybe someone who is looking for a good summer project could consider it!
  • Aaron
    Posts: 110
    Andrew, I am glad you brought this up. Last summer, for a couple of weeks, I used Fr. Kelly's English communion antiphons. I was really pleased to be able to use the proper communion text from the Missal. But since my present parish is not ready for non-accompanied song, I had to write my own harmonizations. I then pointed the correct Grail psalm to use with the St. Meinrad psalm tones. I gave up after a couple of weeks, not because they weren't working, they were, but the amount of time I had to put into them to get them ready for use here.
  • I've pointed about 75% of the NAB psalms for anglican chant if that would help anyone.
  • BachLover2BachLover2
    Posts: 330
    andrew coyne, you are 100% correct.
  • Noel - could you put an example of your pointings up here? I find very little satisfaction in anything other than Coverdale, or, if one must have something more 'modern', the Rite II psalter of the 1979 BCP. I'm not congenitally opposed to modern translations: it's just that most of them seem really to lack the imagery and musical pace of older ones. Even King James or Douai have less of poetry and rhythmic spirit than Coverdale.
  • PSALMS 100 and above in Pages and Word formats with one page Anglican Chant lesson PDF click here

    I agree about Coverdale...and more...this is merely a useful way to get rid of pulp paper psalms and keep people from complaining that the text is not NAB.
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,482

    Thank you for the tutorial page on Anglican chant.

    I'm working at a generically-contemporary Episcopal church. I know little about their Anglican heritage, but I'm working (with support of the leadership) to introduce traditional music (the blind leading the blindfolded). They responded well to a bit of Gregorian chant, but I think we need Anglican chant, of course- I just don't know how to do it.
    We currently recite the psalm unison- I'd like to chant it, maybe starting in Advent.

    Where else can I find good instruction on this?
    Any multi-media?
  • Noel - your pointing is nice (I would vary it here and there, but that's normal). I've noticed, though, with your AC pointing or when using a psalm tone with this translation, the artlessness of the translation becomes ever more glaring. I'm glad you agree with me about Coverdale. What we need is a XXI. century Coverdale. Perhaps, even, a XXI. century Cranmer; heretic that he was, he did know how to fashion an ecclesial English unsurpassed in its rhythm, pace, poetic feel, grace, musical heft, and imagery - qualities that our Catholic Church consciously went out of its way to avoid.

    Also, I thought your tutorial was quite nicely done. A word of caution to anyone in Adam's situation: DO be sure to use the real Anglican chants and DON'T settle for the simplified ones found as options in The Hymnal 1982. If you get people 'hooked' on these you will never get them to do the real ones. (I remember sitting in the pew and singing Benedictus es Domine at the age of six and figuring out how they were fitting the words to the chant. These are things people used to learn by osmosis. How great has been our loss!!!)
  • I wrote the page of instruction one evening before a class teh next day, tried to cover everything you need to teh best of my knowledge.

    Artlessness...yes, a very good description...not as bad as the GOOD NEWS BIBLE....if I could find a copy it would be interesting to see what they did to the psalms.

    The responsorial psalm has to be the biggest mistake made in the NO liturgy. Kind of decision you make then wake up the next morning realizing that expecting untrained parish musicians to sing the psalms is like expecting a priest to say Mass in spanish phonetically.

    An embarrassment to all. But the priest can seek out training, talk with the people and develop fluency and understanding.

    As far as learning how to sing Anglican chant there is a set of CD's from england....put them in the dar CD player and listen, listen, listen.

    That's how I learned.

    People singing the pulp missal psalms get nothing.
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,824
    I kind of miss the responsive psalmody that Lutheran congregations never blink at: the pointed psalms are in the hymnal, a cantor sings the first verse to whatever tone is used that week, and the people sing the next verse, sometimes even in parts. The system is kept a | lit-tle | simpler * than many Ang-| li-can | chants, and can be prínted thus,* or with-out accents.

    At St. David's I've inherited the Guimont psalms, and am a bit loath to change since the responses are in the hymnal (CCH): those visitors in the back might turn out to be only angels in disguise, but what if they should happen to be music readers? Easter Vigil should be a great opportunity to introduce a variety of chant styles, and the choir does do a bit of everything: Gregorian psalms & responsories, Anglican chant, solo & choral motets in English & Latin (Sicut cervus to be sure!). The congregation of course sits in the dark and can only try to join in on a few responsorial bits. :-( We could get a projection screen... =:-O
  • Re: Fr. Kelly Chant Accompaniments

    The main issue here is that the antiphon texts are about to change, and Fr. Kelly will be updating the antiphons using the new texts. So the effort isn't being made right now to do much more with the antiphons, although the resource is obviously incomplete.

    Look forward in the very near future to a free resource that sets the texts of the new translation, with accompaniments, and with psalm verses. I commiserate with Aaron above, as I am doing this work also for my own program, but I do it in sections of the year, tailored to the needs of my program. We also sing with accompaniment, but I mostly improvise this on the spot.

    So we're stuck in a holding pattern for now, but look forward to great things in the very near future!
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,482
    A word of caution to anyone in Adam's situation: DO be sure to use the real Anglican chants and DON'T settle for the simplified ones found as options in The Hymnal 1982.

    Yes, yes. That's the sort of thing I need to know about... where are the "real Anglican chants?"

    Maybe I should start a thread called, "Teach the folk-Mass Catholic boy all about Anglican chant."
  • Adam - I checked the 1982 again and it seems I was mistaken. All the Anglican chants in it (found at the front of the book, in S- numbers) are genuine. I assume that this is the book in use at the Episcopal parish you are serving. If you spend some private time singing randomly through some of these chants you should soon begin to make sense of the genre. If your parish is using the 1940 hymnal, then the chants are in the back. The chants of the 1982 book are printed in halves and quarters, whereas those in the 1940 are printed in wholes and halves. This does not in any way affect performance practice. The speech rhythm remains the same regardless of the notation. If you follow Noel's tutorial above you should soon feel at home and begin to interiorize how Anglican chant works and how beautiful it can be as a vehicle for experiencing psalmody. It is essentially like a harmonized psalm tone. Recordings may be very helpful in becoming really familiar with AC. EMI has several volumes of AC as sung by King's College, Cambridge- (The Psalms of David, vol. 1, 2, etc.). You could also search out recordings by the choir of St Thomas' Church, NY, for an American performance. In addition to the hymnals 1982 and 1940, a very good source for Anglican Chants is The Anglican Psalter, edited by John Scott and published by Canterbury Press. You can receive it in one or two days from Lois Fyfe in Atlanta. This is the psalter in use at St Paul's Cathedral in London. I hope this is helpful in your situation.

    A liitle addendum: Noel's tutorial uses a 'single chant' for an example, namely:
    Recitation note | three . note | cadence || Recitation note | and . a | five . note | cadence ||.

    You will notice many such single chants in your hymnal, and many that are twice as long and are called 'double chants'. These repeat the pattern of a single chant twice and are especially good for when one has a greater number of psalm verses; the single chant taking one verse to complete, and the double chant taking two verses to complete.
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,482
    When done antiphonally:
    am I right in thinking that the split happens halfway through the stanza, rather than from stanza to stanza as in the Roman Rite?
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,482
    oh- and yes, the 1982 hymnal is what we have.
  • When done antiphonally, one alternates every verse. There used to be a custom in many places of half verse alternation where the psalms were read and not sung - but this is Never done when singing and is, at any rate, a thing of the past. Actually, unless you have more than two or three per part in your choir and have become somewhat proficient, there is no need to attempt any kind of alternation. Is your choir 'up front' (actually 'in choir'), or in a west choir gallery?
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,482
    Is your choir 'up front' (actually 'in choir'), or in a west choir gallery?

    I'm embarrassed to say that, because of the weirdness of our worship space (a wedding chapel we are renting) the answer is netiher.
    The organ is on the left side of the "sanctuary" (as viewed from the pews) such as it is, and the choir sits in the first few pews of that side. When we sing a choir-only piece, we get up, walk around, and fill the very limited space between the front pew and the first step of the sanctuary. It is less than ideal.
  • The EMI CD's are very, very good. And they do carry doubles...the group that I prepared the tutorial was not ready for doubles yet!

    They freaked with only one line in the first half, so temporarily I had to use two, but got them off that a bit later.

    Doubles are so long that they confuse people thinking that all that can't be simple chant!

    Also, this group, high schoolers, refused to sing anglican chant for the psalm at a public mass because they sing R&A in their parishes and the people "just love the R&A psalms." Whenever you hear that "the people" like something it translates into "we cantors".

    It is also bizarre to be told not to sing the wrong words when you are singing the psalm and the pulp book has a paraphrase.