Where to find the Communion psalm verses for Communion antiphons not in Communio?
  • My schola is singing for a patronal feast of Our Lady of Perpetual Help (that's the American version of the title; the official one is 'Perpetual Succor') and I have put together the Propers from the Liber and Mass and Vespers, but cannot find the correct psalm verses for the Communion antiphon for that feast (and other Marian feasts) as they are not in the GR nor in "Communio". Help, please!
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,229
    Is this for EF? And which Communion antiphon are you using? The book "Versus Psalmorum et Canticorum" (downloadable from the CMAA's "chant books" page) has psalm verses for the Common of Feasts of Our Lady.
    Thanked by 2AnthonyFok Geremia
  • dvalerio
    Posts: 341
    The 1974 Graduale Romanum does list all psalm verses for Communions that one may need in the OF. Psalm 33 is always an option: it can replace any verses appointed for any day. The 1962 Versus Psalmorum et Canticorum (pdf available at musicasacra.com), while properly a book for the EF, is also a possible source (and gives all verses of psalm 33 in all eight tones). Notice that that book gives psalms according to the Vulgate, while Communio gives psalms according to the new Vulgate, so there are a few differences in the translation.

    In what concerns Marian feasts in the OF, you have four Communions in the commons: Beata viscera (Psalm 44 or Magnificat), Diffusa est gratia (Psalm 44), Gloriosa (Magnificat) and Ecce virgo (Psalm 18). I cannot seem to find any propers in the 1974 GR for that particular feast.
  • Chonak, that's exactly what I needed! Thank you! And thanks to you, dvalerio, as well. This is for the EF, and I had forgotten the name of Versus Psalmorum et Canticorum.

    The antiphon is Regina mundi, which is also used for the feasts of Our Lady of Prompt Succor and Our Lady of Mount Carmel. The Commons communion psalm is 44, with psalm 33 and the Magnificat listed as alternates. We will probably use the Magnificat, which, along with psalm 33, was my fallback position if I couldn't find a definitive answer.

    Patricia Warren
  • The Institute of Christ the King website hosts the propers for Our Lady of Perpetual Help.