Advent and Christmas
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,460
    Starting my first schola soon.
    First of all:
    Any suggestions (general or specific) about that would be great (rehearsal procedure, warm-up routines, conducting tips, etc, etc- especially in how it is different than a "normal" choir). Books to read and videos to watch would be a great help.

    Way more importantly...

    My plan is for the schola to debut at Mass in Advent... so-
    Suggestions on (reasonably easy to intermediate) literature for Advent and Christmas?

    The group will most likely be mixed- but we'll do some male-only and female-only material.
    I'm particularly interested in polyphonic settings of the Propers, music available for free online (we have no budget), and music I can easily find a recording of (since my lack of experience will require some leaning on another's interpretation). I'm hoping to do both Latin and English. Also, as I'm working at an Anglican parish, I have a preference for material from that tradition (although that is certainly not a requirement).

    So.... help?!
  • Charles in CenCA
    Posts: 2,416
    Adam, regarding polyphonic Propers, go to Aristotle Esguerra's blog, The Recovering Choir Director. He has an index link to CPDL, with the various liturgical categories already assigned; ie. Introits, Graduals, Offertorios, etc.
    But, with all things CPDL, thoroughly review each edition.
    Also, if your choral voicing capability doesn't extend beyond SATB, go to CPDL directly and search with the proper title. You might find a new/older version that you can manage with your "forces." For example, the Byrd Propers for this festal weekend are seemingly all ATTBB. But I found a lovely little Communio by Aichinger that can be mastered in one rehearsal without breaking a sweat.
  • rich_enough
    Posts: 1,044
    Be aware that a good number of the polyphonic propers on the RCD list Charles refers to are not that easy and /or ask for 5 or more voices (particularly pieces by Byrd). Here are some easier Advent and Christmas motets which can be found on CPDL:

    Alma Redemptoris Mater (SATB) – Palestrina - multiple editions on CPDL

    Alma Redemptoris Mater – attr. Juan Garcia de Salazar

    Ave Maria – Verdonck

    Ave Maria - Victoria - multiple editions on CPDL

    Ave Maria - Monteverdi (SAT)

    Cum audisset Ioannes – Diego de las Muelas

    Dixit Maria - Hassler - multiple edition on CPDL

    Ecce concipies – Handl/Gallus

    Erunt signa in sole – Diego de las Muelas

    Ipse est qui post me – Cardoso

    Rorate Caeli – Tye (attached)

    Vox clamantis in deserto – Diego de las Muelas

    Hail, Blessed Virgin Mary - Italian carol, arr. Charles Wood

    Christus Natus est nobis – anonymous Spanish

    En natus est Emmanuel – Praetorius

    Hodie Christus Natus Est – G. P. Cima

    Hodie Christus Natus Est – Marenzio

    Hodie Christus Natus Est – G. M. Nanino

    In natali Domini – Praetorius

    Magnum nomen Domini – Praetorius

    Natus est nobis – Handl / Gallus

    Parvulus nobis nascitur – Praetorius

    Puer natus est (SAB) – Morales - multiple editions on CPDL

    Puer natus in Bethlehem – Praetorius

    Puer nobis nascitur – Praetorius

    Regem natum – Handl / Gallus

    Resonet in laudibus – Handl

    You can also find some good ideas here: the contents of Oxford University Press's "Advent for Choirs" collection keyed to free scores on CPDL:
  • rich_enough
    Posts: 1,044
    Sorry, I am not able to attach the Rorate Caeli - Tye
  • Thirteen years ago I was in the same position. Firstly if you are in the UK join "Sing for Pleasure", a wonderful organisation that runs courses for conductors, starting at elementary and ending at orchestral. Many of the members are church choir conductors, community choir conductors and music teachers. There is an annual summer school over eight days and two or three weekend courses. Very usefully there are courses run over five Saturdays at monthly intervals in several parts of the country.
    Gregorian chant can be very useful eg Rorate Coeli in Advent, Attende Domine in Lent, Ubi Caritas on Maudy Thursday. We sing the plainsong Ubi Caritas and follow it with the beauriful Durufle version. The chant can be found in the Liber Usualis, published by Solesmes Abbey. It is on the internet as a pdf file.
    If you have a good soprano look at "Iste Confessor by A.Scarlatti (not D!) Easy and beautiful.
  • Whoops!
    I suspect you are in the US.
    However the links are