Help! Carmelite Rite of the Mass
  • Please help, I am a groomsman for a wedding to be held on the Feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. The young man is hoping to add the sacred music from the extraordinary form, from the Feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, or rather from the Carmelite Rite of the Mass.

    I'm wondering if anyone would be able to help me locate, the music for the Carmelite Rite of the Mass?
  • Steve CollinsSteve Collins
    Posts: 1,022
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    It seems that the Archdiocese has closed the school. There was also a residence connected to it. I don't know where they might have gone, or are maybe still there. They have/had a Carmelite Altar Missal (that they never used any longer) that I borrowed once. I think you'll find minor alterations in the specific Readings and Propers for the day. But they probably use traditional Gregorian chant for both Propers and Ordinaries. They didn't have any other books to go along with the Missal.
  • I have a copy of the ANTIPHONALE MISSARUM JUXTA RITUM CARMELITARUM (juxta Jerosolymitanae Ecclesiae Consuetudinem)

    Alleluia- GLORIA LIBANI
    Sequence- FLOS CARMELI
    Offertory- PORTA ATRII
    Communion- INDUXI VOS

    These propers are all different from the Roman Rite of course. If you like, I can send you hard copies via USPS. My contact information can be found with my profile information.