New music for the Ordinary Form
  • francis
    Posts: 10,872

    Did you sign away the rights to any of your comps?
  • Chris
    Posts: 80
    What's OHCAAC, please?
  • francis
    Posts: 10,872
    One Holy Catholic And Apostolic Church
  • john m
    Posts: 136

    Not to any of my originals. The one I had published was a practical edition of a pre-existing anthem in a very old hymnal.
  • Kallen
    Posts: 9

    I've wanted to reply to your excellent post which started this thread.
    At the colloquium this year I'll talk about many, if not all the points that you've raised. BTW please do give " Byrd, Mozart and Elgar" a break.
    You'll hear why in my talk called " The New Polyphonic Age".
  • Heath
    Posts: 966
    Kevin (Kallen),

    Yes, I was quite excited when I heard you'll be a presenter. I'll be glad to hear your thoughts on all this.

    I'm not sure if you want me to give the aforementioned a composers a "break" as in quit doing their settings for a while and try other composers, or give them a "break" as in quit railing on them. It surely couldn't be the latter, as I didn't say anything negative about them in my initial post. So as for the former, I'll need to find a setting that blows me out of the water if I'm to choose it over their own!

    See you in June,