(all a cappella, most with 4-part harmony) (Processional in silence) Psalm: Respond and Acclaim Gospel Acclamation: R&A Collection: What Wondrous Love (we, at our church, need to figure out exactly where this is supposed to go. The Roman Missal definitely does not say!) Veneration of the Cross: O Sacred Head Reproaches When I Survey the Wondrous Cross My Song is Love Unknown Preparation of Altar: At the Name of Jesus (by a local composer) [also, not sure if there is supposed to be a song here.) Communion: Pater, Si Non (chant) Sing My Tongue (Picardy) Glory Be to Jesus Ah, Holy Jesus (recessional in silence)
In St. Peter's, the "Cappella Iulia" sings the Liturgy of the Hours.
ad Invitatorium: Christum Dei Filium (with Ps. 94) AR-LH
H: Pange lingua gloriosi proelium certaminis
A1: Astiterunt reges terrae (Ps. 2) AR
A2: Diviserunt sibi (Ps. 21) AR
A3: Vim faciebant (Ps. 37) AR
Resp.: Sicut ovis (AR-LH)
Resp.: Caligaverunt (Victoria)
H: En acetum, fel, arundo (AR-LH)
A1: Proprio Filio suo (Ps. 50) AR
A2: Ait latro ad latronem (Cant. Hab) AR
A3: Crucem tuam adoramus (Ps. 147) AR
Christus factus est (AR)
ad Ben.: Posuerunt super caput eius (AR) alt. verses from Giovanni Paolo Cima
H: Salva Redemptor (AR-LH)
A: Cotidie apud vos eram (Ps. 39 - 53 - 87)
In Ostensione Ligni S. Crucis D. N. I. C.
Ad processionem
H: Vexilla Regis (Palestrina)
Ad benedictionem cum Ligno sanctae Crucis
Crucem tuam adoramus (GR)
My family (myself, Dad, brother, and sister) was very excited to be "assigned" the Good Friday liturgy this year by our pastor. We are the only "chanters" at the parish where we sing, so we tried to bring a new, reverent experience to those attending the liturgy today.
Psalm: Respond and Acclaim
Gospel Acclamation: An adaptation on R & A that I wrote in E minor
(Our pastor got two other male singers to join him in chanting the Gospel. They did this on Palm Sunday also...so nice!)
Veneration: Crucem Tuam chant
Behold the Wood (from Breaking Bread)
Communion: Miserere Mei (Allegri)
This is one of our all-time favorite pieces, so we ambitiously attempted it... We sort of adapted it for four voices (my 12-year-old brother can do a lovely high C) and spliced it so that it was about 3 minutes total. It fell apart a little at the end, but since most of the folks in the pews probably have never heard a Latin motet before (other than Victoria's O Magnum when our family did it at Christmas!), it was probably still pretty good to them. :) And hopefully our efforts pleased our Lord.
Again, I'm very content with this year's Good Friday. The only part I'm iffy about is the choice for the communion, which is lifted from the Compline responsory. My thinking with the two added motets is that we were only repeating in Latin something that had already been sung in English.
[the organ is still OFF] Psalm: 31 (Marier) [second half of each verse sung from the loft SATB] Gospel acclamation: based on Kyrie / Ite from Mass XI (GIA) Veneration of the Cross: Faithful Cross above all other (tune: Crux fidelis) from Plainchant Gradual [thanks for this!] Special collection: Crux fidelis (Clemens non Papa) Communion: In manus tuas (Pujol) - Meditation on the Seven Last Words of Christ (excerpts from Gounod, adapt. for unaccompanied SATB voices) - Stations of the Cross (each station includes a stanza sung to the tune STABAT MATER) [with improvised parallel organum at a fourth below from some member(s) of the congregation!]
Saint Edward Church, Newark, CA 1:00 PM & 7:30 PM Solemn Liturgy of Good Friday
Psalm 31 Set by Rev. Jeffrey R. Keyes, CPPS
Gradual "Christus factus est" ... Mode V
Passion sung to the traditional tone (in English) by Fr. Keyes, Dan Harris (tenor) & Matthew Gagliardi (Counter-tenor)
General Intercessions chanted
Adoration of the Cross: "Ecce lignum crucis", " Crucem tuam," "Popule Meus" ... de Victoria, "Crux fidelis" with
"Pange lingua" ... Mode 1
Communion: "Our Father" ... Snow, "Adoramus te" ... Mode 1, followed by Th. Dubois setting, 'Ave verum" ... Byrd,
"O Bone Jesu" ... Ingegneri
Saint Mary’s Parish, Visalia, California
Order of Music-April 2, 2010
Good Friday Celebration of the Lord’s Passion
Silent Entrance/Opening Prayer
Responsorial: "Father, I put my life in your hands" (Talbot)
Gospel Accl.:“Christus factus est/Christ for our sake” Amer.Gradual/B.Ford
Collection: “IN THE PRAETORIUM” (J. Martin)
Veneration of the Cross CRUCEM TUAM (Berthier/Taize)
The Reproaches-chanted (American Gradual/B. Ford)
Communion Anthem:GREATER LOVE(SullivanWhitaker)
PIE JESU (R.Manalo)
After ministers' dismissal: WERE YOU THERE (Spiritual)
Serbian Orthodox Holy Friday Vigil (Vespers and Holy Saturday Matins)
Serbian chant, some Obikhod tones, and lots of Serbian polyphony for the texts and hymns of the liturgy. Procession with the burial shroud: Trisagion in Slavonic (holy God, holy Mighty, holy Immortal, have mercy on us) Veneration of the shroud: the noble Joseph (Serbian melody, in English)
Psalm: Aristotle Gospel Acclamation: Haugen refrain with chanted verse Chanted Intercessions by Priest and Deacon Veneration of the Cross: Reproaches from By Flowing Waters Adoramus Te Christe - Attr. Palestrina Crucem Tuam - Taize O Sacred Head Surrounded Communion: Eat this Bread - Taize Were You There
Psalm: Esguerra Gospel Acclamation: Mode VI modeled on the responsoria brevia (cf. Graduale Simplex Veneration: We worship you, Lord (Rice, Simple Choral Gradual); Reproaches I & II (Rice, SCG); O Sacred Head Surrounded (3 vv.) Communion: Pater, si non potest (Gregorian chant); Father, if this cup (Rice, SCG); Were You There (5 vv.)
Psalm 31 Gelineau (from the old Worship III book) Gospel Acclamation Kraehenbuehl a capella with Mode VI verse Offering (right after the Intercessions, which were spoken): There is a Green Hill Far Away (Gounod) - tenor solo with piano Veneration of the Cross - Penkala Reproaches (all twelve verses) Communion - Dubois Adoramus te Christe Hymn - Were You There
Veneration: Popule Meus, Victoria
Were You There
Alas and did my savior bleed, protestant hymn that I arranged
O Sacred Head Surrounded
God So Loved the World, Stainer
Communion: Draw Near, Steven Janco published by WLP
Anima Christi, Michael Burgo, published by WLP
All of this was ACappella, with a cello providing additional bass to support congregational singing and to give pitches.
all unaccompanied
psalm mine published by canticanova in 4 parts with verses sung by quartet
gospel accl respond and acclain unison
collection: deep withen. sung accapella and softly it was rather nice.
1. reproaches, chant and 4 part choir, mine
2. were you there
3. the royal banner (vixella regis)
4. when i survey the wonderious cross (standared 4 part)
1.adoramus te gounod
2. ah holy jesus sung to sarum chant (thank God for the old episcopal hymnal)
3.let us break bread together
There was not a note of music, save for a simple chant for the Gospel Acclamation and intoning of "This is the wood of the Cross...." This was the instruction of our priest, a wonderfully holy man who is still serving at age 82. After the liturgy, he remarked to me (I was the lector) he did miss the choir. I did reply that sometime silence is a wonderful thing, to which he agreed.
Veneration of the Cross: Miserere (English), Allegri
All You Who Pass This Way, Taize
*Adoramus Te, Perti
Drop, Drop, Slow Tears, O.Gibbons
Popule meus, Victoria
*Drop Drop Slow Tears, K. Leighton
Fac me vere (men), Dvorak
Per Crucem, Taize
O Lamb of God, Wichmann
Christus factus est, Palestrina
Lord to Thee we Turn
I Have Longed for they saving Health, Byrd
Distribution: No Greater Love, Joncas
Ave Verum, Edgar
Depart in Silence
The distriubution of the Eucharist was conducted ad orientum at the old High Altar. The "Lord I am not worthy"prayer was conducted with a turn towards the people. This service was conducted in the ordinary form.
A note to my previous post. The regular scheduled Masses are conducted versus populum, so this was a great thing to see. It was reminiscent of old pictures I have seen of the Cathedral, prior to the 1980's.
Saint Francis de Sales Oratory
Institute of Christ the King
Saint Louis, MO
Solemn Afternoon Liturgy
Responsory - Domine audivi auditum (versicles in alternatim Men's Schola/ Ladies' Schola)
Responsory - Eripe me, Domine (versicles in alternatim)
Veneration of the Cross
Reproaches - Popule Meus - Victoria
Crucem Tuam mode 4
Crux Fidelis mode 1
Miserere - Allegri
Crucifixus a 8 - Lotti
Caligaverunt Oculi Mei - Victoria
Sequence - Stabat Mater mode 2 (We had a lot of people!)
(silence) Psalm: Respond & Acclaim Collection: What Wondrous Love Veneration of the Cross: Reproaches Psalm 51- Miserere (4-part chanted setting by Perosi, alternating with chant) Were You There Communion: Pater, Si Non Sing My Tongue (Picardy) (silence)
Good Friday - Commemoration of the Lord's Passion and Death 7 PM - Sacred Heart Church, West Warwick, Rhode Island
Father, I put my life in your hands / Alstott Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ / Alstott Adoramus Te, Christe / Dubois Parce, Domine / Rossini Jesu, Salvator noster / Rossini O sacred Head / "Passion Chorale" Tantum Ergo / Rossini Ave Verum / L. Perosi Panis Angelicus / Lambillotte Abide with me / "Eventide"
(Veneration and Communion music will be as time permits.)
Responsorial Psalm: plainsong, mode II Gospel Acclamation: plainsong, mode II Veneration of the Cross: Antiphon & Verse: Crucem tuam, Roman Missal; Psalm 66(67):2 (Esguerra) Reproaches (plainsong) Hymn: Crux fidelis (plainsong, mode I) Communion: Psalm 21(22) (plainsong, mode II) Psalm 130: I Place All My Trust (GC 128/RS 175) “Christus factus est...mortem autem crucis” Philippians 2: 8–9 (Anerio) Hymn after Communion: O Sacred Head Surrounded (GC 415/RS 569)
Psalm: Oost-Zinner
GA: "Praise to you . . . " (chant)
Passion chanted w/Byrd choruses (ATB)
Veneration: Reproaches (Victoria (English) and chant verses (English)
Communion: O Sacred Head, O Come and Mourn (SSA trio--Marier/Morber), Tenebrae Factae Sunt (Ingegneri)
(All unaccompanied; the organ is silenced after the Gloria on Holy Thursday. At the sound of a "clacker" from the sacristy, the ministers enter, all kneel and the priest and deacon prostrate themselves at the foot of the altar.)
Responsorial Psalm: R & A Gospel Acclamation: (From "People's Mass" by Vermulst)
At Veneration of the Cross: "Crucem tuam . . ." (antiphon and psalm verse appointed for the beginning of the Reproaches in the Gregorian Missal; sung by a single cantor. The people are not invited to venerate at this time; only the priest, deacon and altar boys venerate. The Faithful venerate at the conclusion of the service. I'm not sure why it's done this way, and you'll understand if I say it's not the ditch I care to die in.)
(Preparation of the altar and procession of the Blessed Sacrament from the Altar of Repose is in silence).
As a part of the concluding rites, the Polish tradition of reading together Psalm 116, followed by a prayer and the singing of Płaczcie Anieli at the tomb is observed. All are asked to come forward to venerate the Cross and depart in silence.
During the Veneration of the Cross the following hymns were sung: O Sacred Head, Surrounded; W krzyżu cierpienie
I should point out that the Triduum at Our Lady of Mount Carmel is perhaps the most intense celebration I've experienced in a post-conciliar parish church. For Good Friday the altar table at communion is set with a crucifix and two candles ad orientem (the only time this is done for the whole year. It suggests to me that ad orientem would be welcomed if introduced as a regular arrangement, if not the Benedictine arrangement versus populum). The service is well-done and simple; it lacks the "drama" that many progressive parishes attempt to infuse into the rites, and yet it remains intense and reverent. There are certain problems and weaknesses with the music (inherited from previous music directors), but the Pastor and people are very open to change and progress as long as it is slow, and respects the sensibilities of the people. I hope that next year we will be able to sing the entirety of the Reproaches and restore the veneration of the Cross for all to its proper place. Brick by brick.
Good Friday, April 22, 2011 St David of Wales Church, Richmond CA
Silent Entrance Grad. ps. 22 Father, into your hands (Guil) Gospel accl. (after orbis factor) The Passion according to St. John (turbae by Victoria as arr. by Bud Clark) chanted intercessions Behold the Wood of the Cross (new- we'd gotten used to doing a Kiswahili version) Crucem tuam & Improperia (solo, from American Gradual) process. from altar of repose: When I Survey ROCKINGHAM (a short silence covered this instead) Distribution hymns: O Sacred Head & Were you there (organ silent after first intro; the congregation only really took courage on the second of these) Announcements, before the Silent Departure
about 74' altogether
Charles, did you do alright juggling, or have you a pasted edition of the Reproaches?
Psalm/Gospel Acclamation: Respond & Acclaim Veneration of the Cross: Behold the Wood Communion: Sing, My Tongue
We had organ accompaniment (very quiet). We were going to do everything a cappela and even practiced for it but then the pastor changed his mind.
And that was it. Having most everything in silence was pretty nice. I wish we could do more Latin and stray outside the hymnal more, but it's limited either by the pastor, by lack of singers, and lack of the time to practice.
Good Friday : 3pm : Our Lady of the Mountains : Jackson, Wyoming
Entrance (silence) Resp: WLP with adjusted pointing to fit correctly to the text Gosp Acc: Antiphon by Aristotle with verse by Koerber Veneration: Reproaches (English) ------------- He Was Despised (solo with organ) premiere, composed 1973 ------------- Crux Fidelis (Latin) ------------- Jesus, Remember Me (1 minute) Communion: What Wondrous Love (arr. Koerber, premiere) ------------- Glory Be To Jesus (a cappella choir only, aka 1940 Hymnal)
Richard (EFT?) You are one sharp pencil. It was, forgive me, too obvious that the CPDL Victoria and Bruce's TAG settings shared three flats. So, I made the call to interpolate "Poplule meus" of Victoria at two prominent junctures rather than burden the polyphony upon the liturgical moment. Mea culpa. But, it timed out perfectly. With Aristotle's CRUCEM TUAM, the Veneration was "properly" completed at the last of the procession of the faithful, including the choir. We had Handel's IS IT NOTHING UNTO YOU as a third, if needed, piece. That wasn't needed at Veneration, but it was needed at Communion.
PS What's really weird? In the days of my former RIP pastor, he insisted upon the whole Concordia "Victoria" Passion on GF twice! Mid-day and evening. Now, I can't even propose the cantillation. C'est la vie.
That's not for me to say, but I do wear a pencil in place of St David's leek behind an ear, which avoids any confusion with EFT. I was curious because a polyphonic burden is very much in my three year plan. Now I might consider working it in bit by bit myself! I'm not familiar with the Handel, though.
Hi, everyone, good to see the list of all the wonderful music here.
Thanks to Aristotle's post, our schola sang Reproaches for the fist time. It was beautiful.
Question: At the parish we sang yesterday (we are a mult- parish schola), we sang an antiphone during the Passion reading (3 readers). The music is arranged by a former music director, and the congregation sings 4 times with a cantor at different times during the reading. (I think they have been doing this for a while.) The text is from Adoramus te Christe in English (We adore you, Jesus Christ, and we bless your Holy Name. By your Holy Cross and Passion , you have redeemed the world.) I have to admit that it is quite effective, but is it allowed to do so?
Passion traditional chant + choral turba (Victoria)
Veneration of the Cross Reproaches/Popule Meus (Victoria)
Procession of Sacrament from Altar of Repose Vexilla Regis + Pange lingua (in English, congregational)
Distribution of the Sacrament Crux fidelis (attr. King Joao IV of Portugal) O sorrow deep (hymn) Miserere - Allegri Crucifixus a 8 - Lotti Caligaverunt Oculi Mei - Victoria Sequence - Stabat Mater mode 2 (We had a lot of people!)
Jerónimos, Lisbon, Portugal Psalm: Pai nas Vossas mãos, Manuel Luís (= In manus tuas Pater, in Portuguese) Before the Gospel: Christus factus est pro nobis, Graduale Romanum Adoration: Ecce lignum crucis, Graduale Romanum Adoration: Popule meus, Tomas Luis de Victoria (verses from the Graduale Romanum, of course) Communion: Psalm 21 (in a Gregorian tone, but sung in Portuguese)
The music was horrible down here. We had Bob Hurd's version of the responsorial psalm which wound up being severely chopped up. Then, we heard the insipid "Mary Did You Know" during the collection. The Stabat Mater was sung, but, it was cut off after three verses and then the choir launched into some dreadful pieces from the OCP arsenal. Since the songs were not posted, it was hard to tell what was what.
Last year, we, were also subjected to Mary Did You Know.
Responsorial Psalm - Sayles/Gertken, adapt. - from Living Liturgy Missalet, Liturgical Press
Gospel Acclamation - from Garnier Alleluias site
Collection for the Holy Land - hymn “O Sacred Head Surrounded” - choir in 4 part harmony
Veneration of the Cross - Improperia from Anglican Use Gradual, with additional verses from Gregorian Missal (there were a lot of people there)
Communion - Crux fidelis (Anglican Use Gradual) - choir sang refrain, cantor sang verses
I feel really bad for benedictgal. Mass for her is a weekly ordeal, the thing that makes her madder than anything else in her life. This is upsidedown. It should not be this way. God does not permit torture like this without also providing some way out, some means of salvation. She just has to find what it is.
An echo to that sentiment, JT and BG, from the Left Coast. "Mary, did you know?" for Good Friday is outrage, and all else that BMP probably chose wisely not to publish into the ether. Were I Simon Zealot, I'd likely recommend we all become very active penpals with her pastor. But, as is said, that might just be analogous in more ways than one to trying to teaching a pig to sing. But maybe there's someone among us who has the novel, ingenius key to subliminally remove the cataracts from the pastor and musician's eyes in BG's parish. So I pray.
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