Ambrosian Kyrie, Sanctus, Agnus?
  • Jeffrey TuckerJeffrey Tucker
    Posts: 3,597
    Most of us know about the Ambrosian Gloria as it appears in the Graduale and Liber U. Is there a source for a melodically similar Kyrie, Sanctus, and Agnus?
  • helena
    Posts: 5
    Source of Ambrosian chant:
    -> Spartiti
  • Jeffrey TuckerJeffrey Tucker
    Posts: 3,597
    Yes, I've look all over this page and find a Kyrie and Gloria but no distinctive Ambrosian Sanctus or Agnus. Not here, or here or here or here. I'm at a loss.
  • Jevoro
    Posts: 108
    ambrosian rite doesn't know any chant of Agnus. Agnus is particular to roman ritus.
  • Jevoro
    Posts: 108
    Besides that, i think that some ambrosian Kyrie and sanctus has ben published in Graduale simplex..., I'm not sure, i should verificate. Ambrosian graduale (Antiphonae missarum) in postconsiliar edition is available...
  • Jeffrey TuckerJeffrey Tucker
    Posts: 3,597
    Simplex! excellent. I'll have a look.
  • Jevoro
    Posts: 108
    I had a look, too...The sanctus you found page 29 of the Graduale simplex is the same indicated in Antiphonale missarum simplex juxta ritum s. eccl. mediolanensis (p. 32). The normal Antiphonale Missarum juxta ritum etc. presents another ornated sanctus page 597.
  • Jeffrey TuckerJeffrey Tucker
    Posts: 3,597
    Got it! treasure! thanks.
  • Josh
    Posts: 108
    The Ambrosian Mass does use a version of the Agnus Dei, but as part of the Proper at Masses for the dead (only), where it appears as a Transitorium (chant at Communion). Here it is, from page 594 of the Antiphonale Missarum (1935).

    The music and text could be adapted to the Roman Rite, by (1) changing the first two phrases dona eis requiem into miserere nobis (omitting the penultimate note), (2) changing dona eis requiem sempiternam into dona nobis pacem (omitting all but one of the notes for requiem sempiter-), and (3) entirely omitting the last phrase et locum… in gloria.

    However, this chant would be stark and unadorned in the extreme!