Chorister appreciation
  • GavinGavin
    Posts: 2,799
    This is driven by a personal loss, which those of you who are friends on facebook are aware of. Rather than posting on my personal life, I'll get straight to the point: TELL your choristers you appreciate them. SHOW them how much you enjoy working with them. NEVER neglect a chance to make sure they feel appreciated. Not only does it promote loyalty and increase quality, but you never know when you won't have the chance to say it again.
  • francis
    Posts: 10,882
    I hosted a dinner for all my musicians at my house. We served a full bar with hors devoures, fire in the fireplace, good jazz on the stereo, a slide show of them ran on the computer. My dear wife cooked up a huge pasta meal and fried chicken. Try it... They will sing to the Lord on your behalf forever and ever.
  • Wow, Gavin. That really strikes a chord. I'm sorry to hear, and will take note of your plea.

  • rollingrj
    Posts: 354
    You can never give a choir enough strokes (make sure they are desereved and not a form of flattery).