In search of Mozarabic mode Lamentations
  • Greetings all,

    My name is Philip Rhea. I am the schola director in a parish in Sanford, FL. I use the '61 Liber Usualis for chanting every Sunday. This year I am arranging Tenebrae to be sung for during Holy Week. I have been searching in vain for the Lamentations of Jeremiah in the Mozarabic mode. Could anyone point me in the right direction? I know that it's a little late and the Tridium is around the corner. Thanks for the help.
  • Hugh
    Posts: 199
    Dear Philip, here's a link to my site where I've done up a version for Holy Thursday.

    Scroll about 3/4 the way down and you'll see a link.

    We're doing them in a few hours here in Melbourne, Australia. They're incredibly beautiful

    Cheers & all the best for Holy Week/Easter.
  • That is very helpful. Thank you. Will you be adding the Fri. and Sat. Lamentations?

    I will knock my liber extra loud in your honor :)
  • Hugh
    Posts: 199
    Dear Philip,

    sadly, no - I'm not in possession of any : the source for the Holy Thursday Lamentations from which I constructed my version was a friend who was at the US FSSP seminary. And I suspect he would have passed on others to me from there had there been any, so I wouldn't be optimistic about finding more. Should I come across any more and no-one else has already done so, I'll post on this blog and my site.

    All the best for Holy Week & Easter.
  • Simon
    Posts: 161
    What a coincidence. I just made a photocopy of a publication from 1934 with these lamentations for Holy Week. The publication is called: Cantus Lamentationum pro ultimo Triduo Hebdomadae Majoris juxta Hispanos Codices. Apparently it's pretty rare. I sang three of the lamentations during our (Schola Cantorum Amsterdam) tenebrae matins and lauds for Maundy Thursday. My own copy was a photocopy of a poor photocopy and a bit difficult to read. Our choir director was recently given an original copy by an elderly protestant minister who had earlier promised to leave it to him in his will. He reconsidered this, however, and decided to give it to our choir director now. I've borrowed it from him to make an improved copy for myself for future use. The original publication is printed on rather poor quality paper and the next page shines through a bit. But it's very readable and anyone with the capability to do so can construct his own clearer version. It's also very small - smaller than A5. I've enlarged to A4 and made a pdf of the approx. 30 pages (incl. title page, etc). I can forward to anyone (via email attachment) who wants it. Contact me (Simon Paul) at .

    January 2016: Time to dump a copy (pdf - three parts) of this document on this thread. Interest is sporadic, but worth putting on line.
    Moz.Lamentations - part 1.pdf
    Moz.Lamentations - part 2.pdf
    Moz.Lamentations - part 3.pdf
  • Hugh
    Posts: 199
    Dear Simon - that's wonderful: thanks be to God ... and Musica Sacra!

    I'll be contacting you via email for the pdf version, and prepare an edition with St Meinrad fonts, if no-one else has. We've been singing them for years at our tenebrae on Holy Thursday in Melbourne, Australia, and I'd given up hope of finding the Friday and Saturday versions.

    Thanks, too, Philip for raising the issue.

    Blessings for Easter.