We are moving hosts as fast as we can, the entire site plus the forum, the whole thing. Lots to move, but essential because the current host is not supporting software we need for development. Following the move, we will be undertaking a huge redesign of the site itself - but probably this forum, which is not brilliant but extremely serviceable, will remain as is.
Anyway, I think we can safely assume that we are going to be dealing with some odd behavior for the next 48 hrs or so.
Ok, so here is the story. In the next 24 hours, at some point, you won't see this note anymore because the new host will display the new site and 24 hours of use of this forum will evaporate. Sorry!
But then: sadly, everythign will look EXACTLY the same as it does now! not terribly exciting. Except that at that point, we'll be in a position to develop (break more things).
Jeffrey: "But then: sadly, everythign will look EXACTLY"
If I understand your post ... (1) you have taken a snapshot of the forum up to a certain timestamp (2) you load that snapshot into the new host (3) you point the world to the new host, and we notice some missing stuff (4) you take everything newer than the certain timestamp and load it into the new host, and the missing stuff appears
Just wanting to be clear ... is "(4)" going to happen (choose one: yes, no).
No, we are going to start a New Pentecost. ha ha, not really.
ok so the latest thing is that the gods of the domain handling DNS remixing yada yada have said that we will not be released from captivity from the status quo for up to 5 to 7 days or some such. We'll update the DB so no worry about losing stuff.The new thing will be a glorious thing however. The new design will be everywhere and wonderful. Forum, however, will be just as it is now. Everyone kinda likes it.
I think everybody will enjoy the change. Navigation is much cleaner and easier. The "Forums" pages are fine as there are. However, when I go from the home page to anywhere else on the site, a new window opens.
Jeff T: "DNS ever populates! Why hasn't it happened yet?"
Two reasons ... globally, the DNS Time To Live (TTL) setting might need to be lowered to force re-propagation sooner (at least temporarily). personally, some browser setting might need to be changed to get a refresh, or clear your cache.
Things are starting to stabilize with a wonderful development environment. It is a lovely thing to use. Thanks for the patience everyone! We are getting there!
By the way, does the forum seem much slower to anyone else? My office internet connection isn't the greatest, but it was fairly quick with the old one... Just askin'...
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