Cathedral of Christ the King, Lexington KY
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,703
    Director of Life Teen Band. Cathedral of Christ the King, 299 Colony Boulevard., Lexington, KY 40502. Phone: (859) 335-3693; e-mail:; website: The Cathedral of Christ the King is seeking a dynamic part-time (10-15 hours weekly) director for its Life Teen music ministry. The person in this position will lead the praise and worship band for the Life Teen Mass at 5:00 PM Sunday evenings. This includes working with the pastoral team, the youth ministry team and band members in planning the Mass and leading the congregation in traditional and contemporary praise and worship music. Applicants must be Catholics in good standing with the Church. Submit a cover letter and current résumé, preferably by e-mail, to Robert Whitaker, Director of Music. Deadline: April 30, 2010. HLP-7421. (Posted 03/19/10)
  • don roy
    Posts: 306
    i can certainly tell you that the director and associate director of music there have done an incredable job of turning around what was a most unfortunate situation. they are fantastic people as well so working with them would be great. The cathedral is quite lovely. Lexington is a WONDERFUL place to live but the diocese until reciently had major problems. the latin mass (at St. Peters) is doing rather well.
    I would hightly recommend anyone with an appreciation of doing lifeteen material well, to apply.
  • rogue63
    Posts: 410
    A major conversion experience for me happened at that very cathedral. I had been hired as a timpanist (along with an orchestra) for the weekend Masses on the Feast of Christ the King in November of 2001. It was probably my first time inside a Catholic church. I had always regarded Catholics and their popish ways with a hostile suspicion (but of course I was willing to work for money!) I watched these Catholics as they walked in and did this strange ritual of kneeling and crossing themselves. Then during the consecration, (celebrant: Bishop Kendrick Williams) a nearly miraculous thing happened. As the bishop said, "...this is my body which will be given up for you,"he elevated the Host, and it was as though a voice spoke to me and said: "This could really be true! There might be some truth to this strange Catholic belief about 'Real Presence'." I was received into the Church on Easter 2003. Deo gratias! Anyway, I won't be applying for this job, but the posting reminded me. De
  • OlbashOlbash
    Posts: 314
    What an inspiring message, Rogue!