Did I mention that I'm happier now than I've been in 15 years?
  • David AndrewDavid Andrew
    Posts: 1,206
    I've been holding forth at a semi-suburban (or first-ring urban) parish in the Downriver Detroit area since July 1 of 2009.

    It is an ethnic parish that has served the Polish community since its founding, but is nevertheless also a haven for serious-minded Catholics who wish to attend no-nonsense Masses and associate with other Catholics who wish to uphold and adhere to the Teachings of the Church, unflinchingly.

    The EF is celebrated at the Saturday 8 AM Mass the second Saturday of every month, and there has been talk of mounting a Missa Cantata.

    I approached the pastor today and asked if he would foot the bill to hire an octet to mount a Solemn Choral Vespers with Benediction (according to reform adaptations) as well as serve as a schola for a Missa Cantata in the EF. He not only approved, but wants these to happen on Sundays in May in the timeslot set aside for a 5 PM "last chance" Mass that is suspended from Palm Sunday until Nov. 1.

    So, we're going forward with both of these.

    These are both opportunities that I never in a MONTH of Sundays would have been able to mount at my former typical suburban "Catholic-light" parish, not without extreme resistance and roadblocks.

    I am thankful, so very thankful, to be where I am!!!
  • Congratulations! A TE DEUM is in order!?
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,997
    I remember your unhappiness from your postings some time ago. I am so glad you are now in a place that's better for you.
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,519
    Sweet news! Congratulations!!
  • David AndrewDavid Andrew
    Posts: 1,206

    It is an untold blessing to wake up on days that I will be needed at the church for a Mass or whatnot, and not have an immediate sense of dread and a knot in my stomach for fear of what controversy I may face, not knowing who may have made a calumnous remark to the pastor about me, agitated for my dismissal; not having to face someone who wishes to quarrel with me over a decision I'd made or who seeks to undermine a project I'd been working on.

    Quite the contrary, I've been welcomed, encouraged and lavishly praised since the day I've arrived in my new position.

    And as I often go back to the website of my former parish and scan the bulletins posted online, I find that my departure couldn't have been better-timed. I've since seen the parish slip further into heterodoxy (if not heresy) while an unfortunately ill-prepared (and probably overwhelmed) first-time pastor by his lack of decisiveness permits it to happen. They've changed their webpage and bulletin banners to read, "We Are All Saints." And yes, I'm quite sure it's not merely a declarative statement announcing their patronal identification. There are folk on the staff who literally believe that everyone there is a saint. (You won't hear preaching on purgatory or the Four Last Things, let me tell you!) It's all very tolerant and PC of them, don't you think?

    They also recently claimed in the bulletin that the movie "Avatar" was a excellent and highly-recommended source for examples of "sound Catholic social teaching." And right now they're carrying on about the greatness of Oscar Romero, including pointing folks to the notorious "USCatholic-dot-org" website as a source for information about him. Never mind that USCatholic is also leading the charge for resisting and rejecting the forthcoming changes to the Missal.

    So yes, my blessings compound daily, a full measure, shaken down and overflowing!