psalm for St Joseph
  • Greetings,

    Does anyone have a cantor/organ setting of the responsorial psalm for St Joseph? "The son of David will live for ever"

    Many thanks in advance.
  • Wow, no one has ever done this?
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,521
    I did.

    I found the same Psalm in Respond and Acclaim (sorry, Jeff O), changed the refrain, and I think I had to write in one verse as well.

    I saved a copy "somewhere" but haven't been able to find it. What I'm going to do is download the Psalm from the USCCB "readings" page and point it for the Meinrad tones.
  • Thanks. I didn't realize the Samuel verses were in there. Let me try that.
  • Fr. Jeffrey Keyes, CPPS did a lovely setting in Tone 2. Our Children's Choir will lead it at Friday's 9:00 AM Mass.