Pastoral Assistant for Music and Liturgy, St. Brendan Parish, Bothell, Washington (near Seattle)
    St. Brendan Catholic Church, a parish of 1,800 families, seeks a qualified full-time Pastoral Assistant for Music and Liturgy. Together with the pastor and pastoral staff, this position provides leadership and direction in the planning and implementation of all liturgical music and liturgies for the parish according to the norms and rites of the Church. The successful candidate needs to be able to plan reverent, participative and hospitable liturgies, and be able to work well in a collaborative, multi-cultural environment while empowering others in ministry.
    Highly desired qualifications are: education or commensurate experience in liturgy in the Catholic Church; experience in preparing liturgies for both English-speaking and Spanish-speaking communities; and experience coordinating or leading choirs. Desired qualifications include instrumental and vocal skills, competency in ensemble/choir direction, bi-lingual for Spanish and English. The successful candidate must be a practicing, fully initiated Catholic. Salary includes full Archdiocesan benefits and is commensurate with experience and education. Send résumé and letter requesting application form to: Search Committee, St. Brendan Catholic Church, 10051 NE 195th St., Bothell, WA 98011. Position is open until filled.
    Pastor's website:
    parish website:
  • Cantate
    Posts: 33
    Anyone know anything about this parish? I've seen the position open for some time.

    And does anyone know what the "Archdiocesan Scale" in the Archdiocese of Seattle is?
  • David AndrewDavid Andrew
    Posts: 1,206
    My advice is to go to the website and look around. The music selections for the "8:00 Choir" are very interesting. During Ordinary time it's all OCP fare (Walker, Alonzo, Hurd, Taize, etc. . . ) When you get to Lent, the Ordinary is in Latin chant. On Palm Sunday and the Easter Vigil, it's back to the OCP stuff.

    Look at their bulletins, and the homilies are available to listen to (links to these are on the right sidebar).

    I imagine that you can contact the Archdiocese HR department to find out what their "scale" is.
  • ref_scottref_scott
    Posts: 90
    I am from the Archdiocese and it is definitely getting much better. I have never been to this particular parish, so I won't comment on its liturgical environment. I would say that there are many good, reverent, liturgically sound parishes in the Archdiocese, but they are spread: St. Thomas Aquinas, Camas; Star of the Sea, Bremerton; Holy Redeemer, Vancouver. The Archbishop is in the process of resignation and will be replaced in the upcoming months.
  • PaixGioiaAmorPaixGioiaAmor
    Posts: 1,473
    Of course there is always St. James Cathedral, which is, regardless of your opinions of the pastor's theology or positions, is a bastian of great, sacred music.
  • jmayans
    Posts: 1
    I am from this parish for this job posting. We have a very good, orthodox, young pastor who is part of a regular show on local Catholic radio. He has personally said to me how he doesn't like much of what's in the OCP hymnals -- commenting that songs like "Sing a New Church" are heretical. Masses are reverent, and by the book, but the music is generally typical OCP fare. I think the pastor is at least open to a more traditional approach to music in the liturgy but it isn't something he is able to spend his own time to make happen. He himself has a degree in vocal music education, and has a great voice. Outside of the liturgy, he does like to sing Praise & Worship type music.

    I sing in the 10 am SATB choir and occasionally am able to cantor chant at Mass. We used to have a small, fledgling chant group wtih the old Dir. of Liturgy, but could use someone to help start this up again. We have a wonderful organ that we do actually use.

    If someone is interested in learning more about the parish, you can contact me directly if you wish. jason[at]
  • Cantate
    Posts: 33
    Jason...I emailed you about this position a week or so ago. I'm interested, but commuting would be required for me. Could you drop me a line?
  • Cantate
    Posts: 33
    I applied some weeks ago...Sent a personal email to the pastor as well...never received any communication back. Are they taking their time on this one or should I take the lack of a response as a rejection?
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,703
    I haven't heard anything either, just FYI.
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