Colloquium XIX CD now available for purchase !
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592

    CLICK HERE to purchase the COLLOQUIUM XIX CD today !!!

    Corpus Christi Watershed is selling Colloquium XIX CD's for $15 each.

  • June Ely
    Posts: 46

    Would it be possible to purchase a number of the Colloquium CD's for re-sale? I am looking for ways to raise money for members of our parish to attend the Colloquium, and our Mission has a popular gift store. I was thinking of approaching the manager about selling the cd's, as they are already selling tee-shirts as a fund raiser for us, but I wanted to clear it here first. We have many tourists coming through, and our schola has been asked many times if we have a cd - it would be great to have the Colloquium cd available for them.

  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    Hello, June.

    I think what you're talking about is buying in bulk from a retailer: is that correct?

    I would have to check, but it certainly seems possible.
  • June Ely
    Posts: 46
    Hello Jeff~

    Yes, I would possibly want to purchase a few copies for our gift store to sell.
