Hour-long CMAA Colloquium XIX Documentary by CCWatershed is now ONLINE !!
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
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    Corpus Christi Watershed has produced a documentary on the Sacred Music Colloquium.

    In preparation for the release of the DVD, the entire video has been put online.


    Corpus Christi Watershed has also received positive & very encouraging news concerning other broadcast avenues for this documentary (including exciting collaborations with television networks).

    We will keep you posted of any details.

    CMAA VIDEO DVD TRAILER [Corpus Christi Watershed]

    Many on this forum are already aware of the work that Corpus Christi Watershed has begun with Liturgical Projects over the past two years.

  • Wow, this is so gratifying and thrilling. thank you to everyone who worked so hard on this. It was a long wait but wow so so so worth it.
  • Dan F.Dan F.
    Posts: 205
    A wonderful testimony to the work of all those who put this Colloquium together. And a compelling argument for truly sacred music in the liturgy. A million thanks!
  • Thank you Jeff Ostrowski, beyond all measure.
    Pivotal, paradigmatic (Scott's always so elegant!) and humbling.
  • I wept.
  • Simply and perfectly wonderful presentation! I guess I have been spoiled and blessed all my life since I grew up in such churches and choirs with this kind of music as the "norm." Over the past thirty years when I would visit other Catholic churches and witness their music programs, I would be so incredibly depressed; thinking to myself, "if only they knew and realized, if only they could experience it as I have." Since I am a strong believer in education (especially of children and clergy), it is through presentations such as this where my heart and soul finds tremendous encouragement for the future. I wish every pastor, bishop and music director in this country could see a copy of this. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!
  • So beautiful, so exciting! A special thank you to Jeff for his dedication and hard work on this project :)
  • Well, Ken, I can tell you that the pastors of Visalia, and every musician, director and chorister, every priest in our parishes here will have this video in their "inboxes" tomorrow morning. And hopefully we will see more of our Fresno celebrants and musicians realizing this is the direction the barque is now headed, and irrecovably so. (The diocesan convocation meets in Fresno this week- it is sad that I couldn't crash the confab and powerpoint present this in a plenum session to all there.) And I will do what I personally can to get this video into the hands of our bishop and beg his attention and interest in what we are doing.
    I am proud that Wendy (shown above to the immediate left of MaryAnn Carr) represented and characterized, among all those of my friends shown and heard, the grace of God that washed over and through her very soul and and those of the other colloquium novitiates that we all feel. And the adroit comparison as it being "Woodstock for chant" is catchy, but I'll stick with the older notion that it truly is six days of heaven on earth.
    Bravissimo again to CCWatershed, CMAA, Dr. Mahrt, my bud Fr. Keyes, MA (cantrix non-pariel) and especially Jeff T, Scott and AOZ.
    We weren't sure because of medical issues that we could do Dusquene; after watching we realize (as I sent to AOZ) we cannot affort NOT to be there this June.
    May God bless CMAA in aeternum.
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592

    Thank you so much for your support of SACRED BEAUTIFUL & UNIVERSAL !!!

    Here are some things you can do if you want to help:

    1. Share the link http://musicfortheliturgy.org/cmaa with everyone you know: especially NON-musicians. Arlene Oost-Zinner, myself, and others have noticed TREMENDOUS response from non-musicians who watch this production (which made us very, very happy).

    2. Consider purchasing the audio CD's (from the link above).

    3. When the DVD is released, consider purchasing the DVD and showing your parish and friends.

    4. Pray that the will of God be done with regard to Sacred Music.

    As the director and video editor of this film, I would especially be touched if you could mention (on this thread) some of the parts that you really liked. (Did you all notice the bumble bee? Did you all realize that H. Buchholz is literally composing the ending piece on the spot? etc. etc.)

    Btw, the hardest part of making the video was deciding what NOT to put in, since we had so much footage. But time was extremely limited.
  • don roy
    Posts: 306
    i just saw the preview and , while i expected nothing less, i was blown away. believe me, every catholic musician should have a copy of the dvd. what a great way to get dialogue happening concerning the reform of the reform. you have given us in the trenches one great tool for evangelization!!!
  • Jeff, is there any way that much of what Dr. Marht has said in past audio lectures can be integrated into a CD and or DVD? I am thinking that such a DVD with all those wonderful comments and explanation about what is sacred and what is profane and the why we do's and why we shouldn'ts would be an enormously help tool to give to pastor, other clergy, seminarians, parish councils, committees, etc. Sort of a compendium of Dr. Marht's lectures and any lectures by others plus perhaps someone reciting key phrases from the Church's documents on sacred music. The reason why I suggest this is that often many busy people don't have the time to sit down and read in a concentrated manner. However, aurally many people might be more receptive and pick up on key phrases that would "lodge" in a persons thoughts like a tune that wont get out of a person head. Busy people could play CD in their car and perhaps if they like what they hear there, then graduate to the DVD. The DVD could present great images while playing Dr. Marht's words in the background. Comments made by other's within the CMAA could also be hosted!
  • gregpgregp
    Posts: 632
    I saw the bee; thought it was a hummingbird. So that wasn't CCW's massive CGI department?

    I watched the opening several times; it was so beautiful.

    Something else that really happened to hit home: Fr Keyes' statement that "we're not called to be successful; we're called to be faithful".
  • I just marvel at the pacing of this movie. A full hour and never boring. It builds and builds - with changing topics in a way that you barely notice. Just seamless.
  • Carl DCarl D
    Posts: 992
    Ken, be aware that I captured some lecture recordings, scattered through the page chant.dierschow.com/Colloquium/.

    Share these freely!

  • Oh, and thank you for featuring Kevin Allen's 'Tantum Ergo', of all of the pieces of music I sang at the Colloquium that was by far my favorite. For me that one piece sums up my experience of the Colloquium - ethereal.
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    don roy: wondeful ! please let us know your thoughts after you watch the hour-long special

    gregp: yes, it was a real Bumble Bee !! My wife has officially named it "Mr. Bumble"

    June Ely: YES !!!!

    Ken: I am assuming you saw THIS?
  • Our schola sang KA's "Tantum ergo" in October; they fell in love with it at first rehearsal.
    I have to cast my vote for the Brudieu Missa Defunctorum under Wilco. Then again, I would be as biased as blessed in doing that. '-)
  • Charles: May I pull that quote from you for KA's website? I'd want to include your real name (which I know) and church (which I don't)?
  • Carl - Yes, I am aware of your wonderful efforts and am very appreciative!

    Jeff - I wasn't aware of that one in particular, thank you! However, I still would love to see a wonderfully package CD / DVD with all the full lectures on Sacred Music given over the past years by several personages coupled with a nice vocal reading on these CDs / DVDs of all the Vatican's documentations regarding Sacred Music. Such CDs / DVDs would carry, I believe, more weight to pastors / clergy rather than coming from one of their employees. You and Watershed would be infinitely better at presenting such materials, considering your resources, rather than the average music director / organist / choir members etc.
  • Jeff O, the video was just awesome! My advance order is already in for the DVD.

    Arlene, I noticed at the end that Dr Varholy compared the Colloquium to Woodstock; does this mean that we can expect a "free concert" anytime soon? :-D
  • AOZ
    Posts: 369
    Hi Chris

    no free concert unless we do all the work. Gives me an idea - tie dyed colloquium tee shirts this year! well, maybe not. Still, gotta keep it fresh.

    Actually I was thinking that it will be interesting to see footage shot this year compared to what was shot at Loyola - The Church of the Epiphany is much more traditional. No lake, but gorgeous ball room and reception areas for us to wine and dine, and two Starbucks on campus. Urban chic.
  • don roy
    Posts: 306
    saw the whole thing and its wonderful. the beginning had me in tears. congrats on your (usual) fine work.
  • Aristotle, sure: Charles ..., The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish (St. Mary's) in Visalia, CA.
    AOZ, I was thinking "seersucker" for the guys this year, eh?
    Chris, your commentary was also eloquent, heartfelt and given your "clamator in deserta" status, a true testament to what a font Colloqium truly is for many; "sicut cervus" indeed.
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    Thanks for all the great comments.

    The sincere HOPE of Watershed is that everyone involved in the CMAA will send that link to people who might be interested in the Colloquium.

    In other words, hopefully this film, by SHOWING what goes on, will make even more people want to come to the Colloquium.
  • AOZ
    Posts: 369
    Chris - I, too, found your discussion of your own experience mirroring that of Moses very compelling. Its sincerity is humbling and breathtaking.

    And it was all woven together brilliantly in Jeff's editing.
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    What I like is that everyone is so CANDID.

    No one would ever accuse the interviews we include as being "staged" --- the people are so sincere. Which is AWESOME, considering how tired everyone was.

    Jeff Tucker, in particular, did a wonderful job in spite of extreme fatigue. It was Saturday night, and had been an extremely long week, and Jeff sat there with us for four hours doing interviews.
  • TERRIFIC work on the video! I watched and sent it to my parish priests last night.

    Having attended some of the early Colloquia in the mid 90s, I noticed the size and quality of the Colloquium keep growing, but the spirit is the same. The love of God and His Church, expressed through the liturgy and music. May it be ever so.

    I loved the scene of the small women's group singing by themselve--practicing?--in the outdoor portico. They seemed to want the music not to stop. Also the comparison of the Ambrosian Gloria melismas as a bird set free to fly. I'd like to try that one on my schola!
  • David, as I understand it, the young women were sight-singing from this collection of motets by Kevin Allen.
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592

    Thank you so much for doing what we hope MANY will do . . . namely: invite parish priests to watch this film.

    Many priests have already written us, requesting the DVD: we are working on the DVD --- it will be available before too long. If you want to help produce the DVD . . . please go buy the CD !
  • June Ely
    Posts: 46
    Is the price $15 or $20 for the cd?

    This page says $15

    This page says $20

    Thanks for any info!
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    For American orders:

    $15 for CD

    $20 for DVD (with special features)
  • Okay, JO, bought both, as you know.
    Now, can you inform us if you've had negotiations with EWTN for a broadcast date?